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Followers of Kord.   Although a formal church dedicated to Kord exists throughout Agnesia, it is widely divergent, unorganized, with little interaction or communication between one church and the next. There exists no controlling hierarchy or “father church” for Kord’s clergy. Each temple is independent, operated by one or more priests, and a number of acolytes. Not surprisingly, no two Kord temples are the same; they offer different religious services, they observe different rituals, and they emphasize different aspects of Kord’s beliefs.


Kord has a number of temples as part of his religion, but most “true” ceremonies take place on the field of honor – a battlefield, site of an impending duel, or an athletic arena. Kord favors devotion in the outdoors most of all. As a rule, Kord temples are fairly small and nondescript, used only when foul weather or other circumstances demand.   Some temples to Kord hold a different philosophy, with a sprawling dwelling open to the air. Some feature gymnasiums, fields for athletic competition, and gladiator arenas. They provide training for nearly every physical endeavor.

Mythology & Lore

Many people call upon Kord or pray to him. His name is often foremost on the lips of athletes, gladiators, and warriors of all kinds. They seek his favor, his blessings, and an opportunity to earn some glory. They also offer thanks to the God of Strength for their successes and natural talents.   At the same time, many people pray to Kord in hopes of appeasing the God of Storms. Sailors, pilgrims, merchants, farmers, and adventurers all ask for protection from storms. They seek to appease the god’s turbulent anger; when Kord rages, the skies seethe with thunder, lightning, and powerful winds. Much like the storm, once it ends, Kord’s temper disappears with shocking suddenness, and all is right once more.

Tenets of Faith

Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction. Strength (and other forms of athletic prowess) is considered an indicator of worth in Kord’s eyes. He encourages his followers to pursue physical perfection in one or more forms, whether involving warfare or athleticism. Kord teaches the value of building strength and vitality at all life stages. At the same time, strength is a gift that should be used for honorable purposes. Just because you are strong or powerful does not give you any rights or privileges. If you waste your strength on pointless violence, needless cruelty, or dishonorable ways, you have squandered the gift and are unworthy. Kord has no problem with violence or conflict; these concepts stand at the foundation of his beliefs. Kord does, however, refute the use of violence for its own sake, or using it against those of lesser talent and skill. Besting a weakling or beating a helpless victim is unworthy of true competitors.   Be brave and scorn cowardice in any form. Defeat, although unpleasant, teaches many lessons – perhaps more than victory teaches. How you face defeat is more important than how you face success. If you surrender, flee, or give up in the face of obstacles, you have failed far worse than simple defeat. In Kord’s eyes, courage is another kind of strength, a form of strength worthy of recognition and respect. Cowardice, regardless of its form, deserves nothing but scorn.   Prove your might in battle to win glory and renown. Although the term “battle” often refers to actual combat, it also refers to any form of competition – a sporting event, surviving in the wilderness, or even raising a crop. A challenge (a physical challenge, that is) represents the purest way to demonstrate your abilities and skill. You should seek out physical challenges and take every opportunity to prove yourself. Once you find success, take joy in it and allow others to take note, so that they may follow your good example.


Competition is a fact of life in nature and amongst all living creatures. In nature, animals compete to survive. When resources become scarce, individuals must compete to meet their needs and fulfill their goals. With any clash, there must be a winner and a loser. Kord cares nothing for the loser; such an individual’s only hope of reclaiming his honor is to offer up another challenge and this time score victory.


Kord favors rhythmic chanting and clapping, the louder the better. Many of his chants feature syllables that exist strictly to maintain the rhythm, such as "Ah re, ah ree, Kord the Mighty…"   Kord's followers love any quest where they can prove their strength, especially if it involves direct competition with someone else. Winning in a gladiator arena, climbing an unassailable mountain, and slaying a great wyrm dragon are all pleasing to Kord.   Typical worshippers include Barbarians, Fighters, Rogues, Athletes, the swole.


Clerics:  Would-be clerics of Kord come into the faith one of two ways. Most succeed on some feat of strength (often at a local carnival or sporting competition), drawing the admiration of a cleric of Kord. Less often, a youth attains notoriety for his sickly nature, but a cleric of Kord notices how passionately the child craves strength. Either way, becoming a cleric of Kord involves rigorous physical training, including calisthenics, running, and practice in any number of specific sports.   The clerics of Kord’s faith are widely respected by common people. They often admire his clerics for their strength, athleticism, and competitive spirit. His clerics tend to be outgoing, enthusiastic, and personable. At the same time, clerics of other religions have little respect for Kord’s followers. They look at Kord’s clerics as pretenders or amateurs. In their view, Kord’s “religion” is nothing more than a collection of athletes and old warriors with no clerical training, no perceivable liturgical trappings, and no formal structure.   For their part, clerics of Kord care nothing for the opinions of other religions. If other priests wish to hurl insults, so be it. These clerics are often surprised, however, to learn that Kord clerics enjoy challenges and honor duels (usually to first blood). Many followers of Pelor or Bahamut have made the mistake of offending a Kord cleric, only to wind up unconscious with a bleeding nose, black eye, and fat lip. This is not to say Kord clerics attack every insolent fool, but they enjoy providing free object lessons to those in need of learning.   Priests of Kord are dedicated to keeping themselves fit and healthy. Just as important, they teach others how to fight, compete, and win. They spread Kord’s teachings regarding the value of athleticism, strength, and seeking glory. Many Kord clerics serve in the military, training soldiers, especially in the art of unarmed combat. Other priests spend their lives overseeing athletic competitions and contests, traveling from community to community.   Clerics of Kord are taught to avoid excess in all things, especially food and drink. Alcoholic spirits are forbidden except on holy days, as they interfere with one’s abilities. Kord’s clerics must devote a considerable portion of their time and efforts to their physical well-being, not to mention the well-being of their friends and associates.   Whenever possible, clerics of Kord must seek out ways to compete with other people and to prove their worth. With Kord’s followers, there is no such thing as resting on one’s laurels; competition is a constant, and all mortals must strive to prove their value each and every day. At times, this competitive spirit can make cooperation with a Kord priest difficult or downright impossible; his clerics have a reputation for being among the most stubborn and hardheaded of any faith.


Although Kord’s faith enjoys a measure of respect from people, there is a darker side to his religion and his worship. In Kord’s eyes, competition is the only true way to separate the wheat from the chaff, and competition can sometimes become brutal or harsh. Kord encourages the competitive spirit, but he also encourages the passions that can come with ambition. After all, if you cannot summon enough emotion for a contest, you don’t really deserve to win. The focus on competition extends to all avenues of life, not just sporting events or games.
Religious, Organised Religion

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