Session 39.5: Hospital visit

Early morning in the hospital, April, Griff, Silmer and Nesza queried whether the gals were OK after their ordeal. They’ve had more sustenance and look more lucid.   Valerie explained that after April and Silmer left, she chucked a lot of potions while making her way to the dock area. Hyun was there. He won’t down fighting the sicklemen with his crew. They were overwhelming. Silmer had a feeling that was the case. He explains that his other form is in fact Hyun. During the scuffle she was grabbed. They initially tied her up. At first it seemed like they only wanted to know where Scotch island was. Valerie reveals that instead of killing her when Jenny showed up, they asked her to conduct experiments on the crystals in the cave and untied her. Her experiments had to do with Dal Qor. Occasionally they’d have Jenny sing to her. The theory Sickle had was that by gathering all of the crystals you could create a portal to Dal Qor. She purposely delayed her findings. What he does know is that all 7 crystals are needed to create the portal. There’s an additional step required that she also omitted. It wasn’t the place to discuss said step but she revealed having all crystals but the purple one.   Each crystal has its own ability. For example, the indigo crystal can control the crystal beasts. The group is frustrated at this information.   When Silmer asked whether she’d seen Sickle, she described his many forms, using April’s bird companion to cast a static image at the same time. She showed a purple beholder with multi-coloured irises and a tall human with the same eyes. It’s a gentleman with a purple cloak and grey hair in a ponytail. He was never successful in his endeavors though as he couldn’t get the purple crystal. It’s still in the cave we find her. Valerie realizes they’ve been in such a cave before after April points out they had to convince the guardian of the purple crystal last time. Even then, they had to use a different language to even be able to speak to him.   April takes this time to introduce Griff and Nesza properly, with their titles. “We’re big on titles in this group”. Griff nods enthusiastically, Nesza looks unsure and Silmer isn’t surprised. She also talks about the big horses Griff’s family breeds and wonders why they didn’t have any of their own. Quite simply: “You know your father can’t handle the big horses”. When the topic reaches Elijah taking care of Ethan, Griff wonders if Elijah fits the bill for the beholder description. Purple accessories, grey hair, fairly tall. The group speculate, but Silmer explains they were both in the same cave. It’s impossible. Throughout all this, Jenny offers snippy one liners and is very disinterested in everything that’s said not by Griff or Nesza. They even discuss getting revenge the three of them.   At this point, inspiration strikes and Griff remembers the name of the guy he saw on Chenlon’s ship that one time. Kleris Godfried. April pointedly stares at her mum and explains that it’s her grandad. She even has an uncle called Jasper. Valerie assumes they were happy to see her and April agrees they were, even if they grounded her. Everyone realllllllly wants her to tell the story, leading to Apri blurting out a lot of things and her mum putting her head in her hands. Even if she might understand why she left, April wonders why Valeries never revealed where her grandparents were. Val explains that they didn’t see eye to eye. When she met Ethan she saw a way out. She didn’t want to be a trophy for house Cannith.