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After the Shroud was enacted most of the mystical creatures were pulled from the mortal world that humans live in to realms beyond our globe. Many of the Supernatural beings that remained in the world had closer ties to mortals, and the blood of humanity was stronger in them. The Shroud has less of an effect on them. These creatures were Vampires and Therians. Half between the worlds of magic and mundane, some humans possessed aptitude towards magic, either through force of will, or through the gift of potent bloodlines. However other supernatural beings such as Fey sometimes find gaps in the Shroud and are able to return to the mortal realm.


Vampires are the most commonly encountered supernatural being encountered. They are humans that are afflicted with a curse or virus of feeding off the blood of mortals and being caught between the living and the dead. The origin of the vampire is shrouded in mystery, some believe it being the result of dark sorcery, or the mark of the biblical Caine, or the blood of demons infecting humans. Regardless of the cause, like a virus, Vampires have spread across the earth. Vampires have their own hierarchy and organization but they are often used by Athanasians as muscle and enforcers.   There are other Undead beings such as Mummies and Revnants, undead being raised with malovent magic into a physical form to enact revenge or a goal. There are Zombies and other basic undead beings that are usually mindless and controlled by a being puppeting them or left to their own base hungers for the living.


The term Therianthropy is not commonly known but the derivative Lycanthropy or Werewolves is the most well known variant. Therianthropes or Therians are beings that shift between a human and animal form as well as usually a hybrid between. Werewolves are the most represented Therians, but Were-Hyenas, Were-Jaguars, Were-Bears, Were-Boars, and even Were-Rats exist as well. Therians are generally known to keep to themselves, and though the curse can be transferred through a bite, there are many that are part of ancient bloodlines that are born into this heritage.


Creatures of magic, The Fey represent a vast collection of beings. From common pixies and elves, to notable beings from myths like satyrs and mermaids, to near monstrous beings like goblins and trolls, the Fey come in all shapes and sizes. They often consider themselves the stewards and protectors of the natural world. Their sense of morality and interactions can seem alien to mortals. One must be careful with dealing with the Fey. Even the seemingly benevolent Fey can be offended by mortals and inflict mischief at best or terrible curses upon humans that to not show the proper respect.


The stuff of nightmares and tales of elders to their communities, Demons are beings to avoid if at all possible. Called the Children of the Void, they are beings that are cold and filled with darkness. Many demons are bestial creatures of rage and violence but some have been known to be clever or manipulative and seek to make deals with mortals. They seek power and control whether through force or deception. The magic they possess is potent and they are sought by mortals, mages, and others for dark rituals, believing the price is worth the power that can be obtained.


Celestials are the opposite of Demons, beings of light and benevolence. In some myths they are called angels, and they can be that and much more. They rarely appear in the mortal plane physically, and more commonly enact their will through dreams or visions, and at times by choosing champions that act on their behalf. They are known to see things in absolute ways, black and white, good and evil, and have difficulties in determining nuance of situations. So on occasion, generally good-willed mortals have found themselves on the wrong side of a Celestial who perceive a certain compromise in a situation as being under the influence of evil.

Aberrations and Monstrosities

There are many supernatural creatures that in the most simple of terms are monsters. Created by gods, magic, or curses they often terrorize mortals. Examples of these are creatures like Minotaurs, Harpies, Hydras, and Manticores. They are usually massive in size and danger, so few have managed to find their way back into the mortal world where humans exist. But when they do appear they must be dealt with because they threaten the very fabric of the carefully constructed world that the other Supernatural beings seek to maintain.


Mage is the broad term for mortals that have some reliable command of magical power. Some focus more heavily on rituals like hedge witches or Druids, while others channel innate power drawn from ancient pacts or bloodlines. With the death of Emrys (Merlin) and many of the great Mages of the age when the Shroud was constructed, the knowledge and ability of magic has greatly waned from the world. Within the last century there has been a bit of a revival in the magical arts. The largest collection of Mages created the High Tower of Wizardry centuries ago and there are a number of Towers spread across the globe in quite a few of the more populated cities.

Ghosts and Spirits

Beyond the visible world, there exists the realm of spirits. Souls of mortals that linger unable to move on. Some are anchored here from sorrow, injustice, rage, or other unfinished business. Many are fairly benign but some ghosts become something more… and can be a threat to those they come across.


These are beings made and animated with an essence, such as Elementals that are made from the living substances of which makes up the natural world. There are also Constructs and similar beings that are made from mundane or non-living matter and given life.  
Ancient Ones
There are rare beings rarely encountered that are ancient and powerful. Some dragons have survived to the modern age hidden in deep caverns and lairs. Giants still walk in the desolate wilds of the world. And there are strange edltritch beings that defy classification and understanding, beings of chaos and madness.  

The Altered

There are mortals which have been cursed, altered, or possessed by magic or supernatural means. Think of people affected in fairy tales or inflicted by a herediatary curse. They are usually specific and outliers in contrast to the more general afflications of vampirism and lycanthropy.

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