The Vostok Vehicle in Shindara | World Anvil
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The Vostok

The Skyship built and maintained by Yuri

Power Generation

Elemental Energy Converter: The EEC is the power source for all of the The Vostok's arcane-powered systems. The converter acts as a battery storing primal magic, which it converts to various forms of elemental magic as, needed. The converter stores a maximum of 10 charges. As long as one charge remains the airship can continue powered flight. If the converter is ever reduced to zero charges, the airship descends in free-fall. The damage resulting from a critical hit to the airship is dealt directly to the EEC (240 hit points, hardness 20). If the EEC is ever destroyed, it temporarily retains charges; losing one charge every 3d4 rounds. The converter can be naturally recharged at a rate of 1 charge per day, but recharging requires the ship to remain stationary for the entire period. Any use of the railguns or force field also interrupts this process.


Arcane Engine: The arcane engine located at the stern of the airship is powered directly by the ECC. It is the ships sole source of forward propulsion. The ship cannot ascend or make any forward motion if the engine is destroyed (300 hit points, hardness 20). The ship can slowly descend at 10-feet per round with a destroyed engine.

Weapons & Armament

Mana Railgun Artillery, 4 light ballistae (port and starboard) with 200 silver-tipped ballista bolts

Armor and defense

adamantine ram and plated hull

Additional & auxiliary systems

Antimagic Forcefield: The antimagic forcefield can be triggered by the pilot as a standard action. Triggering the forcefield expends 1 charge from the EEC, and can only be triggered if the converter has more than one charge. The forcefield persists for 10 + 1d6 rounds. It generates a one-way, 30-feet thick barrier that functions as both an antimagic field (CL 20) and wall of force (CL 20) which forms a 200-feet wide sphere centered on the ECC. The forcefield only affects magic or objects moving into the barrier, and has no effect or resistance from within.
Owning Organization
Maximum Speed 500 ft. (50 ft. vertical) (arcane engines Acceleration 50 ft. (10 ft. vertical Maximum Altitude 20,000 ft.
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Cargo/Passengers 10 tons/50 passengers

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