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Factions of God Complex

There are a number of different factions and groups found in the world of God Complex. Most of the Athanasians belong to one of the following Factions or Paths. By extension most other Supernatural beings align themselves with one of these groups.

The Grand Assembly

Most Athanasians belong to this group, which was formed to keep the existence of Immortals and other supernatural beings secret. Full members are forbidden to kill each other, and those who violate this rule can face severe punishment. Provisional members include other supernatural beings and trusted mortals who serve the Assembly. Many well-known mythological figures are members. They are patterned in Kingdoms and are structured around a feudal-like structure.

The Primals

The Primals or the Primal Path are a faction of Immortals who serve Gaia and believe in respecting the power of nature. Some are extremists who believe the destruction of civilization is necessary. Many indigenous Immortals of the Americas and Africa belong to this group, as well as Odin. The Primals keep to themselves so there is mystery around their order and even the membership of the Path.

The Path of Forbearance

A way of life for some Athanasians who swear to only use their abilities in dire circumstances, believing it makes them weaker to rely on them too much. Gideon the Templar is a well-known follower. This Path does not have a true structure, and there are members of this Path found in both the Grand Assembly and the Unbound or other groups.

The Unbound

A newer faction of Immortals who do not believe in the Grand Assembly and its mission. They permit culling, but established members avoid this against each other. They tend to target young Immortals without the protection of the Grand Assembly. Ironside and The Mayan are members of this group. They see themselves as idealists and have structured their organization much like the ancient Roman Republic.

The Children of Nyx

A cult of Athanasians who worship the goddess of Night and chaos and seek to cause discord and destruction. Janus is the most well-established of the Children of Nyx in the modern era, who openly rules Rome. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Apophis are believed to be members of this group. Some believe they were responsible for alerting religious authorities to the existence of Athanasians and starting the Immortal Inquisition. Little is known about the organization of this faction.

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