Kiasuh Ishim

Born within a small, tight-knit community of Khovar living in Flamekeep, Kiasuh always found family bonds very important. And her nature was always to nurture.   Despite her station as a “second-class citizen”, no one could deny that Kiasuh showed a proficiency for healing at a very young age. The Silver Flame took notice. And when she was of the age of conscription, she was listed amongst the Healers to assist on the front line.   Strict, no non-sense and sometimes a little temperamental, Kiasuh had little time for flirting or frivolities when there were people who needed healing. Even as a young lady of 16, she quickly earned the respect (and sometimes fear) from the soldiers.   Returning home a few years later, her eyes had darkened considerably and she rarely smiled. Not unlike many who returned from war before her. She dedicated herself to her new job in the Spire of Life and made very little time for anything else. An angry Healer who scared away any suitors that her family would introduce her to.   The sparse time off that Kiasuh had was spent in the Spire of Knowledge. She found joy in reading old journals from keepers long passed, books that many people would see as dull and unnecessary to read. It was here that Malak saw her for the first time, pouring over an ancient text, smiling. But when she looked up and saw him staring, he got a death glare.   There were always girls visiting the Spire of Knowledge. Ladies who always tried to find reasons to speak with Malak. Dressed up. Made up. Giggling. Loud. They were unwelcome distractions to Malak’s work.
And, one day, while a gaggle of ladies were bothering him, Kiasuh went up to them and reprimanded the women for bothering someone who is obviously trying to work. And it’s anyway a fucking library. Shut up or leave!   After that day, Malak made a conscious effort to find books for Kiasuh that she had not read yet (thank goodness Molly kept track of that). And, over time, Kiasuh started showing more smiles when she saw him. The occasional conversations about books became long conversations about history. About healing. About their devotion to the church. About her time in the war. About his time in the Spire. Her parents. His mother. Them.


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