Session 39.5: Sharn - The Violent Violin

Getting to the Tavern

  Thaen in dwarven form meets Cissa greets and then escorts her down side alleys pointing out small markers and details Emir would not. Explaining that certain symbols, placement of graffiti, and even certain bricks can tell one a great deal about "who protects the area, what business can be conducted" and various other things even if the area changes in general appearance. Cissa takes all of this in, enjoying learning more of the intimate side of the Dragon Eyes. The locals merely calling it, "The Eyes." They together a number of blocks before coming to a large spire, Thaen leading them inside. Mix of businesses, services, and housing clearly meant for the locals vs tourists or travelers. The area is unremarkable, but at the crossroads in the center there is a bar w/ a magical sign that reads, "The Violent Violin."  

The Violent Violin

  Thaen leads her inside but Cissa takes an extra moment at the door, her nerves finally getting to her. Though, she notices two somewhat faded markings, one friendly to thieves and another for The Circle (bards). Room is lit with everbright crystals set behind wax paper; Wooden tables with wooden benches, a few small tables on their own; bar stools with short backs at the wooden bar; floor is plank wood that you can sort of see the cellar below; behind the bar is stone that sort of slopes inward set with a mirror; few taps for beer, liquor behind the bar well out of reach; swinging doors to the kitchen behind the bar; few banners and crests on the wall; a well-used dart board is hung; an unlit lantern hangs in a surprisingly clean albeit dark corner. There is a lady with silver streaked black hair tied in a ponytail behind the bar. As Thaen enters, she greets him in Dwarvish. There is jovial lute and piano music being played at near one of the corner tables. A human man and a few others glasses in the air swaying jovially as a girl watches on. When Cissa enters everyone and everything stops. The woman behind the bar stares openmouthed.  

Food and Drink

  Thaen invites Cissa to join him at the bar and slowly the mood returns music and singing resume. Stew and wine are ordered and Cissa deliberately taps the bar in a pattern which seems to put the bartender at her ease.  

You're Home!

  Cissa whispers to Thaen, "Now what?" Unsure what his plan is. When the bartender returns Thaen places both payment and his ocarina on the bar, puts his finger to his lips, and gives her a wink. She takes a pause before warmly giving him a side small and a nod. He pats Cissa on the shoulder then heads over to join the others music. Jaer's eying their interaction suspiciously. While Cissa watches what is about to unfold. The group encourages Thaen's playing but before long the girl watching tackles him shouting, "You're home!" Both Thaen and Dris revert to their normal forms, though Dris tries to present herself as teenager at first and while Thaen says she did a good job would prefer to see her properly, she then shifts to her normal 10 year old self.  

Nothing to see here

  The human man signals to the bartender who nods and calls out to patrons that they're closing for the day. The bartender tries to politely have Cissa leave but Thaen explains she is here at his invitation, without her it'd have been many months before he could visit, and thanks Cissa. Cissa is taken aback but the bartender just frowns as the patrons leave.  

I don't want trouble

  Once the tavern is closed up and drinks are set out it is clear the bartender is a bit on edge. She lets him know that she knows both Cissa and Emir were traveling together and doesn't want any trouble if Emir Kaarde comes looking for her.   Thaen states Cissa wasn't kidnapped and he is sure Emir can reach Cissa if he is worried. Cissa agrees and tells them she passes through this area regularly but Thaen offered to give her a tour as they've been in each other's circles for a time. The two Kenku squak, "Kaarde! Kaarde!" in unison and Dris brings Cissa in for proper introductions.  

Introductions at last

  Thaen gives Cissa introductions to his family. He indicates the female bartender is his mother, Jaers. He explains Jaers is a changling but prefers to be shifted. The human male his father, Beren. The young changling girl, his sister Dris. The kenkus are his brothers Wies and Piesk, but he isn't sure which is which and arbitraily identifies them. He indicates the older man and woman now joining are his maternal grandparents. Cissa inclines her head graciously as one of the twins teases Thaen about getting their identities wrong (they later reveal he was actually right). Thaen jokingly tells Cissa that Wies is the older one and Piesk is the better looking one.  

Double your Trouble...

  As Piesk and Wies shift in, Wies teases that Thaen is the oldest and ugliest while Piesk flirts with Cissa in Elvish, even gives her hand a kiss (much to Jaer's annoyance). All the while Cissa is trying her hardest not to laugh. Thaen is confusedly lost watching Piesk's behavior.   Cissa finally bursts out laugh at Thaen's expression which causes the rest to laugh or smile, even Jaers. Thaen just scoffs shaking his head in amusement, clearly the more serious of the siblings. Wies tries to tease Thaen about inheriting their mother's "dour look" before faltering under Jaer's frown, just as sinister as a look from Thaen might be when called for. Thaen gives Wies the sibling "I can't save you now" shrug and Wies apologizes. Chuckling Thaen enquires what Wies is up to, apart from annoying their mother. Turns out they're both working as dealers at Chance's Casino. Piesk chimes in he does part time work as an acrobat and Wies is also in a band.  

Right, apologies and updates

  Thaen, feeling a little guilty, apologizes to his mother about them closing for the day to which she waves it away saying he visits so rarely, what’s the harm. Clearly not wanting to debate what qualifies as "a visit" Thaen gives Cissa a quick look that says, "I'm managing 3 personas one of which you're dating...yeah, juggling visits too is difficult." He explains that he has been traveling between Aundair and Flamekeep (all were surprised), learning more magic, met some interesting people, met The Traveler, improved his musical talents, and even managed to find some leads on Talia...all said as if each item was equal before turning the question around to his family...who just weren't having it given the update. Wies makes dark jokes about Thaen bursting into flames in Flamekeep. His grandparents thinking him bold to attend during Solaris, but happy to see him. Everyone, except Beren and Jaers, are very surprised about him meeting The Traveler. His grandfather expressing polite disbelief while Dris exasperatedly says, "And you're not explaining that point?!" Beren remains quietly observing Thaen and Cissa as he takes a pull of ale.  

The Rest of the Story

  Taking a steadying drink of ale and putting his hand on the copper cup, Thaen begins to explain his first meeting w/ Almantash and his experience at the Traveler's shrine in Fairhaven. He then recounts how Almantash disappeared but his cup remained at the Gold Dragon Inn...only for the same cup to show up in Flamekeep some weeks if it was following him...until he took it. Then then explains how he encountered Almantash when he returned to where he was staying one day and most of what transpired. Choosing not to focus on "being the wrong sort" but rather on "Almantash is bound to Nesza and got us to Dal Quor." After which he recounts the 2nd meeting at Hawk's House with the group, even giving a visual of the fountain. Pausing awkwardly to ask if there are questions... The whole family sits listening to his tale and his siblings all look intrigued. His grandparents however scoff at the whole conversation. But when he shows a visual of the fountain, Jaers has a double take, her eyes wide. Jaers recounts having had a dream where she was lost and a voice guiding her, a voice that came from a glass fountain in the center of a forest clearing. Thaen encourages her to recount more, but the only detail of note, "was that the voice called me, 'Child'." Jaers seems more worried about being called "child" whereas Thaen makes it clear that "Their seeming indifference" bothers him far more than what The Traveler calls them. Cissa chimes in she had seem Almantash in Fairhaven as well as in the fountain at Hawk's House and Beren gives her another look. Thaen noticing shoots back a "what gives?" expression, but is ignored.  

Fight with Wies

  Everyone stares at Jaers for a while before Wies says both Thaen and his mother are officially crazy...given having explained everything going on and the stress of Griff's eloquently put "Ant + Boot" Thaen's patience snaps. Thaen rounds on Wies, questioning if he understands the seriousness of this, that it is not a game. Wies first suggests Thaen takes "the stick out of [his] ass" before rounding on Thaen in turn. Sarcastically pointing out Thaen's "hard life" chatting w/ their diety and having out with celebrity bards like Cissa. Wies expresses his dissatisfaction w/ how their species struggles and is seen as both a gimmic and a threat before really lashing back at Thaen. How Thaen lives a cushy life on the road, looking for his girlfriend, and merely sends money to fill the void left behind. That Thaen doesn't see his parent's struggle to make ends meet or his grandparents dying and THAT is not a game. All of the shouting upsetting their grandmother. Thaen grows increasingly annoyed as Wies rants but is confused by the 2nd to last comment, then pointing at the lantern, voice strained with emotion, "What struggle? I cut a deal!" Beren intervenes and explain while his deal did work that business has slowed and grandma's health has declined (healers aren't cheap) which has made things harder financially. Thaen is still hurt by Wies's comments stating he finds no 'levity' in their struggles nor cares as little as Wies seems to think. Thaen openly wonders if Wies and Piesk both resent him for leaving 10 years ago or because it was the second time he left?  

I'll give you a Piesk of my Mind

  Wies trying for grandmother to deescalated makes it clear that Thaen flaring up is uncalled for but not staying in touch and only sending money happens to convey a specific message, one which makes it unclear if he cares. Piesk is confused/annoyed at getting pulled in, to which Thaen gives a placating hand and apologizes. Turning back to Wies though Thaen emotionally breaks recounting that at only 16 he made a choice to protect them all because he cares that much. That 10 days ago, befor ethe rescuse mission, he used his last spell slot to message their mother, to tell them he loved them all unsure if he'd return alive. "Just because I can't be here, doesn't mean I don't care." Thaen, drained, deescalates and apologizes to Wies, his grandmother, and even Cissa (who is stunned). The brother's make up and a family hug ensues. Piesk makes a quip of only resenting his brother, not loving him, which gets him playfully removed by Beren. Cissa, looking uncomfortable, is surprised to see Thaen jerking his head implying she should join in, which she does. Thaen suggests in future if Wies wants to make a joke try a pun instead to which Wies is more than happy to do. This catches Emir's interest.  

Beren this in mind

  Beren finally speaks up, asking why "a Court Bird be meddling in the affairs of my son? Why were you with him both times? The Circle never once mentioned you affiliating yourself with Thaen." Giving Thaen a look that says, "That is what gives." Cissa does not wait for Thaen to reply and explains matter of factly, "That's because I was affiliated to one of Thaen's personas. I actually did not know who Thaen was until quite recently. And was most certainly not going to inform the Circle of that." Thaen takes a moment before explaining he never travels openly nor works w/ the Circle much and explains when pursuing leads on Talia Cissa had called him out by name. Beren satisfied deescalates, explaining parents protect their children, but quietly notices Thaen is holding back a little. Then asks Cissa about her having met one Thaen's personas...which also interest the other family members.  

You're Blessed

  Thaen explains in full about the task the Traveler has set upon him, to see the amulet returned to the Glass Plateau in Cyre. Jaers shakes her head in disbelief but goes paler as he explains the mission. Cissa's jaw is set, still horrified despite already knowing.   His grandmother voices cuts the tension as she explains that something this important can't be impossible, but it is a test and proving his worth. Thaen finds comfort in this, but feels it is more about keeping his word than proving his worth. "Beware the gifts the Traveler, no?" To which she agrees, but that he should have faith.   "Does anything particular happen to his followers after?" Cissa is interested in this question but Grandma says they will go to Dolurrh, certain their paths will cross there one day with Thaen wishing such day is far away.   Thaen laments he might have asked too many questions while grandma does state knowledge is a gift and should not be taken for granted, but agrees with a cough it is wise to be cautious. Thaen reflexively heals his grandmother and considers something before shifting into Almantash. "If information is a gift then look upon the visage of the Traveler, as your grandson knows him" and to Jaers, "Pleasure to see you, Child" before shifting back. The family is in awe and his grandmother with tears in her eyes, "Thank you..."  

Thaen's "Personal" Life

  Dris's curiosity in meeting Thaen's persona is shared the rest of his family but slyly tells her he doesn't have just one persona but three, much to her delight. He tells her that 2 feel uncertain of their place in the family and the last one is just...difficult to explain in general.   He asks his family if any of their personas have their own thoughts. None of his family seems to have this experience... other than his sister, Dris.  

Algon the tabaxi

  She introduces him to her persona Algon, who shifts it. He is a white tabaxi. Seeming slightly older than what she is. He explains that he protects Dris when she is in danger. Dris gets frightened and runs away from danger... Algon does not. He stared down muggers one time when Dris was trying to get away. This was how she realised that Algon has a different mind from hers. Thaen asks if Algon dreams. Algons acknowledges that he does. He then says that Dris wants to return and Dris shifts back in.   Thaen is intrigued by Dris' experience (and also wants to KNOW WHAT HAPPENED with the muggers for... reasons).  He then talks again about his own personas, refering to them by eye color "Green, Gold, and White". Suggesting perhaps "Green" first to lighten the mood and Dris agrees eagerly, even Cissa watches with anticipation.  

Add Venced Shifting

  Vence shifts in with an adjusting of shoulders and a crack of the neck. Once Vence is fully in he greets the family before saying hi to Cissa and sassing her about having the “boringest two tour guides for 'The Eyes'” before awkwardly introducing himself to everyone. An introduction which includes air quoting his involvement in the "April Friends."   The family is dumbfounded at the introduction and his interaction with Cissa. Cissa, now more relaxed, jokes that he'll need to get in line behind Piesk as he's already offered her a tour. Vence quickly quips then she'll be 3 for 3 on boring guides, giving Piesk a friendly wink before teasing that neither of them were much fun in Flamekeep.   While Vence banters with Cissa everyone else is looking at Beren and then back again at Vence. Beren turns a little pink looking at Vence and the siblings erupt into laughter. Wies, "You look more like dad than any of us!" Jaers and her mother both warmly welcome Vence "home", though Jaers sternly tells him, "It is mom, not ma'am" while Vence cheekily compromises on calling her, "Mum."  

Vence 'n Dris

  Dris excitedly gives Vence a big hug before excitedly asking him many questions about his favorite song, instrument, when he was created, and his "age." 1) Tankard Basher, the dwarven one 2) Lute, but he can play the fiddle too; she prefers to sing 3) About 9-10 years ago, musing she might be older; she says, "Maybe twins!" 4) 27-28 years   Vence remarks that Dris asks just as many fast paced questions as he does which Cissa tells him, “Must be a family trait” causing Vence’s face to soften and him need to clear his throat. He gives Dris the hint to ask Cissa the same questions, and Dris does so with great enthusiasm. Cissa is very amused and answers.   1) Legends Never Die (playing affectionately w/ her braid Dris says she likes singing Die Young 2) Flute! Though prefers the Lute and most skilled with Viol 3) Declines to answer after glancing over at their grandma   With some coaxing from Piesk, saying if she is older than Jaers wouldn’t bother him, Cissa laughs and tells them she has seen both the entire war and time before it. The siblings just stare, “whoa.”  

Vence 'n Beren: Fine, no shop talk

  Vence clearly feels a bit awkward looking so much like Beren. Jokes w/ Wies that it wasn't up to him and tries easing the awkwardness by asking about Beren's work w/ The Circle which causes Cissa to groan. She doesn't care for "shop talk" when there is family to bond with.   Beren, just as flustered at seeing his own reflection, asks Vence to update them on their travels. Vence pulling out the cultist robes and newspaper explains about the Mission to Windshire and The Eyes. Explains more on The Eyes + Trail and at a higher level the Crystal Cavern and other events, but leaves out Cissa + Emir. Skipping Dal Quor for time he lastly explains the rescuing of April's mother. With a long exhale, "As ya can see, been busy."   Vence attempts to learn what his father did for work growing up, but is surprised as Jaers questions him on what he means. Vence, surprised by being overheard, explains that given the strange jobs between gigs and what he describes to be negotiating between differing groups…he just was curious. Thinking for a moment Vence asks a big question, about how Beren and Jaers met. Now everyone is paying attention.  

Vence: Family Secrets

  Cissa does a similar tapping on the table as she did when she joined the bar which causes Jaers to smirk before replying to Vence. Jaers isn’t keen on telling them the story and tries floating, “What if I met him while he was visiting a brothel? That a good story or just trauma?” Grandma doesn’t care for it causing Jaers to sheepishly shrug.   Vence, expresses he is fully aware their curiosity might get them into trouble, thinks Jaers went looking for someone there herself, but left with dad in the end. Cissa manages to stifle a laugh about ‘curiosity’ as Beren and Jaers look at one another…then both burst into laughter. Beren manages between laughter to say that isn’t their story while Jaers warmly looks at Vence saying, “You’re more like your father than just looks.” Then affectionately looking at Berren, “It is most certainly a compliment.”   Vence tries again to find out how they met to learn he also shares Berren’s tact… and when trying to read if they’re embarrassed about how they met but realizes his mother is just as good as he is but does sense Berren is a little uncomfortable though not embarrassed…but decides to change the subject.  

Vence, Cissa, Beren: Circle takes the Square

  Beren’s attitude towards Cissa softens when he realizes the Bird he heard was killed was her father and expresses his sympathies to her. Vence agrees it has been a tough go, while cautiously watching Cissa start to close off…but gives her a side hug and tells her she’s kept the party together and that, “hopefully we idiot haven’t been too much stress” to try and cheer her up. She returns the hug, thanking the party for keeping her together. Beren saying he is happy Vence has found himself good friends. Vence admits took him a bit to make those bonds as he can rub people the wrong way, but it’s worked out. Berren, smirking, admits his asking questions at the most inopportune times is his own curse. Vence believes that explains a few things then (Cissa agrees), glancing at Cissa, wonders his father’s stance on puns. At this question the entire family, except a smirking Jaers, groans. Turns out Jaer’s is the lover of puns in the family, and the worse the better. While Vence admits puns aren’t quite his thing he has heard rumors that Cissa loves puns (Emir: Yes my puns). Jaer’s thinks she and Cissa will have so much pun together. While Cissa rolls her eyes and Vence makes his own ale/ail pun; the others consider emptying their drinks over him in response.  

Vence takes a bow

  As conversations with Vence slowly begin to wind down he has Dris pick who comes next. Glancing at Cissa with a grin wants to save ‘Gold’ for last. But before he leaves she wants to know when she’ll see him again. With a glance of his own at Cissa, unsure of explaining the trail in full, gently reminds her of what she heard him explaining to their dad about the tangled mess they’re involved with. Thaen thinks helping solve it will keep Talia safe and bring her home, wherever that might be, and just because they aren’t here with them all, doesn’t mean they don’t wish to be. Giving everyone a final goodbye and a look to Cissa that says, “…she scares me a bit, ya know?” Vence turns his back to everyone, pulls up his hood, and downs the drink on the bar.  

Lady arrives

  As soon as the glass touches the bar again Lady shifts in. As she turns around she begins pulling her long silvery hair over her shoulder and begins to braid it. Looking at everyone, “Hello, I’m Thaen…but probably easier to call me ‘Lady’ instead” as she locks eyes with Dris. Wies teases Piesk the pretty one has arrived while Dris has shifted stars into her eyes, “Wooow…hello Lady.”  

Lady, Mother, Grandmother

  Formally greeting her grandparents with a small bow, her grandmother remarking she looks just like Jaers did, piquing Lady’s curiosity and interest. Jaers a little surprised takes moment to consider Lady and has to admit, there is a strong resemblance.   Lady, uncertain of what to say, lamely admits to everyone she never expected to be here. Jaer’s gently works to get Lady to open up asking her the same questions Dris did of Vence learning… 1) She doesn’t have a favorite song 2) She mostly plays lute and viol, but sings as well 3) Gives a precise date she came to be almost 17 years ago (3 days after Thaen left Sharn) 4) Her age varies to suit her needs   Jaers still sensing Lady’s hesitance asks for her fondest memory. Lady, unsure, suggests her visit to Dal Quor or moving to Aundair. With a little more pushing Lady admits she enjoyed her “previous work” but unraveling the mysteries of ‘The Eyes’, ‘Sickle’, and the ‘Dreaming Dark as well as meeting April are experiences she has enjoyed.   Grandma points out Lady is very different from Vence, she doesn’t seem to allow herself as much individuality and encourages her to do so and that her family will be there for her. As well as Thaen, Vence, and “gold”.  

Lady Badly Banters

  Lady attempts to banter with Piesk and Wies, explaining they never said “pretty” and suggesting Piesk (pretty one) might actually have been mildly shifted the entire time. This of course rubs Wies the wrong way and Piesk, annoyed, mutters about the “obvious femme fatale.”   Lady sarcastically tells Piesk that anything “so obvious” must be true, but subtly tells him that while she likes to dance too her favorite form is conversation…but unintentionally ends this one. She playfully pouts in an attempt to restart.   She, in her own playful way, acts wounded by Wies’s words saying such things might make one think he is no fun at all. Wies is a little cool but admits Thaen thought his jokes weren’t funny either, so on brand to not be fun either.    

Big Sister, Little Sister

  Lady takes particular interest in Dris, squatting down to talk with her and to ensure she keeps her older brother’s in check. Dris just states in awe at her, thrilled at having a big sister tries to mimic both her braid and “cool” attitude. She claims to keep them out of trouble but asks Lady, “Do you protect my other brothers?”   Lady thinks for a moment but admits she is really meant to protect Thaen, but whispering thinks she scares “the other two”…and quite liked Dris’s rebellious hair from earlier (shaved side). While trying to copy Lady’s braid Dris wonders if Lady enjoys scaring men and thinks Piesk and Wies are a little intimidated…but does seem pleased Lady liked her haircut, even if it isn’t “school uniform” and suggests that as a changeling she can always change it.   Lady loudly whispers she doesn’t think Wies is intimidated. She explains to Dris she spent part of her life largely being judged by her appearance and sometimes people need a reminder that… Changing tact Lady begins discussing snakes. She explains there is a variety of snake that is very deadly and another is harmless but that looks so similar neither predator nor prey can tell them apart, so it is given space or left alone. Dris, previously not a fan of snakes, certainly is now and Lady hopes her brothers get a better sense of her nature.  

Smoothing things over

  Lady tells Wies that he poked a sore spot but she found it amusing anyway. Wies more gently says she only need to say so, they’re family after all. She takes a moment, clearly processing, and says she does think they are family. Piesk teasing that Wies is just better at hiding that he is intimidated with Wies But it is clear she has no idea how she fits in.   Lady begins asking Wies about his public performances and if he plays shifted. Wies confusedly says he plays as himself, whether as a Kenku or ‘au naturale’. A concept that utterly confuses Lady as she wears masks like a hatter makes hats. Wies understands but sees no reason not be himself when he performs, to each their own.  

Cissa’s problem

  Cissa has a softer expression toward Lady voicing her experience that, “Beauty can be both a blessing and a curse.” When asked if she has plans to fix it Cissa admits she does, but isn’t sure if anything will work before explaining the situation to the family. Berren mentions having heard of her situation and muses if that is what attracted Emir to her but given her dislike of the situation suspects that wasn’t the case. Cissa, frustrated at the situation, exhales explaining that she and Emir were together well before the concert and both being in the public eye makes “coming out”…complicated. Cissa acknowledges their relationship impacts more than themselves, quickly glancing at Lady, which required some serious forethought. Lady for her part is focused on a braid, comments that perhaps ironic that they tried hiding their relationship before but now, because of Cissa’s change, they’ll probably never be able to. However, she suggests that disguises might help keep the public from realizing it is her, maybe getting them a little less attention…but Emir’s eyes will always stand out.  


  Lady shows Dris a trick to use her own hair to tie the ends together. Dris attempts some of the tricks on her braid but grows frustrated and tries to undo it. However, Lady stops her hand and sits her down before the work can be completely undone. Lady asks Dris about her classmates and it is clear they all mix well together. As Dris talks about her classmates Lady helps Dris learn to more shift specific strands of hair so she can uses them to tie off. Dris promising her she’ll practice her shifting more going forward.   Jaers remarks that Lady’s braid reminds her she used to braid her own as well, but not this artisticly…then asks if Lady will braid her hair. This kicks off everyone asking for their own braid and growing their hair out for the occasion (Piesk and Wies doing wild colors). Even Berren joins in the fun, but asks for it to be in his beard.   Lady despite finding their interest odd gives everyone a braid utilizing various shifting tricks to help facilitate. She even recruits Dris’s help for the twins, sharing what she knows. Lady notices Cissa’s annoyance at her longer hair and gives her a complicated braid that looks both elegant and makes it look shorter. Lady herself receives a rather disastrous braid from Dris but loves it all the same.   Dris loves having a big sister and proudly says so. Wies jokingly shifts female but admits they could only do a pony tail (bread and butter of the hair world)…which kicks off Lady suggesting Wies ask for help from ladies about hair and suggests it’ll get him dates. Wies admits he won’t get many men that way but Cissa laughs and says Emir likes his braid and is sure more men do too. Lady suggests scalp and hand massages (Cissa says any massage). It even turns out Wies is quite a good cook, hell, most of the family is.  

Emir bit of Ignorance

  It becomes clear to Piesk as the conversation continues that Vence and Lady both know Emir. Dris is beside herself at him not connecting the dots, “gold?!” Lady shares she knows him largely for reputation having never actually met him. She recalls Vence once trying to play some of Emir’s work poorly enough that Emir heard and wasn’t pleased, or so she heard. Piesk taking this at face value nods along, Dris appears to be dying at his response.  

Sashay Away

  After what can only be described as an initially awkward meeting with her family Lady, eventually, found her footing. What was once tense is now a warmer atmosphere and Lady seems to have found some footing in the family. Dris in particular has grown quite attached to her throughout the evening and doesn’t want her to go, further evidenced by refusing to let go of her goodbye hug. Lady gently reminds her she goes where the others go but she’ll return, hopefully bringing April with her. She even asks her grandma to write down some stories for her during her time as Velvet. “All that remains is gold…” as she removes her armor then pulls her hood up, obscuring her face. A moment later it lowers. Before them now stands Emir Kaarde with his easy smile looking around, “Well, hello.”  

The Golden child

  Dris’s whispered, “I knew it” before Piesk responds, “Really? REALLY?!” but it doesn’t seem like the others had caught on either. Emir teases Dris that he thought she’d “burst” trying to keep the secret before Cissa and Emir warmly greet one another. When he introduces himself to the family it is little formal, though not distant. The family greet him warmly with Jaers and Berren taking particularly keen interest. Jaers noting there are no resemblences to herself or Berren but she can see a little of Thaen…and some influences she can’t place. Emir chuckles explaining it was the combined effort of Thaen and Talia that made him who he is. Berren is very surprised and wonders how many know he is a changeling. Emir explains it is a short list mostly those they travel with (pragmatic) and some select colleagues of Thaen’s, but no-one in the Circle far as they’re aware. They wants to keep it that way too and also fear a mole; which Emir then explains. Emir explains that Cissa is partly the reason for his visit but isn’t sure how to explain. Cissa intervenes, to his relief, explaining they are slowly headed to more serious steps with their relationship and meeting the family was one of them.  

Emir: Talia's child... sort of

  Dris is once again excited about the prospect of being related to Emir and telling some classmates, even though she has always been more of a Cissa fan. It seems her classmates are obsessed and that one has even painted a few pictures of him. Emir’s ego is bruised a little when Dris says she is glad she wasn’t an Emir fan (Emir misunderstanding her meaning). He jokingly wonders what her classmates would think if he or Cissa dropped her off at school, Jaers is intrigued by Talia’s involvement and ponders if that makes Emir “their child, in a way.” He thinks that is an apt way to describe it, but adds that neither quite feels like a parent. Cissa considers his words but recalls him mentioning Talia more like “a mother figure”. Emir explains he is full grown and they had no history together, but her influences or touch are a part of him. The whole thing is strange and confusing to him. Both Berren and Cissa listen carefully regarding a possible mole. Berren finds the prospect concerning and thinks he’ll look into it. Emir explains her learned this Martha d’Lyandar and she might be an initial lead. Wies humorously takes “no announcements” to mean “imminent announcements”, Berren adding he wants them from the source and not The Circle. While Emir can’t guarantee he’ll be able insinuates Cissa would in his stead. Emir explains there are no announcements coming soon and together they say if there were they’d like to do so in person. The “not soon” aspect causes Cissa to wince, which doesn’t go quite unnoticed.  

Emir: How strange is all this?

  The conversation turns to the visit and the various meetings. Emir thinks Cissa has the patience of a saint and hopes it hasn’t been awkward for her. She tells him his family has been very gracious. When it comes to fitting in Cissa and Emir both agree that Vence fit in exactly how they expected. Jaers admits that the whole visit and meeting everyone has been a bit strange for everyone. But she finds it even stranger that it feels like they’ve always been there. Cissa tells him how interesting it was for her to see them all differently interact with the family. “I mean, I saw Thaen hug people. Willingly!” which amuses the family. Emir thinks the revelation that his grandmother once owned “Velvets” surprised him the most. Seemingly prompted Cissa tells her that she is 200 years old, “and no doubt you have amazing stories to tell. Age equates experience.” Giving her a wink.    

Emir: Answer to Dris’s Questions

  1) Emir lists about a dozen or more songs or pieces he quite enjoys; 1 he wrote for Cissa, 1 Cissa wrote for him, and “The Parting Glass” a song Cissa wanted him to sing 2) He definitely prefers the viol, but he does play the lute as well 3) States his creation age is subject to debate but says Dris is older 4) Roughly the same age as Thaen, 33ish  

The Parting Glass

  Jears laughs at the long list and Berren nods along to the ones he knows and tilts his head to those he doesn’t. However, his interest is piqued by the old war song “The Parting Glass.” Cissa explains she sang it often to both friends and lovers who were leaving to fight, but never quite realized it had passed on or that the Brelish sang it. Berren is surprised Cissa wrote it given the age of the song before remembering she is an elf. Grandma gently adds that very long life also has its curses to which Cissa admits it is why some elves prefer to only be with other elves. Grandma is concerned by Cissa’s willingness to keep doing this, but Cissa says she wouldn’t miss out on this looking over the family before lovingly looking at Emir. Speaking with Jaers and Berren Emir asks if he and Cissa has their approval. His parents are surprised by the question and Cissa turns bright red and looking shocked. Berren takes a moment before seriously asking if Emir understands the complexities of their situation, her being a Bird and him a persona. But softens and tells them they had their approval 2 personas ago and he feared Jaers was going to adopt Cissa (Emir noting this would sour the romance). Jaers chiming in that they of course have their blessing! Emir says he is very glad Cissa wasn’t adopted, it’d have made this all very awkward otherwise. But he admits he knows of the challenges they face, but doesn’t understand what her being a Bird has to do with it. Berren tries to wave it away, explaining Birds tend to have less serious relationships with mortals but feels Cissa explained her position on the matter very clearly before. Cissa beams at Emir, eyes sparkling, and says he couldn’t be happier than hearing this…and is also very glad adoption wasn’t on the table.  

Problem Children

  Some discussion arises about what it might have been like trying to raise all the personas as children. Jaers is pretty adamant that if she can survive the twins (Piesk and Wies) she can handle them all. The conversation becomes rife with speculation. Emir believes Vence, Piesk, and Wies would form their own troublemaker block which would likely giver Jears a run for her money. Emir comes to the realization he has no idea what he’d have been like as a child.  

Algon Returns

  Dris talks with Emir excitedly about how fun it would be if he dropped her off at school. While Emir admits the reactions would be funny but wishes circumstances were so he could. Nodding sadly, an obvious lump in her throat Dris suddenly shifts away and Algon appears (much to Emir’s surprise). Algon explains Dris needs a moment to compose herself and replies, aloud to Dris, that he had to explain why he was there and that she need not be embarrassed with her feelings. Algon explains to Emir that Dris has never liked Thaen leaving, but now it is like 4 siblings departing at once.  

Peter Piesk

  At Emir’s reveal Wies took the opportunity to tease Piesk, again, about someone else now being the pretty one. Using minor illusion Emir teasingly suggest Piesk up his game if he wants to steal Cissa away. Piesk merely sticks his tongue out in response to them both. After Emir awkward introductions Emir remembered something and asked if Piesk wants to fly. Explaining he had an interesting gift to share, particularly so in Sharn…and casts Fly. Piesk is delighted and immediately takes to it, soon walking upside down on the ceiling. Jaers, equal parts amused and annoyed, tells Emir he should have waited but to take it outside.   Emir says a quick good bye to Cissa, saying he’ll see her soon, before Thaen shifts in. He grabs his ocarina and implies Cissa should join them all outside. Holding the door open for Cissa he messages Piesk he has 8 minutes before sternly telling the others, “And if he falls…don’t tell mom.”  

Jaers interrogates Emir

  Before Thaen manages to fully make his way outside Jaers calls out that she wants to speak with Emir, promising Cissa it won’t take long (liar). Shifting back a confused Emir sits w/ Jaers at the bar. As she pours them drinks she makes it clear Thaen isn’t the sort to drop what he is doing to “pop in” and Emir seems to be more career focused. While she knows they might to be able to say it in front of their siblings, they can tell her. Emir explains about recently learning Teleportation Circles and that he and Cissa are on their first mini vacation; both pieces of news please Jaers. As he walks further in his “airs” diminish, explaining situation with The Traveler was why Thaen wanted to come, setting the copper cup in front of her, but explains he wanted to see the Dragoneyes for himself. Sighing, he elaborates there is a lot going on and that they’ve been offered the chance to join Talia, but at a very heavy cost.  

Traveler’s blessings indeed

  Jaers inspects the cup with interest and is told not to fill it as that might summon them and the last time their patience had grown thin without a deal and explains the rules as they know them. Jaers winces suspecting rightly questions have been asked accidentally. Emir explains how the party teased them for not being able to talk w/o questions, but failed themselves when they tried. Jaers sternly hopes they take it seriously now, Emir doesn’t think they take it quite as seriously as they should but thinks they’re more cautious now. Reminding him that the Traveler is a guiding light to the lost and misfits wishes to know if Emir considers this is a test? Emir remarks grandma said the same before, but to them it felt less of a test and more of a threat. They intend to complete their task, but it feels ominous. Jaers sympathetically wishes them to take care.  

The Trail of Sorrow

  Jaers then asks about this “heavy cost” clearly wishing to help Emir. He sadly explains that “one must leave behind the one they love most, without explanation.” Quickly putting the pieces together, she understands that this is what Talia had done, that Vence and Lady must do the same, and what Emir must now do this to Cissa…lamenting Talia has been gone for years. While it wasn’t the purpose of the visit, Vence and Lady wouldn’t be able to make the necessary sacrifice otherwise, but Emir considers all of it malarkey. She pressing him for what he means, he explains that the purpose of the Trail is to end all suffering, but the first thing you’re to do is cause suffering. He finds it all very hypocritical. He explains that he isn’t sure if Luscinia’s motives are even good or how far she is willing to achieve her aims, let alone she even has the right approach because if she doesn’t it could just make things worse. Never mind the fact they have to leave 4 people behind and if they leave some family behind they cannot likely talk to the others for both hurt feelings and possibly breaking the magic.  

A Mother’s Fury

  Jaers, almost angry now, agrees it is hypocritical and wonders if Luscinia even understands the pain she is causing. After explaining what little he knows of Corvus’s history and what her possible end goals might be (eg. Killing the Duchess, effectively genocide?) Jaers’s demeanor turns into an icy rage. Making it clear that she cannot believe a mother would do this to anyone. “I will track this bitch down myself! If she’s not afraid to play the villain than neither am I!” Emir, though appreciative of her reaction coolly teases that he thought she gave up the adventuring life. More seriously though questions if she’d really leave everyone behind for “pre-emptive vengeance.” This breaks through to her and she admits sardonically that she doesn’t know enough. Neither how powerful Luscinia is or if her interference would help or just risk their whole family. Emir now knows where Thaen’s temper comes from but questions what good more bloodshed would do and if vengeance is really the path she’ll walk down…but were something to happen Cissa not to be left alone in her grief. Jaers promises that Cissa will not be alone and that for the time being she won’t act. But says if something were to happen she promises to weigh the consequences before “actually cutting a bitch.” Emir muses darkly, were they to die, if they’ll embrace or sharpen their knives together. Jaers, matching his darkness, adds she’ll have sharpening stones ready for when Cissa visits.  

What We Leave Behind

  Emir discusses a little w/ Jaers that Thaen wished he could have been a more “involved” brother but Emir says the life they’ve led until now wouldn’t have made it possible. Possibly once this is all over though perhaps Dris gets her fieldtrip, Piesk gets that encouraging ‘push’ he needs, and something for Wies they’ll need to think on. During the course of their conversation Jaers picks up on that Emir is leaving more than just Cissa behind. Emir explained that he and Cissa were granted an exception by the Duchess that would allow them to have a child together. For Emir, it isn’t just leaving Cissa behind, but possibly sacrificing their one opportunity to have a child together. Emir feels he has no choice but to join as Cissa will continue missions even if she is pregnant, a risk he will never allow.  

Flying, Music, and Patrons

  Jaers’s interrogation is eventually ended when Beren returns and explains what they’ve been missing (flying and dancing). As they go outside Thaen shifts in and casts fly on his parents, who begin flying around hand-in-hand. Overhead Cissa and Piesk dance and dive while Wies plays his flute w/ a jaunty tune. This show has even gathered a small crowd. Meanwhile his grandparents sit on a bench together with Dris, who is covering her eyes concerned for her brother (Dris has a fear of heights). Noticing the crowd Thaen quickly converses w/ Wies to join him in “Swallowtail Jig”. Thaen plays the jig w/ Wies in a “competitive” manner, playing runs at one another and then again in harmony. Dris joins in by grabbing random people from the crowd to dance with and switches partners, sometime shifting, every time Thaen and Wies switch lead. Cissa even joins in playing on Thaen’s lute. As the three play another song the crowd grows a bit larger and the dancing continues. They decide to take the festivities in doors where the merriment continues and the Violent Violin enjoys a room full of patrons again.  

SIDE Conversations

  (these happened in between but are hard to include as to not remove the "flow" of the rest of this chapter)  


  Dris wants to drop out of school Beren mentions the 3 brother's money helps keep everything afloat. Dris wants to help make money too, but everyone makes it clear she is to stay in school. This upsets Dris. With some good fatherly advice, and subtly telling Thaen to ease up, Beren helps settle her. Cissa, watching the interactions, quietly offers Thaen to help, but doesn't wish to intrude. Thaen mentions he's tried to get them to move, but is open to suggestions. Cissa isn’t quite sure, but thinks her presence could help improve foot traffic.   Illusions Thaen and Cissa give an illusion packed visuals of some of the places he’s been and some of the things he’s seen on the road as a stop gap as he can’t take anyone with him just yet.   Thaen w/ Piesk and Wies Piesk is confused about Thaen inviting Cissa to stay after close and even joining the family hug. He just doesn't get why she is here, but it seems Dris has figured it out and is being smug about it. Thaen breezily explains of course he is full of secrets, "changeling" but for his part it is mostly a peer relationship and the people he is traveling with are fairly entwined with Cissa, so it is hard to avoid one another. More firmly stating she is responsible for getting him home so soon and she is having a rough family moment at present, so thought this might help. Besides, he is the first changeling she has knowingly met, so he is educating her.   Thaen learns while talking w/ Dris that she even uses her love for arithmetic to help Piesk with his acrobatics and helping Wies transpose the music in his head; both of them enthusiastically impressed with her contributions.   Given Wies’s interest in music Thaen has a much easier time relating to him and takes interest in what music he has composed. At one point wondering of Wies’s potential and using the Spire of Inspiration to find out. While Wies mostly writes solo pieces the concertos are in his head…and doesn’t consider them refined enough to share.   Thaen w/ Dris Thaen learns Dris can manifest magic without an instrument and learns her focus might be a book. To him it seems with her smarts + book focus she might be a mage. He mentions knowing an alchemist, which excites Dris.   Through some other conversations Thaen puts together that almost everything the family has is going towards her education. Between that and his grandmother's health now understands why things are so tight.   When Thaen tries to gently coax out of Dris if she has a crush on anyone she makes a quip knowing he is an agent and must be losing his touch if he doesn’t know. He quips right back that he just wants to see if he could catch her in a lie.   Thaen and “Lady” both take great interest in Dris nearly getting mugged. Both taking their time to figure out where, when, and getting descriptions of who was involved   Thaen, the tour guide Thaen errantly tells Dris about April traveling and working as an alchemist, despite not being certified…which prompts Dris to ask if she can then join him on her travels. Thaen plays at looking for the rest of his family’s opinion before telling her that while he’d love to take her and ever her brothers on an adventure he wouldn’t let her drop out of school to do so. Dris disappointed but expecting that answer eagerly seizes on Thaen asking if she gets breaks or holidays, which she enthusiastically says she does! Thaen admits he can’t commit to a timeline, as he has people to help first, but he promises to take her on a trip…but where to? Dris of course wants to go to the Demon Wastes and heard about the wonderful hot springs. While on board for hot springs he muses the Wastes might be beyond him, but is confident they’ll find something fun to do.   Grandmother's Velvet Room Dris, Wies, and Thaen talk about what is under the floorboards upstairs. There seem to be some postcards from Velvets, uhhh "house of lady favors". Wies claims Thaen's stash is safe and Dris slyly mentions Wies's journal isn't. Thaen slips Dris a couple gold to get a peak. He even suggests adding some entries in Wies’s handwriting to mess with him causing Dris to giggle; Beren observes with a smile.   The two try to tease him about it but Thaen says it isn't his. Remarking, "Teenage changelings in a red light district don't need trashy postcards as material." While Wies laughs Grandmother mutters that Velvet’s used to have better material back in her day, catching everyone by surprise. Thaen in his surprise quips perhaps that grandmother should give Cissa the Eye's tour, amusing both ladies.   Later, Lady and her grandmother discuss personas. Lady mentioning she was built for a very specific purpose, but the obvious “femme fatale” does not elaborate. Her grandma merely chuckles and insinuates she has had one too in the past. Lady, intrigued, enquires about the name of the persona and learns it was, “Velvet.” Grandpa goes red and Jaers facepalms but it appears if the kids were old enough and asked they were allowed to know. Everyone just stares, Dris letting out a quiet, “whoa…”   As it turns out their grandmother was once the owner of the most successful brothel in the Dragoneyes but sold it when she became pregnant with Jaers. She took the proceeds and built the Tavern the family operates to this day. It also explains why the current “Velvet” is friendly to their family to this day. (Note: Personas can be traded, bought and sold, and even inherited. They are a “character” like Batman and different people can play the role. Could Vence or Emir be traded/shared? Possibly, but they certainly wouldn’t be quite the same.)   For Lady it confirms, for certain, she takes after her grandmother in more ways than she expected and definitely has respect for her.    


  Vence 'n his Brothers Vence expresses his curiosity being in a bard family and wonders about Piesk and Wies's magical abilities and learns Wies might be a Whispers bard, but never went to the college. Vence feels Thaen’s stomach drops at the implications. Beren is college of Lore and while Piesk isn't a bard he does have quite the talent for performing.   Vence tries to learn what they like to do apart from work but Piesk sadly tells them they rarely have time with how time and effort both the casino and tavern take. Wies however mentions enjoying learning new instruments and calls Piesk out for mentioning his enjoyment of dancing (and any girl would want to dance with him to boot)…but does admit opportunities for fun are somewhat limited which causes Vence to feel a both a bit guilty and some kinship at their feeling “trapped.” He explains this isn’t what Thaen wants for them but…isn’t sure what to do…Emir mentally lamenting, “This isn’t living…”   Wies does try to assuage Vence that they’re happy VETT have the freedom to move and could probably as well, but insinuates the Tavern needs work. Cissa quietly follows the exchange, cogs in her head turning with ideas of how to help. But it seems Wies, though well familiar w/ Tavern tunes is interested in classical and Piesk did get to enjoy some time dancing for Solaris.   Vence ‘n Piesk While Vence finds it easier to relate to and bond with Wies struggles a little with Piesk. With some effort though he learns Piesk did meet a nice half-elf lass named Gisleia and he learned elvish just to speak with her. Vence tries to encourage Piesk on this pursuit, thoughts of Mia coming to his mind, but Piesk thinks it too high a risk trying to join the “Dancers of Demesnes.” Vence doesn’t disagree about the risk, but thinks a lot to be gained (travel, the girl, or both). Piesk takes interest in Vence’s interest returning the question, but ultimately asks if it is Talia.   Vence’s thoughts on Talia are pretty plain. He’s never met her, has no relationship to her, so to him she is just someone he was tasked to find. He states his interest in Mia, but doesn’t think she’ll return as she is too busy being captain. Talking about Mia has everyone’s interest and Cissa lets Vence know Mia was always very happy to hear from him. Vence, a little pink, mutters he’ll message her some more then.   Dris comments that is sounds complicated, implying she knows about Emir. Vence, catching her meaning, explains he wants to stay on the road, but Talia might not and that might cause a tiff w/ “management.” Which immediately garners sympathy but also amusement and concern at Thaen being “management.” Vence explains that he typically gets tasks/objectives and largely handles the leg work but admits Thaen and Emir as helping more. That being said he does get to choose how things get done and do the work so not exactly a prisoner, but not truly free. Something Piesk relates to.   Vence lets slip “management” when referring to Thaen which garners some attention.   Vence 'n Grandparents Grandfather wonders if Vence is the "face" of the group but Cissa explains that the party only knew Vence for a long time, recently getting to know Thaen and the other two. He remarks that Cissa is certainly more at ease around Vence than Thaen. Cissa for her part just explains her relationship with Thaen is just...different.  


  On being guarded Wies tells her she doesn’t need to be so guarded with them but she tells him nature is hard to change. When Lady learns that Jaers also settled down due to being pregnant she pushed to find out what Jaers did before running the tavern. An exasperated Jaers vaguely explains, “I had to stop adventuring. I acquired jewels and crystals for coin.”