Session 39.5: Home again

When Vence returns from returning the gem to the Keeper, Cissa is already cleaned up and the two briefly catch up before he takes his leave allowing Emir to shift in and greet her. As he calls her "dove" for the first time she blushes little. Striding across the room they embrace after which they check the other over for injuries and changes. With neither visibly injured Emir takes pleasure in making her blush by calling her "dove" and telling her he loves her.   The two sit down and catch up as they undo the braids they put above one another's ear weeks ago. Emir explaining some of the events that transpired in her abscence and Cissa elaborating on her time with Mia and the Wardens. She confesses to him that she is worried they made the wrong decision killing the demon, as it seemed to try and talk before defending itself, as if it was guarding something. The more she explains regarding what is known about The Comodore the clearer it becomes to Emir they knew far too little and a little worried about the ramifications. Both with having destroyed the demon and relations with the Wardens after returning the crystal to the Keeper.   The conversation briefly returns to Mia learning to play the ukulele and just being a general comfort Cissa in a trying time. Cissa explained she avoided talking about the party with her as there were clearly some issues regarding recent events. Though she remarks with a small smile that Vence's messages to Mia were quite welcomed, Vence is quite pleased with the news and will message her more.   The two continue to chat about their upcoming concert, making amends with the Circle, and a very flirtatious discussion of their relationship. Despite both being tired by the days events they reconnect. Cissa telling him that she wants to play for him in the Heart of the Spire before they go to bed.   Before that though, Emir tells her he needs to discuss something very personal with her. As he pours them wine he explains it isn't about him, but rather her past. He begins explaining all the odd Hawk related events. The rumors of the Statue (trouble it caused April), Nesza finding the key and confirming to be Hawk's heir, Nesza sharing Cissa's song she wrote for Hawk (Emir apologizes for Nesza), the group going to Hawk's house, the "Be Safe", and how events in Dal Quor were weirder than Tristan explained. With some trepidation he explains how they were greeted by Baxon Hawk, not a facsimile. As expected Cissa is upset at the revelation he is "alive" having seen him die in front of her and having creamated his remains personally. Emir explains what he promised Baxon to tell her, that he is for all intents and purposes dead, he cannot leave and she cannot join him there. The explanation and mention of the "promise" calms her before being mortified, "You spoke with him, about me?!" Emir is met with many questions as he tries to explain "The White Space" and that he, Vence, Lady, and Thaen were all present. Finding it easier to just retell everything he uses a combination of voices and minor illusion to help recreate the scene in chibi. He explains everything; from the "Glorious of Glorious Days" to the "Hello, I'm moved on." Even the little details like Lady wanting to braid April's hair but Malak blocking her. The various promises he made to Hawk of telling Cissa all of this and that he'll make her happy. Cissa makes it clear that he didn't have to make any such promises or even interact with Baxon. Emir retorts that her happiness is important to him and besides, "If I didn't interact with him, who would answer your questions?" Leaving her both blushing and stumped. Emir talks about the lighter side of the encounter to try and cheer her up, telling her about "Sunny Baxon Hawk" which does garner some amusement and a proud look. After explaining everything regarding Hawk Cissa, eyes still puffy, is in better spirits. Which all comes crashing down when Emir has to explain encountering her daughter Lucy while in Dal Quor. He does what little he can for her but she is largely inconsolable, holding her and singing softly until she dozes off due to a mixture of physical and emotional exhaustion. He slips away after a while to buy them dinner and some 'bacon and eggs' in the hope to cheer her up. Electing in the end to attempt making some for her. After returning and getting underway in the kitchen he notices an intense glow from around the corner. Stepping inside he notices a strange sight as flecks of light are pulled to Cissa and seemingly absorbed. Unable to interact with the flecks or detect any emotions (having cast Detect Thoughts) Emir gently rouses her. As she wakes he realizes she looks rather different, more striking, more fierce, more beautiful. Lashes fuller, eyes sapphire, and hair longer. In the full knowledge she wasn't looking forward to this change he decides not to tell her until after dinner and invites her to the kitchen to see if he can make bacon and eggs. The idea of Emir cooking at all amuses her. When finished in the kitchen they move to the living room to eat their meal (the bacon and eggs are not tasty, but the attempt did lift spirits). Emir tries his best not to get caught by her new glamour but still has small double takes. After a little eating and drinking Cissa asks, "So, do I look very different?" ending the ruse. Emir explains the differences to her and eventually the conversation turns to Lucy and Dal Quor again. Learning about her love of the night sky, why Cissa learned the Fly spell, and ultimately her fate.