Session 39.5: Malak and Kiasuh have tea with Jurian and Corvus

Early in week two, an invitation arrives the Ishim residence from Jurian and Corvus to join them in the palace. They are shown to a conservatory where a high tea has been set up. They say their greetings, Kiasuh curtsies to Jurian's bow however Malak stands him back up and gives him a hug. Jurian does look a bit different, he wears silver flame inspired armor that is polished to the high heavens. Corvus has no more cane and his clothes look more plain and pulled up his hair with a red ribbon. Malak asks how his friends have been and they answer they have been much better. In Flamekeep it hasn't been as free as in Breland but it's been a relief being open about their relationship. Jurian mentions his sister and Malak goes serious, he admonishes Jurian for neglecting her. She's been here for months and she hadn't heard anything from her family yet and it's made her very sad and Malak is disappointed in his friend. Jurian is sufficiently ashamed and tells Malak they will make it up to her. Malak says he defended his friend but regardless he wanted him to know he need to try harder. Jurian is very surprised she's made friends here and Malak explains a little. Malak also tells about the relationship between Tristan and Grace.   Malak defends Corinne when Jurian implies she's a little weak. He says they might be underestimating her and that she saved his live, her and Ash that is. Jurian is concerned when he hears about all of this, especially when Malak said we had a bit of an adventure themselves. There are some jokes about Malak getting hurt again before things shift back to Corinne being there. Jurian wants to know why his sister was there and Malak replies that when she heard what they were going to do they couldn't try to talk her out of it. Kiasuh makes a point she didn't have advanced notice when a princess came to visit so Corvus asks if they should announce themselves if they will visit and Kiasuh says she will need about half a day. Malak then asks Jurian if he will sign his tome so that he can communicate with him over long distances.   Corvus asks if Malak picked up his feather when he saw Cissa, Malak is a little ashamed and admits that there were some revelations that shocked him a bit so he forgot. Malak says he knows Lucinia chose Myri and that she is the reason Myri left home and that Tula was Myri's Couatl after she left home. Corvus says it's not entirely true but he can't say more unless Malak has a feather. So as soon as Malak gets the tome back from Jurian he sends a message to Cissa about picking up the feather. In the meantime Corvus explains a little how Myri was selected before Corvus was even born to which Malak says that is quite a selection process since that was even before he was born.   Corvus then says he might have a way after the wedding for Malak to speak with Myri for an entire night. He rambles on about the rules concerning the spell and that he has been practicing on Jurian who is very alarmed to hear this. Malak isn't noticing any of this however since he's just been sitting there staring off into the distance tears running down his face while mouthing something inaudible. When Malak has recovered from the shock Corvus explains what little about the trail that he can. His father was the keeper of the heart of inspiration in Methrol and now Cissa is the keeper of the heart of inspiration. Jurian explains his brother is the keeper of the heart in Fairhaven and Malak indicates he was aware of that which earns him another look of Jurian. Malak tries to subtly say that Jurian's sister is now the hearts keeper in Flamekeep but only Corvus picks it up. He explains to Jurian that what you have to understand about Malak is that if he implies things like that it's true. After which Jurian excuses himself to go find his sister and talk to her about some of the things he heard here.   Corvus however stops him and explains that they met Cygnis and that Jurian asked her for Corvus hand in marriage and she said yes. They also asked Lucinia but she said no that he still needed to prove himself. Corvus says he doesn't really care what she thinks though and Jurian wonders why they aren't engaged. Malak voices the same thing and Corvus asks what is needed for an engagement, someone to officiate it. Corvus says he was waiting for Malak to be there, not to get married but at least to get engaged. Jurian asks Corvus immediately to get everyone to his room and he will get his sister.   In the meantime Corvus hints a lot more to things he can't talk about until Malak has a feather. He does say either Lucinia or the Duchess will have to die. If he interferes he will only cause more pain so he has to let it play out, it's the reason he didn't join the dodecahedron. Corvus needs to talk to a Karnathi bard about how it all works, it's magic Corvus' father has made. The timelines around the whole thing don’t make a lot of sense and the person who architected it all is dead.   Malak also informs Corvus of his dad named Samyr Kes and that he had a Couatl and that he was part of the Tears of Miron. Corvus asks what the Tears is and Malak explains to him that its an organization aligned with the church to end suffering and stop bad things from happening. Corvus says the reason the feathers exist is for Myri, she's the reason for it all even the stopping suffering is a side effect. Malak says he gets that he thinks that but right now it just looks like Lucinia took Myri away from them. Corvus asks if he should ask his mother how it went exactly and casts sending. "Did you ensure or aid Myranna in leaving or would this have happened regardless of your efforts and were you just keeping her save mom.". She replies "Why are you asking me this?". Corvus sends another message "Malak is of the opinion that you are to blame. I however feel you have kept her save through the years given what I know (of the flameless and Thaliost.)". She replies "I noticed her during Solaris but did not engage until after she fought against the church. I ensured that she had somewhere safe to go.". Corvus sends a last message "Thank you, if I see her I will relay your message as I promised we'll stay in touch. Love you." Lucinia replies "Love you son". Corvus explains this all to Malak and asks what he knows about the flameless. He says not much and Corvus asks him if he knows how many are still alive, it's only Myri and his mother. Malak asks if Lucinia has a soldiers mark and Corvus says he isn't sure but he can probably check soon. Malak explains Tula said there are a few prerequisites before they can be targeted by the sickness. Corvus mentions the relationship to Dal Quor and that the first symptom of the sickness is falling asleep. Malak explains he asked Tula if Myri is in Dal Quor because of the sickness or the stasis and that they responded both. Corvus explains he will do the last work on the spell to talk to Myri in the week leading up to the wedding and Malak concludes with saying it will be the greater gift he's ever gotten.   Jurian and Corinne come in and everyone greets each other. Corvus congratulates Corinne on becoming the heart's keeper. Corinne is surprised and asks Malak if he told them and he confirms. The topic quickly goes to finding Cygnis and Jurian asking for Corvus's hand. Corinne gives a delighted squeak and Jurian explains he wanted Corrine to be there to be a witness. Now they just need a man of the cloth and where could they find one Malak wonders. So Malak concludes the engagement and everyone is very happy for the couple, as Corvus mentions Jurian still needs to convince his mother though. When Corinne leaves Malak leaves with her to say that Jurian does care but he did admonish him and he will do better and he looks forward to her party, Corvus also followed and explains he has reviewed the teleportation circles in Thrane and that they will have an easier time visiting soon. Corinne says perhaps she will visit them instead and walks away.   Corvus asks if he can see Myri, and Malak says he doesn't mind without even waiting for Kiasuh as he normally does. They make their way to the Ishim residence as Corvus makes a note to Kiasuh that it was further from the statue of hawk as Kiasuh made him believe. Corvus and Malak go up as the Kiasuh stays downstairs and Corvus asks about singing her songs and what happened and Malak explains about the glowing. Corvus casts detect thoughts and starts singing the flight of the silverbird the real version first two verses. However all he hears is howling like the wind in a desert. Malak does detect magic at the same time and sees that the magic that makes her glow is enchantment (Lani needs to double check this).  
  • Corvus casts a last sending to Lucinia: "She looks beautiful and is no longer a little girl but a beautiful woman. She can hear us Lucinia is there anything you would like (me to say?)". Reply comes "I miss you fierce warrior". Corvus sighs and brushes her hair and says "Hi I'm Corvus I'm Lucinia's son I don't think she ever told you about me I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't, but if she did… well… hi… It's nice to meet you. I've travelled with your father and I've been trying to help you. I asked her what she wanted to say to you and she said she loves you fierce warrior". After Corvus leaves Malak says to Myri "I guess you knew all this before me, Lucinia and Tula. Corvus told me that soon I get to talk to you, just a few more days. I can't wait." as he sits by her bed for another fifteen minutes.