Session 39.5: Religion Talk

On the fourth day a big group comes together in Hawks home at the request of Vence. Tristan wasn't invited but it's ok he's there. Vence explains it's mostly Thaen that wants to talk to everyone though so he shifts into Thaen. He asks Malak about the quest he got from his god and Malak confirms and that it's a priority but not more than his daughter. Thaen asks if it's not the same and Malak answers not really, Cissa for example thinks it's the dodecahedron that will save Myri. Then Thaen asks about how Malak's relationship with his god works, Malak is hesitant explaining that the church doesn't really see Tira as a god and the only person that can talk to Tira is the keeper who does it through the silver flame. However as we found out Tira is in Dal Quor and it seems the silver flame is more of a conduit to Dal Quor. Thaen then asks if Malak thinks that Tira has an agenda she doesn't share and Malak very much agrees, she for example hasn't told Malak why he needs to gather these crystal pieces. She also hasn't shared anything about her goals but Malak does trust that Tira's agenda is in the service of good. Thaen then asks if she's ever asked him anything that will get him killed for sure, he says not that he's aware of but Griff does interject saying that this crystal hunt might still get him into very dangerous positions. Malak agrees but Thaen asked about things that would get him killed for sure and while some may joke that this threshold might be low for Malak he assures them he's not that easy to kill.   Tristan interjects and asks Thaen where these questions are coming from, has anyone asked him to do anything that will for sure get him killed? Thaen doesn't confirm by word but he face speaks volumes and Nesza asks if he should ask him less dangerous tasks in the reconstruction? He wasn't aware that Nesza made him feel that way at which Malak laughs and asks if Nesza is feeling a little full of himself since Nesza is not a god as far as we know. Griff asks if this is about cup guy and Thaen answers in the affirmative and he recounts his meeting of the Traveler in Cissa's apartment and the quest they gave Thaen. Nesza also explains that the Traveler also helped Hawk to lead him towards Hawks house, Thaen expands on this a little with some information that he got for free from the Traveler. Tristan asks about the cost of questions that Thaen mentioned, how many questions did he ask and what did it cost him? Thaen goes even paler then everyone thought possible he doesn't answer but the look on his face again speaks volumes. Thaen does indicate he doesn't think it should affect any of them and only Thaen but Tristan does indicate that if we travel together then we might….   Griff changes the subject back to the relationship between Nesza and the Traveler, the god seems to be indebted to Nesza so maybe he should stick close to Nesza. Malak equates this to what happened in Dal Quor where Silmer was the person to stay close to. Tristan admit he isn't an expert however when talking about gods they are sure to have a lot of power and if that power is brought against Thaen there is a big risk for us too. Thaen says well I will get stepped on every day until Nesza brings this amulet to place where I can't go and if anyone goes there they die. Griff asks where it needs to go and Thaen explains the Glass Plateau in Cyre and anyone who goes into Cyre dies. Nesza brings up with the way this god acts towards Thaen he makes him sound like an evil god, is there really no other way to repay him and why is Nesza involved? Thaen says that he asked some questions around this and got the answer that some debts go back generations.   Tristan asks Thaen if he's 100% positive that he met the Traveler, Thaen explains what happened with his sending spell to April that was blocked by the Traveler (it wasn't but that is what Thaen thinks). Tristan thinks that in itself is not proof of anything and then Thaen brings in that Cissa also can't scry him he says they never said they were the Traveler but asking that would probably hold a price he didn't want to pay. However he didn't have to teleport or anything, he just appears and disappears as he pleases without any outward magical display. Both Tristan and Malak bring up that it's a cool trick to imply that answers can cost you dearly to make sure people don't ask you any questions that can unmask you as being not what you say. Lani interjects here that no one normally gets into Cissa's room without being noticed and the fact that he got in without being detected means a great deal. Malak confirms that their very powerful friend had to knock and be let in. Tristan admits he is not thinking he isn't the Traveler but they also should take his word as gospel. Malak brings up that while he doesn't know much about other religions but what he knows about the Traveler is that he is not a straight shooter so to speak. Griff interjects and asks Tristan that he hears him swear in the hosts name a lot and asks him how much he knows about the dark six. Tristan admits that he was raised on the host and knows about the six but he probably knows less than Griff does. Thaen then tells Griff that the Traveler would like him to stop trying to find him and that he should not involve the devourer because that is a deity they don't have to be on the wrong side of.   Nesza interjects and asks what it is about this group of people that didn't know each other three months ago that draw the attention of generals, gods and other people. Thaen is not sure if we've actually angered the Traveler so far, he said Thaen was interesting which was the nicest thing he said so far. Malak say he thinks that Kiasuh would probably say that they are a bunch of "Shite Magnets". Griff explains a little about the dark six especially the devourer, he's the primal sense of what nature is storms and that kind of stuff. You don't ask him to get involved in your business you ask him to not get involved, they aren't evil but more a primal force like how a tidal wave or a forest fire isn't evil. The Traveler In this case for example is chaos, chaos is not good or bad it's just there it is however a good idea to not get on their bad side however. Griff then asks if the Traveler gave a timeline to Thaen who answers until I'm dead but I'm not sure if that is a long stretch or a short one. Malak then asks how long changelings normally live (about the same as humans) and then says we could find a silver flame and walk Thaen through one of those to stretch out the time limit a little. Thaen is unsure what Malak means and he explains about what his mother said after she heard Griff and he went through the flame.   Griff brings up that it's a weird request though, because if you die anyway when you go bring that amulet and you die there is no reason for you to do that. That’s when Tristan asks if the Traveler asked Thaen to do that or just to get it done. Thaen indicates that's exactly it, he can pick whoever he wants to get it done however if he picks wrong he's probably up a creek without a paddle. So Tristan says then all you need is someone who can go into Cyre without dying and they can fix it for you. Nesza wonders why a god would be bothered about a stupid pendant that has been here in the house for at least 60 years and why he can't fix it himself. Malak ignores this and brings up instead they know some people that came back from Cyre alive after the Mourning, a certain airship captain that travelled with Cissa and also Corvus's mom. Griff asks if Thaen considered that this wasn't a separate quest, maybe this is the payment for the questions Thaen asked? However Thaen says that this request about the amulet already existed before he started asking questions. Thaen says Tula can probably bring back the shards for Malak gods don't care, Malak isn't sure that Tula is that powerful however. Nesza think maybe the fastest wizard in Khorvaire might be able to teleport in and get the pendant there, Malak wonder though that while he's fast he might be slower and the thing there that kills people.   Griff asks if we exactly know where this is and it is confirmed that we know exactly where it is. Thaen however prefers not to give it to Elija though it is very useful. Tristan asks what exactly we know about the pendant and Malak answer it is powered by transmutation magic but Nesza has been wearing it for a while and he doesn't seem to be changed. Nesza in the meantime is getting a little uncomfortable but he's unsure if it's because of the conversation or because of the actual amulet. He asks Griff is he smells different now that he's wearing the amulet, Griff says he doesn't know but Nesza did smell different last time however he thought it was related to the new transformation. Malak reasons maybe his transformation is even different because of the amulet or because of what they did in Dal Quor. Thaen agrees with Malak but still connected to the previous point wants Nesza to hold on to it or April. Griff says that kind of defeats the point of him giving it up though so we can see if he smells differently. Thaen just warns that wizards like gaining more power and he doesn't want to tempt him, Malak says it might go for druids too and when Griff looks confused he explains Dreas wanted to keep the crystal after he used it because it was so powerful.   Tristan gets a little annoyed at how complicated people make it, Nesza can just lay it on the ground why are we making it so hard. Nesza agrees and he says it's been in this house for years I can just put it back where I found it so we can test this. Thaen points out the fountain is also here, put the amulet down no need to go anywhere or wait he thinks. There is quite more discussion on what should be done and who can be trusted. Tristan makes a point that people without an agenda might even be more easily corruptible then others. The final judgement is while being careful is good and finally Griff puts out his hand and Nesza gives it to him, Griff puts it around his neck turns into a dog and starts sniffing people. Nesza still has the strange different smell and Griff notices that the amulet smells the same as the fountain. Thaen checks Griff's tattoos but they haven't changed and Griff shifts back after some scratches from Tristan. Thaen remarks that he does trust Griff and it's not a problem. Nesza changes the subject and asks Malak if the fountain is also magic and Malak complies and starts setting up for a detect magic ritual. Thaen also hands the cup of the Traveler to Malak to also check it, he's not sure if it's more then a cup but he just wants to make sure. In the meantime Griff initiates a discussion about how long to wait to have sex in a relationship. A number of options are mentioned until Malak is asked who says "I'm fine with any of those options unless it concerns my daughter, then the answer is after he's asked me for her hand". Nesza then asks if the Traveler will get pissed if he moves the fountain a little higher, Thaen just angrily says I don't think it matters since I will be the one paying for it. There is some more teasing of Tristan about Grace and Tristan walks away after a while after sex on gryphons get mentioned. Griff and others keep chatting a little more about aerial acrobatics if you know what I mean.   Tristan comes back just as the 10 minutes are up while Griff and Thaen try to get one more rise out of him. Everything expected is lightning up except the cup which is flickering and hard to see what type of magic it is. The thread previously said about the amulet having a thread that Thean probably mentioned leads straight to the temple it should be leading too. Malak is wondering about the cup and maybe he should put something in it, so Malak grabs one of the drinks that Nesza brought earlier and pours it in and puts it down.   As soon as its set down however it's lifted up again as someone has it and says "How long did that have to take". Thaen greets the person and asks if they prefer the Traveler or Almuntosh to which they say immediately "Are you already asking questions Thaen?". Tristan asks if it costs other people besides Thaen to ask questions. Griff introduces himself and shakes the Travelers hand and Nesza says that he hopes he doesn't mind if he moves the fountain a little. He says as long as it's not moved from this location he doesn't mind and Nesza promises it wont (good plan). Griff looks at Thaen and says that since he's already paying for questions he might as well ask the rest, Thaen is however in quiet panic and doesn't answer. Thaen leans over to Tristan and tells him not to ask what a question costs cause your even paying for that. The Traveler since no one is asking him anything just leaves.   Malak however just refills the cup and the Traveler is back exclaiming it's getting annoying. Griff looks at Malak and summarizes their situation they can summon him at will but they can't ask him any questions. The Traveler talks to Malak and tells him he will remember that Malak soaked him in water, he tells everyone not to summon him if we have no business with him and he looks pointedly at Thaen before disappearing. Tristan says he's not fairly sure now that it's the Traveler while Nesza proposes to fix the fountain and then put the cup inside of it. Thaen however doesn't see the humor quickly collects the cup and explains that he's worried that if you fill the cup you ASK him to please come.   There is a brief explanation on the Quori as was explained by Hawk in the session in Dal Quor. Griff then states he thinks he found a loophole but it might be risky so he wants to summon the Traveler, Thaen however explains that trying to swindle a god is not a smart idea. Tristan loves loopholes but would like to discuss it first so we can validate the loophole and Malak reminds everyone that he might just hold Thaen accountable for anything we do. Griff explains he is going to "nicely" order the Traveler to tell them what they want to know since that is not a question. Tristan agrees that is indeed not a question, however he does wonder on what grounds Griff think he can order around a god? Griff thinks answering is in his benefit however he can't really explain why he thinks that but is also willing to throw in a gryphon ride to sweeten the deal so to say. Thaen says he tried bartering but it didn't work out in his favor, please and brushing of his ego might help more and also being explicit in what the advantage would be for the Traveler.   Nesza suggest not pissing off a god more then needed and instead talk to Nesza's parents and they might be able to answer their questions without paying a price for it. Thaen also asks everyone to please not mess with a god, Tristan agrees to put a pin in it for now and revisit it later when we have more information. Griff tries to convince everyone once again of his plan, while Malak tells them that maybe Corvus can help with looking something up on this. There is a lot more discussion on this until Griff casts shape water and puts water in the cup on Thaen's belt.   Thaen looks shocked as both Griff and Malak take a pace towards Nesza. The Traveler comes back and looks at Thaen immediately as Griff addresses him: "So, would you please tell Nesza why you are bound to him and we will offer you like fun and drinks anndddd…. A gryphon ride… Have you ever ridden a gryphon? Oh fuck". Tristan immediately shouts curses at Griff who says he was close enough. The Traveler asks if he should answer that question and Griff says only if he doesn't have to pay for it to which the Traveler looks at the Thaen and says that Griff never had to pay for it. So you are asking me? He asks Griff who replies no I'm telling you very nicely to please share the information and Nesza… Please? Some corrections are proposed and Griff tries relaying his "offer" again. The Traveler looks confused and declines the gryphon ride, he leans against the fountain and breathes. So you want to know why I'm indebted to him and he gestures at Nesza, if I were to say Hawk would that be sufficient? He's offered and receives a drink, takes a few sips gestures at the fountain and says "That… that’s why" and he leaves again.   Malak suggests Thaen maybe putting in a water feature in his home if he wants the Traveler to be in his debt. Thaen replies that there isn't much of that at home. Tristan thinks this went about as well as could be expected and Nesza just says that Thaen can't have this fountain. He also suggests silence against unexpected questions however Tristan quickly points out that warning someone about something unexpected is kind of impossible. Griff boats about how well he did and Malak agrees with him. Griff talks about war and torture and giving up information and he and Tristan go on a bit about interrogations etc. Thaen however looks very uncomfortable and closed off while this talk goes on. There is also a mention of training in asking questions without asking questions. The fountain is further inspected and its established it looks like a Troll Ward but it's made of glass not stones.   Malak reminds Nesza and asks if he wants to transform without the necklace to see if he still gets the moons etc. before Malak gives the amulet back. Nesza agrees walks a ways away and transforms and it still looks like winged cloak with moons on it even without the amulet. Malak makes a joke about Nesza mooning them and Nesza actually does. Griff then proposes Malak identify the fountain which he does, he finds out it's made of glass imbued with some quartz and it can't be used for anything it just contains raw magic. Similar to a dragon shard or kyber crystal. Malak then gives the amulet back to Nesza who asks if he should put it on or not and everyone agrees he should just wear it.   Lani explains that Nesza went to a lawyer to see if he owns Hawks house which he does and he's able to grand others access on a room by room basis. He can contact someone from house Kundarak to update the house if he needs.