
These shoes are the main identification of the ElvenShoeMafia in Thalor Alari, led by ElvenShoe MafiaBoss who also make the shoes.


These shoes are important for the ElvenShoeMafia since they are used to mark members as members to other members while not telling the rest of the world. There are different designs to indicate different functions inside the ElvenShoeMafia. Every part of the structure in the organization has their own embroidery style, all of them in the same general style to not make it easy for outsiders to decode the embroideries.

To make it even more intricate, the other shoes made by ElvenShoe MafiaBoss has a very similar design. The ElvenShoeMafia are trained in recognizing real ElvenMafiaShoes from ordinary pleb shoes, so it's all good.

Item type
Clothing / Accessory

The ElvenMafiaShoes are only used by the ElvenShoeMafia, so they're not all that common.

less than 500 grams each
(Less than 1 kg a pair)
Depends on size
Base Price
Free (for members)
Unavailable for ordinary plebs
Raw materials & Components

The soles are made from thick prime quality deer leather, shaped by hand to fit the foot it's made for. The rest of the shoe is made from softer deer leather, softened through a secret and long process for optimal wear comfort. The shoes are made in a way that prevent them from creaking when you walk. The embroideries are precisely made, not allowing more than half a millimeter deviation from the original design. The choice of colors are balanced and made after a design, as the colors are an important part of the symbolism that identify the different functions inside the mafia.


All shoemaking tools are needed to make these shoes. In addition, an embroidery needle powerful enough to pierce the leather.

Cover image: by Alexas_Fotos


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