Session 39.5: The concert

A few days in, Cissa and Emir hold a concert. This is strange for their fans as they all assume that Cissa and Emir are rivals. The concert takes place on one of the large archery ranges. An arena of sorts is built, allowing for many to be able to join and have a decent view of the show.   The party, plus notable NPCs like Val, Ethan, Kiasuh, Grace, Cody and Genti have all been invited. To avoid being seen by his sister, Genti stays back stage and helped with the music. The rest are given front row seats.   Emir and Cissa start the show with Solo pieces, the other playing accompaniment and creating illusions to emphasize the themes of the piece. They played notable pieces that their two fan bases would know about. The tone is up beat and fun. Half way through, however, the tone of the concert shifts when Emir suddenly kisses Cissa. Their music suddenly shifts into duets and there is a more romantic undertone.   After the final song, Emir and Cissa take a bow and he dimension doors them off of the stage. There was cheering... and some booing. Not all of their fans liked this new development.   After the concert, Emir offered to pay Genti. But also asks Genti to not tell Talia about his and Cissa's relationship. He feels it's something that Thaen needs to tell her due to the nuance. Genti, feeling like Emir was trying to bribe him, turns the money away and explains that Emir asking him to lie to Talia (with money) is just not done. He will decide for himself what he will tell Talia.   The playlist: