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The Scaled Tyrant

The lawful evil dragon goddess of greed, queen of evil dragons and, for a time, a reluctant servant of Asmodeus.   Tiamat is also the eternal rival of her brother Bahamut, ruler of the good metallic dragons.

Divine Domains

Chessenta, evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed, Evil, Greed, Law, Pride, Scalykind, Tyranny, Wrath

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her Symbol is a Dragon head with five claw marks.   Her favored weapon is the Dragonhead (heavy pick).

Tenets of Faith

To Tiamat, deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical, and therefore her rivals. She considered herself the only being powerful enough to defy these gods and overthrow their despotic rule. Her followers worked tirelessly toward her agenda of world domination. When Tiamat eventually assumes her throne as the only goddess of the Realms, her draconic children would serve her as dukes, or so her followers believed, and her clergy struggled to gain the position vassals when that move came.


Festival of Vengeance: Held on the first full moon after midsummer, the Dark Scaly Ones created this holiday to honor Tiamat.   Historically, the day was celebrated by general anarchy, rioting, and widespread mayhem incited by the clergy and the faithful. During that day, clerics of other gods tried to contain the looting and destruction, and prominent officials were aware of assassination attempts executed by Tiamat's worshipers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tiamat kept an active watch over evil dragonkind and always stirred them to further actions of avarice, pride, and wickedness.   Tiamat is power-hungry and is always looking to expand her influence, only stopping at world domination.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tiamat is a unique chromatic dragon, who had one head for each primary color of the most common species of chromatics (black, blue, green, red, white). Each head was able to operate entirely independently of each other and had the powers of a member of the respective race of dragonkind. Her body also had traits in common with a wyvern, including a long tail tipped with a poisonous stinger.   She also had three main avatars: The Dark Lady was a human female with long dark hair and completely black eyes. She always wore dark robes and frequently had a seductive smile on her face.   The Chromatic Dragon was a dragon with stubby legs and five heads that could be any combination of head belonging to a chromatic dragon, the skin of each merged into three stripes -- blue-green, gray and purple before they merged again into brown skin that covered her tail.   The Undying Queen was a dracolich version of The Chromatic Dragon.

Special abilities

As a unique type of chromatic dragon with the traits of the five most common chromatic varieties, Tiamat was a foe to be reckoned with in battle.   Along with all the standard powers and godly senses of a deity of her rank, those who saw her fight claimed that her heads were able to cooperate in battle, and that those heads had the ability to use the breath weapons and spell-like abilities common to their species. Although her sheer size prevented claw and kick attacks while on the ground, she was adept of its use while flying. She also had a stinger on her tail that injected a powerful venom on her foes, killing them in agonizing pain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For ages, sages debated whether if Tiamat actually was a deity or not. Many believed she was the archetype of evil dragonkind, a devil or demon, the avatar of another deity, or even a mortal dragon so powerful that chromatic dragons revered her as their queen and creator. Whatever she was, sages knew for certain that she was powerful and worshiped by evil dragons as a goddess.   The fact is that Tiamat was actually a goddess. She came into existence when the first dragons were born. Her origins were highly conflicting, however, as there were many accounts about how she came into being.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tiamat was arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful, and vain. She never forgave any kind of slight and was focused on obtaining more power and wealth. She disdained mortals, regarding them as mere disposable tools in her schemes. When needed, she was charming and fey, but her self-serving and reptilian personality betrayed her sooner or later.   After having experienced relative mortality as an archfiend, she became less reckless but also paranoid.   Tiamat enjoyed the company of male dragons and had many great wyrm consorts of the chromatic varieties.   She had insatiable greed for treasures but preferred that her followers brought it to her in the form of gifts instead of searching for riches on her own.


Contacts & Relations

A former servant of Asmodeus. She helped Asmodeus forge his Ruby Rod.   She maintained a male consort from each of the chromatic dragon races. She had children with each of them and they served her as mortal agents.

Family Ties

Tiamat was the antithesis of her brother Bahamut, as both of them represented opposing values, and this enmity was reflected in the attitude of each deity's worshipers as well.

Wealth & Financial state

Servants: Tiamat's first and foremost servants are the chromatic dragons. About 95% of them serve their goddess in some way. Those who prefer a different deity have a grim fate waiting for them: in the depths of her lair behind a pair of 100' adamantine doors Tiamat has a collection of the souls of those chromatics sworn to other deities, locked up for eternity. Tiamat has recently begun to create the Spawn of Tiamat in notable numbers, who are born from the eggs of dragons instead of the regular wyrmlings, or from two Spawn of the same kind mating. Dragons who sire the Spawn of Tiamat consider it a good omen and a sign of Tiamat's favor. These "Grimdark" spawn are divided into 5 groups:  
Blackspawn Strong Raiders
Bluespawn Unintelligent beasts of war
Greenspawn Small(ish) ambushers who work best in forest and swamp environments
Redspawn The Spawn's primary source of magic (fire magic of course)
Whitespawn Gather in large numbers and excel at fighting in cold environments and clan warfare
  Aside from the Chromatics and Spawn, Tiamat counts a notable number of humanoids amongst her servants, mainly Dragonborn and other part-dragons, such as spellscales, dragon-kin and half-dragons, and Humans. Most Kobolds worship individual dragons as gods, but the smarter ones who know about Tiamat might turn a tribe to her worship instead.   
The Queen of Chromatic Dragons demands reverence, homage, supplication, and tribute from her subjects. As a divine dragon, her hoard is believed to be worth trillions.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Archdevil
  • The Avaricious
  • Bane of Bahamut
  • Creator of Evil Dragonkind
  • The Chromatic Dragon
  • The Dragon Queen
  • The Dark Lady
  • Nemesis of the Gods
  • Queen of Chaos
  • Queen of Evil Dragonkind
  • The Undying Queen

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