Session 39.5: Explaining the birds and the bees

After talking to Genti, and realizing some facts, April just HAD to find Tristan. She heads off on her own and waits outside of the Spire of Inspiration. She waits for a while, rocking onto her toes, but he finally comes out. She's so relieved to finally see him that she blurts out her new information straight away. You know, about pirates and their tortle egg business. Tristan puts his hand across his face and asks who told her all this. He then tries to think about what he knew vs what she knows at the age of 18 and gets a little confused at her lack of knowledge. Not wanting her to have this misinformation, Tristan decides it’s time they had a talk and asks her to sit on the stairs of the Spire with him.   Tristan asks for information about how she came to know about the storks. April explains that as they wer so busy all the time and didn’t have a dedicated school, some topics were kept short and sweet. They had theories and when they went to get answers, parents would nod and then wave them away so they could work again. It was never a subject she was interested in herself to be honest. Animals were bred for the purpose of getting food or carrying resources and she had no time to look at guys yet alone wait around for a stork to show up. What would she do with it?   Que Tristan explaining the process of creating kids by likening it to making a puzzle, chicken eggs and planting seeds. Both end up mortified at the end, with April spewing a few “ews” out. Tristan awkwardly pats her on the shoulder as she processes it. She wonders whether the pirates and the eggs are real. Tristan tells her that’s not a thing either. There’s a bit of silence until Tristan asks if she knows how to dance. With the party coming up, and having seen her flail around on the dance floor before, Tristan wants to give her a dancing lesson.   They decide to go to Eggs and Pancake to have lunch – having the pancakes this time. There, April asks how he’s doing after the events of Dal Qor. Tristan’s doing better. The bloodbath and seeing HER die were old wounds that were dug up by Dal Qor. Thankfully he’d met new people who helped him piece himself together a bit more. He wonders whether he can help April prepare for the next tie they go in. She wants to have a better mental fortitude, to be able to not squeal and crash onto her behind. If he can help with that, he’s already sone a lot.   Speaking of war, it was Elizabeth’s singing to him after he came home that made him feel better. It got him interested in music. Tristan fills her in what he learned about Elizabeth and that he’s not sure whether to pursue chasing her as it might jeopardize her current mission.   His budding relationship with Grace is also touched upon. He’s hopeful for their future.  April explains that the herbs his friend gave him for his berserk state was fascinating and that she’d acquired the materials to make more if he needed it. Asking if the ingredients mean anything to her, April goes on to explain that the taraxicum is the dandelion. It’s what makes the wine so good and she speculates it also helps in terms of the wine being a cure. The other two she’s less familiar with but she’s going to find out more.   Tristan then requests some songs and they practice for the day. April comes away knowing how to move her limbs.