Session 39.5: Emergency Family Meeting

On the evening after talking to Tula and Cissa there is much to tell Kiasuh, so much that she doesn't even get a chance to take off her coat before Malak ambushes her. He quickly tells her about Tula being Myri's Couatl and she demands he quickly tells her the rest which he does. The knowledge that Tula has been there since the day Myri left hits her hard. When Malak goes on to tell her about the Dodecahedron Kiasuh gets triggered and asks if that’s not a thing from some board game they used to play. Malak says it might be but in this case it's a group of twelve people looking to end suffering which Kiasuh agrees is not possible.   Daellean arrives not much later as the two have grabbed some wine to wind down from all this excitement. After exchanging pleasantries Malak asks his mother if she knew what the crystal was which she didn't. He elaborates on what the keeper told him about the pieces and the quest to find them and Daellean agrees that if that's what the keeper asked of him he should do that. Malak explains someone told him reliquaries might be the place to look for the other pieces to which Daellean says that there were people in the church specialized in these things but the positions were stopped after Hawk died. There was another one besides hawk though that might still be alive, Malak remember the other door when he went to Hawks office with Nesza but he can't remember the name on it. Daellean confirms that any of their resource will likely still be in those offices and when Malak says he needs to speak with Nesza then she looks confused so he explains Nesza is Hawks nephew.   Malak changes the subject and asks if Myri went by Daellean before she left but she didn't. When Malak then says that his mother then didn't know that a friend went with Myri Daellean says "Oh you mean Lucinia?". Malak almost loses it and ask what she means about Lucinia going with her and why? His mother explains that Lucinia tested Myri when she sang in the Solaris parade and that Myri was selected. His mother says that she still got a choice however Malak says knowing the people involved they probably filled her head with all kinds of tales to convince her. His mother does agree but reminds him he raised his daughter right and she wouldn't have been manipulated, Malak gives in but does say it's not up to them to choose some young girl without involving her parents. Malak proceeds to explain that Tula has been with Myri since day one and that he now thinks Lucinia had something to do with that. Malak asks if his mother knows that his father had a Couatl and she says she did. She says they are beautiful and Malak asks her if she didn't think about mentioning that after he met Tula? But she replies she didn't even tell him who his father was let alone that he had a Couatl.   They also discuss the princess and her state of mind, Daellean is very confused by Malak's interest until he explains that she was at the dinner. She explains she was very much in the same situation, taken from her home and dumped in Flamekeep. As for the dinner his mother chides him because of the risk he took with rumors etc. spilling out about the dinner at the Ishim residence. They wrap up the conversation and Malak asks her is she is attending the party and she confirms. She is a high level church official so she of course has to make an appearance. She is surprised that they will come as well and asks if they have proper attire and she says she will send a tailor in to make clothes.