Session 39.5: Tristan and Cissa's first talk

Elizabeth's Purpose

  After a brief visit to the Spire of Knowledge for some light research, Tristan arrives at Cissa’s room. When he enters the room he notices Emir and Genti are not there and there is sheet music all over the floor. When he comes inside Cissa is wearing a black outfit, but what stands out most is that nothing else in the room stands out except for her. It’s as if she has sucked all the color out of the room, making it almost seem like there is a spotlight on her. Her glow seems unnatural, it seems off. Cissa however seems very self conscious when Tristan comes in and she bows her head and slumps her shoulders. She tells him to please come in. Tristan thanks her for seeing him today. She tells him it's no trouble, and asks him to take a seat. Tristan finds a pillow in between of the music sheets. Cissa actively seems to avoid eye contact as they begin to converse. Tristan mentions he has been working towards this for a while, he got on her trail about a year ago. Cissa looks almost pleased with him and mentions there are others that have taken multiple years, up to four or five years. He says he got lucky meeting this group when he did.   Tristan mentions she was not surprised to hear his name when he asked Vence and asks why. Cissa says he knows that his sister is on the trail, and asks him if she would have never spoken of him. He says he wasn't sure Elizabeth would have spoken much with Cissa. Cissa says she had to, that they had to discuss her intentions. She explains this conversation can go multiple ways, but if they hit a choice he has to make, she will not be able to answer all his questions until after he makes a decision. Tristan says that’s only fair given the nature of their organization.   Tristan asks her how much she knows about him. Cissa mentions that she knows he has a twin sister that loves him very very much, and that Elizabeth saw some musical potential in him. That he would do anything for his sister, and had suffered a lot in the war. Tristan mentions that it has indeed not all been easy, but that is true both for the war and these last few years. Cissa mentions there is one thing she might understand better than he might think, but first she is going to ask him what he knows about Birds. Tristan mentions there has been some explanation, he’s not sure he understands all of it. They work for (potentially) a goddess, referred to as the duchess, and bring songs of suffering which in a way nourish her. Cissa raises her brow and tells him he knows more than many. Tristan mentions he’s inquisitive and trained at gathering information. Cissa mentions he’s not the first she's met who was like that, Elizabeth was the same way. He smiles and says she never disappoints him. Tristan asks her what she thought of his sister. Cissa says she’s lovely and very talented, he should be as proud as he looks.   Returning the conversation to the Birds, he mentions he imagines she was raised into it. Cissa mentions it was something like that, but this was not the direction she was taking this. She just wanted to tell him things he does not already know. Cissa tells him she understands Elisabeth and how she perceives him. While she’s not a twin, she does have a younger brother. The reason she asked him what he know about Birds, is because children are rare for them. What is even rarer are siblings. In Aerenal if there are siblings, they can possibly even be selected to rule the country together. This is because Elven siblings have a connection, an understanding and a magic between them that she thinks twins sometimes have to.   Tristan says he understands what she means. Cissa mentions that when her brother is in the room with her, even though they don’t have the best of relationships, they barely have to talk to understand each other. She is saying this to explain she knows and understands how hard this is, and she does not know how she would have felt if that had happened to her. Tristan thanks her and says it’s nice to get that acknowledgment. He asks what her brother's name is, Cissa tells him his name is Wren. Cissa explains the first step on this trail is learning how to forgive. Tristan asks what his sister had to learn to forgive. Cissa smiles and mentions she does not think she did, she thinks Elizabeth went on this trail for a different reason. She had learned of the Sickness, that it could possibly affect Tristan some day. He asks her if she did not learn it from Cissa or her people. Cissa tells him that she knew it before she or Luscinia talked to her. Elizabeth isn't on the Trail looking for some form of redemption, like most who are do. Her reason for being on the Trail is find a way to ensure Tristan will never die the same way others are dying right now. Tristan mentions he knows a little bit of that, and refers to the story of Dal Quor he told her yesterday. He wonders if Elizabeth knows about all of that. Cissa mentions it was a surprise to her, she was unaware of that. Connection. She does not know what else Elizabeth knows, or where she learned the information from. Tristan mentions he’ll see if he can do something about that.   Tristan asks if curing the Sickness is the ultimate goal of the Trail. This is where Cissa pauses the answers, saying there is a lot more. She does acknowledge curing the Sickness is a goal, but it's not the only one. Tristan mentions that would be the one his sister cares about. Cissa assumes as much, but says only Elizabeth would know. Tristan responds with an 'alright'. Cissa shudders a bit in response.   Tristan asks about Elizabeth starting on the Trail, how as he understands she did not approach Cissa initially in spite of her apparent knowledge, Cissa or Lucinia approached her. He wonders why. Cissa explains she does not have that answer, she only knows who is on the Trail and coming towards her. Finding Cissa is the first real test, she then discusses their intentions with them. But why Luscinia chose Elizabeth she doesn't know. Tristan then asks about how she has also indicated that he has found her faster than others might have, which implies he was meant to. However from what he understands he is not a prospect for the Trail itself. This information seems to conflict. Cissa chuckles and explains he has not been selected for the Dodecaphony, but she was informed that a feather was left to him by someone who thought he would be a good ally to those on the Trail. Being an ally requires you to have a feather, but not to follow the Trail. It also does not require you to wear the feather out in the open. Tristan asks why he then had to find Cissa. She mentions it’s more of an initiation. From here on he can choose to continue the Trail, but it won’t have an impact beyond him being able to get to the end of it. He can also choose to simply be an ally to any Feathers he crosses paths with, and follow the philosophy of the Feathers. Tristan asks if that has to do with ending suffering. She nods, and explains she can't answer further questions about the Trail at the moment.   Tristan thinks they should talk about the person who left him the feather. He asks her if she knows where he found the feather. She says she was told. Tristan asks by who, presuming it was Elizabeth. Cissa indicates it wasn't Elizabeth who told her, or who hid it in her room. She explains she thinks his father had always assumed that Elizabeth was going to join the Dodecaphony, but he also knew that Tristan would make for a very powerful ally. Cissa asks him, if his sister ever disappeared, what would he do. Tristan says anything. Cissa asks if that includes ripping her room apart. Tristan guiltily looks away. He mentions there is something in that story that does not make sense. His father died before the Sickness was a thing. how could he have know about the Dodecaphony if it’s related to the Sickness? Cissa says she can’t answer that right now. Tristan challenges her and tells her she's not denying it's correct. She tells him she's not denying or admitting to anything. Tristan tells her he can respect that, even though he doesn't like it.   They take a brief sidestep from the heavy conversation to discuss their Changeling friend. Cissa shows special interest in the fact Tristan seems to have talked to Thaen. He says he's actually met him a couple times, and explains what happened with the changelings in Dal Quor. Cissa tells him that she knows all four of them, including Lady. She explains there are complications in the relationship if she isn't aware of who knows what about her. Another complication is that one of them is in love with another, so a lot of talking has been necessary as a result. Tristan mentions the Changelings were all a bit freaked out by being all there at once. Unfortunately as they were pressed for times, the four didn't have a lot of time to talk to each other. Cissa is amused and fascinated. Tristan explains Thaen stuck by his side for most of their time in Dal Quor. Cissa seems a little surprised by this initially, but then says that Thaen told her a few times in the past is that he is an asshole, but not heartless. Tristan mentions he has said the same about himself from time to time, maybe that’s why they get along.   The conversation turns to the change in Cissa's appearance. She appears to feel rather uneasy about it. Tristan asks if this a permanent thing. She explains it is, and it’s going to have a lot of repercussions on her. She is glad she found somebody before this happened, because finding someone after is very difficult without ever doubting if they love you only for one thing and one thing only. It means that once Emir dies she’ll go back to Aerenal. Tristan jokes he could always chuck Emir through a silver flame for her and extend his life by a bit. This confuses Cissa (and in turn Tristan, as he had thought she was aware of this). Tristan tells her about what happened to Malak and Griff, and how miss Ishim explained it will extend their lives. Cissa seems to connect some dots and mentions she has friends that she thinks might have done the same. Tristan asks if one of them wears a hideous purple cowboy hat, to which Cissa spits out her tea. He states Elijah is a good man, and about as easy to track as she is. Cissa responds saying that’s why they are friends. She also states she finds Tristan a very interesting person to talk to. Tristan is glad he’s not boring. Cissa mentions if he were boring, she would have left him alone in her bedroom and would have sent up the kids. Tristan wonders what she means. Cissa explains she’s a music teacher. Tristan seems concerned with the idea, indicating that while he might not look it, he has sensitive ears when it comes to such things. Cissa laughs and says he's more like Emir than he thinks.   Tristan mentions there is something interesting about where he found the feather; there was something else there. Upon being asked what else was there, Tristan shows his soldier's mark and starts to sing Flight of the Silverbird. Cissa smiles as he sings the first verse, and is about to sing the second verse when he continues. The room slowly lights up a bit in a golden glow as he sings. Tristan then states that as he understands it, she was supposed to give the second verse. Cissa jokingly thanks him for doing her work for her, and then says she has no idea how this is possible; his father could not have left the song to him before the Sickness arrived, as the song came after. Tristan is shook, and tells her his father has been dead for 12 years. Cissa says she has no further answers on this either. She understood the feather was left for him, but the song she doesn't understand how it happened. Tristan mentions his sister knew where it was. Cissa confirms, but says Elizabeth wouldn't have had the second verse. Tristan says that's true, not until she would have spoken to Cissa, and that she has not been home since, at least not before he found the song in her room.   Tristan is deeply bothered by thoughts of the secrets his father kept, something he knows Cissa can understand, and wonders especially if his mother was also involved with the Feathers. Cissa says that to her knowledge, she wasn't. They decide to order up something stronger than tea. Cissa tells Tristan from what she's been told, there are a lot of people who love him, who saw a lot of potential for him to love too, who saw a lot of potential for someone to be strong but compassionate, and to be someone who is willing to change the world if he needs to. Tristan mentions that his sister always thought too highly of him. Cissa says they barely spoken for an hour, and during this conversation he has not proven his sister wrong a single time. She says he went out to save Valarie, Jenny and Genti, and asks what was in it for him. He tells her that finding her was, initially. Cissa asks him if he was willing to risk his life to just speak to her. Tristan mentions she was the only lead he had. He also wasn't aware of the amount of trouble Valarie and Jenny were in when he took the job. Cissa mentions there was no monetary reward, it was just a group of strangers. Was it really just to meet her? Tristan states the people who took them where also clearly bad news. In general but also potentially to his sister, as they were after those with feathers. He would not claim anything but enlightened self-interest in taking the job. Cissa chuckles and mentions that he feigns ignorance even now, that he did a good deed for nothing. This is why he was selected, this is what his family saw in him. This is what she sees in him.   When Genti's involvement is discussed, along with Tristan's knowledge of him traveling with Elizabeth through Thaen, Tristan shifts the subject to the sacrifice members of the Dodecaphony have to make. He mentions how, while they have to leaving behind the one they loved most, without any explanation or contact, he knows Thaen has been in contact with Taliashana. Cissa counters by asking if Taliashanna has been in contact with Thaen. Tristan smiles wryly and says that it seems to be about technicalities then. Cissa says that's how the magic works, it's always technicalities. Tristan mentions he does not understand a lot about magic. While he understands she can't get into specifics now, he wonders how something such as not reaching out to someone or something like learning Ballet can affect magic. She frowns and questions what he means. Tristan explains that that was the task Elizabeth had to do in Flamekeep with Cissa's father. It becomes clear Cissa didn't know what his task was, and that she does not even know who are after her father in the Trail. She says she knows more now than she’s supposed to. Tristan asks if there is a reason she's not supposed to know. Cissa responds asking if there's a reasons she should. Tristan tells her maybe, but leaves it hanging.   Speaking of her father leaves Cissa feeling a bit off. She shakes herself out of her thoughts though when Tristan explains he spoke to Gary Galanda recently about his supposed potential to be a Bard. As he was told, Cissa would be the only one who could say for sure. Cissa looks at him for a moment, and tells him that he has already proven to her that he is a bard. When he sang to her the room told her, the Spire told her. Tristan seems undecided on whether he wants to then pursue this new path. Cissa mentions she has to give a class in about an hour, and wants to show him something, and to see if he can do it too. Tristan smiles and says that he thinks he has been tested in stranger ways during officer training. Cissa asks to then pause the conversation here for now, and to meet her in the atrium in an hour. Tristan thanks her for her time, appreciating that some parts of the conversation haven't been any easier for her than for him.  


  Cissa and Tristan meet in the atrium, along with a group of young children age 6 through 10 with instruments. It's chaos. As the kids go through the large brass double doors, Cissa asks Tristan if he has an instrument of his own. As he hesitates for a moment in replying, she tells him she might have something for him if he wants. They make their way down a winding, dark staircase. The excitement of the children creates a vibe, which seems to light the room a little. Reaching the bottom, they find a large cavernous area, which Cissa transforms into a (smaller) music room. Cissa tells the kids to practice the song she taught them. After the first (awful) note, Cissa starts them on the song, conducting. The song is out of tune, out of synch at first. Cissa starts to walk through the group, correcting posture, showing how to set the fingers right. As she goes through, lightly touching each of them on the chest as if reminding them of something, the song starts becoming an actual song, sounding like it's being played by professionals. As the kids play, the room glows.   Cissa, having given Tristan a lute to try out, points to him. He joins, but is too busy thinking it through and struggles. Cissa comes up to him and tells him to stop thinking. Tristan asks if there is such a thing. She tells him there is and touches his chest, asking if he thinks his sister plays with her brain. He knows she doesn't, and Cissa tells him to try again while thinking about his sister, as if he's playing for her. Tristan thinks about the times he's sung together with her. He does a little better. Cissa tells him he's not an artificer, intelligence doesn't help him here, just listen to the music, be part of it, breathe. She asks what he's thinking about. Tristan tells her he's thinking about 'trying to do it right'. She slaps him over the head. He chuckles. She starts telling him to try again, but then says she has a better idea, and has him put the lute down.   Taking him by the hand, she guides him to a specific group of children who are still learning. She explains how one of them, playing a lute, is fingering it wrong. She asks if Tristan can help him. He mentions he's no expert on lutes. Cissa tells him there are instruments she is not an expert on either, but one can still teach. Tristan thinks about how his sister handles her lyre, another string instrument, something he's more familiar with. He goes to the child and takes his knowledge about how to pluck strings from there, trying to help the child. As he does so, the room starts to glow even more. Cissa taps him on the shoulder and tells him that that is Inspiration, a power only Bards have. Tristan thinks he's seen Vence do that once or twice. After the song ends with a horribly out of key note, Cissa sends the kids back upstairs. Once they're gone, she muses to Tristan that perhaps this was a bit too quick for him, but it is the first step to finding out what he's capable of. She urges him to stop thinking with his head next time. This is the spire of creation. No matter if you're a bard, artificer or architect, the first steps is the imagination, the passion behind it, the love behind it, and that doesn't come from your head. Cissa says they'll come down to this room one day again. Tristan thanks her again, and they part ways.