Session 39.5: Hawk and Elijah go to Windshire

“I can't believe I'm saying this, but... can we get to Flamekeep, please?” - Hawk
  Elijah casts Sending to Hawk, informing him he's saved April's mom, but that her dad is compromised in Windshire and he could use some backup. There is a pause before Hawk replies. Deducing this means Elijah went to Athandra without him, he goes off on his friend a little, without really responding to the request.   Elijah makes his way to the Lazy Bull, grabs some breakfast for two and heads to his room. Martha is waiting there for him, sitting in the bed, and is annoyed that Elijah had left her there alone for an hour. They discuss his promise about coming back, and she gives in that he did at least do that. As they have breakfast they discuss how Elijah 'ran a quick errand' by going to Athandra to help April. He asks her to let the Circle know April's mother is safe, and that there was a Halfling there named Genti. Martha isn't pleased he didn't wake her before going, but lets it go. He tells her he has to go to Windshire next to pick up April's dad, as a safety precaution. They discuss possibly catching up tonight, as Elijah mentions he is probably going to be around Flamekeep for the next two weeks. Martha thanks him for keeping his promise of having breakfast together before leaving.   After taking some rest, Elijah teleports to Windshire and is soon joined by Hawk and Snowlijah. They arrive in the southern outskirts, by the forest's edge. Hawk looks thoroughly displeased. Elijah greets him jovially, but his friend immediately starts questioning the wizard's decision to go to Athandra without him, after Hawk had specifically told him not to go after Sickle without him. Elijah tells Hawk there was a very good idea, but it required pretty quick action. While Elijah is happy to support Hawk going after Sickle, but he doesn't want his friend to die in a blaze of glory without taking Sickle down. It seems Sickle is indeed rather powerful, and Elijah isn't even sure the two of them could take him alone. Plus he's got an army. Hawk calms down somewhat, and says he'd be happy to have Elijah beside him once he does go after the monster. But he's both worried and pissed about Elijah running off in there on his own.   Sighing, Hawk asks what they are even doing here. Elijah explains they're there to pick up Ethan, April's dad, because there is a suspicion Sickle's people are keeping an eye on him to ensure April's mom would keep working for them. Understanding, Hawk says he's happy to help, but he's not as happy to pose as Silmer's dad, which Elijah suggests. Asking where they're taking Ethan, Hawk is informed they'll be going to Flamekeep. He was very much much afraid Elijah was going to say that, and inquires whether his daughter is there currently. Being told no, he reluctantly agrees.   They walk up to the house (rather casually for a flashy wizard and a large Tortle), and spot a rustle in the bushes. Hawk walks over and asks if Ethan is in there. The bush says 'no, I'm a bush'. The Tortle asks if the bush would like to go to Flamekeep to see his daughter. The bush resists for a little longer, but ultimately reveals itself to be Ethan hiding in it. Hawk sighs and says 'kid, get out of there, this is embarrassing for all of us'.   Ethan comes out, and after they introduce themselves he asks if Hawk is Silmer's dad. He regrettably has to inform the man that he is not. As they head off south into the forest, they hear a woosh overhead. Keeping their wits about them, they move towards Passage (to teleport from there). Ethan inquires about his wife and daughter, and is informed they're doing well enough and he'll see them soon. The two old men compliment Ethan on doing a good job raising April as she's a sweet lass, Hawk musing how daughters can be difficult sometimes.   As they continue on, Ethan asks if they've seen Jayna Brambles, a Warden of the Woods that was staying with him who went missing. They haven't, and Ethan brings up how he thought the town was putting itself back together, but he found out today that Jossac might not be trustworthy anymore. Hawk asks about Jossac and is informed she has a Griffon. Putting one and two together, he links it to the whooshing sound from before. The sound is gone however and the sky seems clear, so he doesn't further mention it. It does put him, and by extension Elijah, on high alert.   They press on deeper into the forest. Hawk hears a twig snap, followed by the sound of an arrow. He manages to dodge it and immediately takes position to shield Ethan from the attacker. Ethan however peeks around the large Tortle and calls out, asking if it's Jayna. Turns out it is, and she comes down from her tree. She chastises Ethan for following random strangers into the forest, to which Hawk quips 'Yeah, people might shoot at you'. Introductions are made again, and the situation is explained to her (eventually, the old married couple bickers some more to Jayna and Ethan's confusion). It is decided Jayna will join them towards Flamekeep.   Moving on, Elijah informs Hawk and the kids about everything that happened in Athandra, how the Princess was there, everything. Hawk hands out some rations as they nee to walk throughout the next day to get to Passage. Elijah and Hawk discuss going to the Lazy Bull and seeing Pancake and Muffin there, who Hawk hasn't seen since they were little. Learning they run the place now, he muses about it being so weird when kids grow up. Ethan fully agrees. The two men compare the biology behind having kids for their respective species and both end up lightly mortified, but eventually share a moment missing their babies being babies.   Elijah mentions how the newspaper had an article about the Wardens taking over Windshire, which makes Hawk suspicious Jayna might be compromised like Jossac. They have a little staring contest as he studies her face, and she questions his trustworthiness right back. Eventually, with a little help from Elijah, they decide to give each other the benefit of the doubt. Jayna also questions why they're walking if Elijah can move around the continent so easily. It's explained that while Elijah does have a lot of speed and magical ability, it's not unlimited and right now he's pretty drained, so they need the help of his people in Passage.   They arrive there the next morning. Teleportation to Flamekeep is arranged on Elijah's company card, and upon trying to do so the lady behind the counter informs him he is requested to meet with the Board, to join a meeting about the amount of expenses he's racked up. They can teleport this group to Flamekeep, but once there he'll be under probation to discuss his expenditures with the Board. The group is teleported to Flamekeep, and Elijah Sends to April to inform her they have arrived.