Wartarak Feast

Every year, the fish called wartarak makes its yearly migration from their feeding grounds in the deep seas to Vutara Bay to breed. The inner timing of the wartarak is so precise that the date they swim past Cape Candavir only strays two days from the spring equinox.

The sirens see this as a good reason to celebrate, as the yearly wartarak migration gives them a tasty alternative to their ordinary cuisine.

A Feast

Ever noticed how there doesn't seem to be any sirens in the Bay just after the spring equinox? Wonder what that's all about.

— Human fisherman

The day the siren hunters bring back wartarak is a day of joy for the whole community. Everyone seems to drop everything they're doing to help arrange a great feast for the whole community. Only in the largest cities the feast is split into more than one group.

The day after the hunters return the preparations are usually done. It's time for the feast. During the whole day there is food available, most of which include wartarak in some form or another. People eat whenever they feel like through the day.

There's not only food - there's entertainment as well. Actors set up plays for the onlookers, and there are games and competitions, some of which have prizes for the winner.

The next day everyone is expected to help cleaning up after the feast. If someone for some reason decide to not help cleaning up, they'll be socially branded as the ones who didn't help the community during the feast, and won't likely be forgotten for a few years.

Cover image: by Alexas_Fotos


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