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God Complex History Overview

A General History of Important Events of God Complex



Though the reasons are unclear it appears that new Athanasians come into being in cycles called Generations. There is usually a gap of about four centuries between each Generation of Athansians. There is usually conflict between new Immortals and older ones, some end up perishing during this transition, and often the survivors band together into Pantheons for structure and security. Below is a bit of history and lore that deals with the development of Athanasian society and the impact certain events had on them as a whole.

Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Before

  The early civilizations centered around Mesopotamia and later Babylon where amongst the first situations that Athanasians established themselves. It is known that there were Athanasians before this point, potentially into the Stone Age and before recorded history. Not much lore has survived to the later recorded histories kept by Immortals. But it was widely-spread that few Immortals from these early ages lived long enough to share their histories and stories with later Athanasians. But the majority of the reports state that widespread slaying of Athanasians occurred which contributed to the downfall of these empires. None of these have survived to the modern era, but of course rumors persist that some have managed to survive the early violent eras. None have of course been substantiated and have remained the folktales shared by some Athanasians like mortals who share tales of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Folktale or not, the lessons remain mostly the same as conveyed to Immortals that would hear them, that widespread Culling was dangerous to both Athanasian as well as mortal societies, which is why order and temperance are needed.

Egypt, Greece, Norse Lands, and Rome

Some of the oldest living deities were some that thrived in ancient Egypt. Both Ra (later Amon-Ra when he Culled Amon) and Bast, later Artemis, were born in the Egypt Era. The rise of Greece centuries later brought conflict as some of the Egypt Gods sought a place among the court of Olympus with the younger gods. It did not go well intially. Amon-Ra, sought to curry favor with mortals had renamed himself Prometheus. Zeus, who positioned himself as the leader of the Olympian Pantheon sought to assert his dominance had Prometheus chained up as an example. He would later be forgiven and given a place in Olympus, and reinvented himself as Apollo. Zeus and Apollo would have a long and complicated history in the centuries that have passed. Olympus would later have contact with Asgard, another Pantheon that was established in Northern Europe. They had their own complicated history of merging two generations of Anthansians, the Aesir and the Vanir, into a single Asgardian Pantheon. A few Olympian Immortals would merge with their Norse kin but for the most part they would maintain their own realms. The rise of Rome and another generation of Immortals caused many of the Olympian Gods to move again. Troy and Rome would be looked back as a golden age for Anthasians for soon things would change.

Arthur’s Court and the Shroud

With the fall of Rome eventually Britain would become a major hub in the grand stage of history and legend. It is still an age of wonder and magic, and it became the height of human achievement regarding knowledge of the arcane and occult secrets. An Order of Knights found themselves between older Immortals and the ever expanding Church in Europe. Arthur the Apex of the Generation, rallied together Immortals in pursuit of good. He was advised by an older Immortal that would later be called Merlin. Merlin would take credit for many wonders accomplished by the human wizard Emrys Myriddon. In those days many Fey and other supernatural beings were growing at a massive scale and threatened human civilization. Emrys would gather many of the great spellcasters of that day and created the Shroud, a barrier that separated reality into the Mundane and the Arcane. The vast majority of magical beings were banished from the mundane world.

The Immortal Inquisition

This was an ongoing Inquisition against Athanasians primarily in Britain in the year 1304. There are many speculations around the events triggering the hunt on Immortals, but it is believed a traitor among the Athanasians was the cause of the hunt. Whatever the cause, the impact was felt throughout Athnasian society. Seventeen Immortals were slain during this period. The hunt against Athanasians were drummed up in later Inquisitions such as the later Spanish Inquisition that began in the 15th Century. With the erection of the Shroud centuries earlier and now the Inquisition, it forced Immortals to have a serious conversation about their future. In light of these things the Grand Assembly was formed to protect and help Athanasians adapt to an ever-changing world.

The Present

In the centuries since the Inquisition, Immortals have had to learn to adapt. Some of the younger (and few of the older) Athanasians balk at the restrictions imposed by the Grand Assembly, they are gods after all, they make the rules, not follow them. Favoring the term the Unbound, these Athanasians rebel against the status quo. The new world and modern era has presented new challenges and new opportunities. There is always anxiety surrounding the time a new generation of Immortals will emerge. This time is no different. But with new technology how will the fledgling Athanasians come into their own? The tension between new and old is always present, and some wonder how those from the past will respond to new ideas and views the new Immortals will hold. Long have most of the supernatural creatures fled the mundane world or are in deep hiding, but new threats are emerging. Immortals are going missing. Some are younger and foolish Athanasians. But Poisedan has been missing for a few years now, and Hercules hasn’t been since the World Wars. Is it the Unbound Immortals pushing against the Powers that be? Or is it something new?

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