Session 39.5: Tristan and Corvus have a talk

Two Bards, Five Feathers, a Ribbon, and a Lady

  Grace meets Tristan by the Palace gates, and asks if he wants to talk to Corvus alone, or for her to sit in. He says doesn't mind, but asks if there's a reason for it. She tells him she's she's worried about misunderstandings between the two of them. Tristan states he always makes himself perfectly clear and understood. Grace gives him a kiss and replies emphasising *she* always understands him, but says not everyone does. Thinking back about some previous misunderstandings between him and others, he relents she may have a point. She takes him to the conservatory, a good neutral meeting ground. There is a table with some tea and cakes. Corvus is waiting there, standing straight but clearly having no idea where to place his hands.   After Grace introduces them to each other, Corvus thanks Tristan for helping April. He in turn thanks Corvus for taking the time to meet him, in spite of being very busy. Corvus starts the conversation by asking Tristan what he knows about him. Corvus says Malak always says 'what you have to understand about Corvus is that he likes explaining things a lot', so he likes explaining things Tristan doesn't already know. Tristan smiles as he remembers Cissa similarly saying she wanted to explain things he doesn't already know, before stating some speak very fondly of him, others not as much. He also spoke to Hal d'Deneith about him for a hopefully more neutral view. Grace and Corvus both question Hal's neutrality, as he's likely to sing praises of anyone that would do his paperwork, and Corvus was quite fond of working with Hal. Tristan agrees Hal produces a lot of paperwork. From experience, as he's has been doing said paperwork for about two weeks now.   Corvus asks Tristan what he knows about the Feathers. Tristan begins to go through his journey to this point, starting with how his sister disappeared two years ago, how in his frustration he went through he room and found a feather and song lyrics. Then he remembered his father, once when they were young, telling them about this feather he found in the forest. A bluethroat feather. He showed it to them and says it's so strange that a bird would fly there all the way from the Lhazaar Principalities. Tristan explains that the only lead he had was to Lhazaar, so he went there. Some things happened, he fought some pirates, and found some things after that. Taking out the bamboo flute, he lays it on the table. He says he showed it to Cissa, who recognised it and told him it's Corvus' father's flute. Corvus takes out the flute he has that he thinks is his father's and lays it next to the bamboo flute. Cissa had told him that was his father's flute. Tristan says technically it's possible he had more than one. Corvus takes out a sword, made of similar material. Bamboo sheath and handle, simple in design. He places it on the table and says his father also made this, apparently.   Corvus then asks how finding these things lead him to Cissa. Tristan tells him it didn't. Lhazaar was a dead end for him in spite of what he found. He'd met some people there who needed to go home, and decided to accompany them, in the hopes that through travel he would get lucky. It turns out he did; Returning a Tortle home, he ended up in Q'Barra, and overheard some other Tortles talking about their father and his friend Cissa. This sparked a memory for Tristan, he'd had Cissa pointed out to him somewhere once, long before. He remembered she had a blue tipped feather in her hair. From that moment he made it his objective to find Cissa, in the hopes she could provide more answers. Corvus does math in his head for a moment, then says he thinks Tristan found her reasonably fast. Tristan elaborates, saying it took him about a year to find Cissa. He spent most of it Sharn, because there were many opportunities there for her to perform. She did so often enough, but Sharn is big. From Sharn he moved to Wroat, and eventually learnt she was spending more time in Fairhaven. As he was making his way north by train, during a stopover in Passage he learned she was in Thaliost, and the rest he thinks is obvious. Corvus confirms Malak has informed him of what has happened since.   Corvus asks if he accepted it, to which Tristan opens his jacket a little bit, the feather pinned to the inside. He says he did. Then Corvus asks what he's been told about what he did to the Trail. Tristan tells him he understands Corvus learned some things, jumped off an airship. After that Cissa's father died, by his partner's hand if Tristan understands right. Corvus says he tried to end the Trail, to destroy it, because at the end of it lies the death of his Goddess. He has since found out it's more nuanced. He also had never expected that Attritus would die. Birds are not allowed to harm or kill each other. The worst punishment for it is banishment. He wanted to get his own feather and find his mother. He didn't want to rely on others for it, so he contacted her. This is when she told him about the ending of all suffering. He asked her what she meant with that, her answer was that he knew what she meant. Cissa also showed him a memory of his father, taking magic from their goddess before he was born. Corvus explains that through different circumstances he found himself feeling alone, without anything, and he decided to leave, to warn his Goddess she was in danger.   Since then, he has learned more. He's seen what actually happened with Attritus thanks to Corinne. Attritus sacrificed himself, assuming this would stop Corvus from pursuing further. Cygnus would be able to take over his place in the Trail. Tristan asks if he ever did find a feather of his own, to which Corvus shows his feather. Corvus then explains his mother does not understand how the magic of the Trail works. His father designed the magic and is the only one who knew. They discuss the goal of the Trail, and how this ties together, Corvus says the song sung in the Solaris parade is part of it too, it's made to find someone, Myranna. His mother has been looking for her for quite some time. This is where it gets complicated. If they are trying to stop the Sickness... that's not possible, that only started just over ten years ago. There are things missing. What he understands is the moment this magic started, if it is stopped the fate of the Duchess or Luscinia will be worse. On the other hand the Duchess will die if Luscinia succeeds. Tristan questions how they can be sure of any of that if they don't understand how the magic works. Corvus says answers lie in Karrnath, but he'll get to that. He adds that if the trail ends, suffering will increase, bad things will happen in the world, and he might lose both the Duchess and Luscinia. If it succeeds, he might lose one of them. As he understands, it's a side effect of the Trail, of the magic, that's how Luscinia explained it to him.   Upon Corvus asking what Tristan knows about Birds and their song, he mentions he's heard about them singing songs of suffering to the Duchess to 'nourish' her. Corvus then explains their gods are not similar to the divine or the Host. More like how he considers Tira Myron, ascended and having stripped themselves of their mortality. The Duchess is ancient, but looks as young as Corvus. Noone knows her actual name, it is lost to time. He sees parallels between what Birds do and what Tristan's sister is going through. They're not allowed to cause suffering, because if they cause suffering, they cannot 'store' that energy. It is wasted effort. But witnessing suffering is fine, bettering the world is perfect. There are too many parallels between the Birds and the dodecaphony. More than he's comfortable to just accept.   Corvus also mentions he was asked to make a sacrifice, and declined. Tristan is of the opinion anyone in their right state of mind should decline. Grace asks Tristan what sacrifice he had to make, but he tells her he didn't have to. Corvus then explains that this is because he's not a bard, and hasn't been selected by Luscinia. To this, Tristan admits that he is at least a little bit of a bard. Grace mentions she thinks he's really good. Tristan explains to Corvus that being a bard is a new discovery for him and he is in the beginnings of learning. He replies that in that case one day Luscinia might find him and ask him to, if they are together, abandon Grace, in the hope she'll still love him when he comes back. Grace asks 'abandon me?' Tristan says he was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to tell people about this, and had no intention of ever doing such a thing anyway, which is why he hadn't told her. Corvus agrees it's preposterous, but there are people willing to make that sacrifice for what it might bring. Corvus then explains his purpose now is to study the magic of the Trail, to understand it, and to minimize the ripple, and maybe keep all that he loves around. Tristan says he is glad Corvus' path has shifted. Corvus says he knows more now that he did then, that everyone makes mistakes, and he got his father killed because of it. Not his actual father, but the man who raised him and taught him everything he knew. Tristan muses that that is exactly what a father is, and says he's sorry for Corvus' loss. Corvus thank him, and says his mistakes hurt his best friend too. But he was able to assure at least that they wouldn't be banished, that they could go home.   Corvus then goes on to explain that if Birds witness too much suffering, they store all that pain and anguish in themselves, it makes them susceptible to Mabar. This is why they need to go home, to be relieved of that burden. This is very taxing and painful, and requires a week or two to recover from. Corvus used to nourish every bird that sang back to health, when he was the Duchess' vassal. He is concerned for those on the Trail, what might happen to them when they complete it. Tristan admits he has had similar worries, though based on far less understanding. Corvus then states he's a weird bard. His song has no magic, his sword does. He is a walking paradox. He's been trained in arcana and magic, he's a tailor, a leatherworker. Tristan says in that case he thinks if anyone's going to crack the magic of Corvus' father, it's going to be someone who's magic makes no sense, yet knows a lot about it, as Corvus does. Corvus responds that would apply to his mother as well. She's the only one that's like him. And he's learned they're not supposed to coexist.   He explains Elves have difficulties producing children because there is a fixed amount of souls. The souls are reborn. Most elves then remember their past lives when they are young, to guide them back on track. They lose this as they reach mental maturity. What the Duchess does is help guide souls to those willing to receive a child. In his 150 years, three children have been born in Aerenal, it's rare. Tristan asks if the birth of an Elven child would be possible without the Duchess, ro which Corvus says as far as he understands every Aereni born is born under her guidance. Tristan asks about Corvus' lack of memory of his previous life. He explains his mother wiped his memory. It has been restored since. It is unclear if this is because he's no longer linked to it. Tristan says yes, it could be he's just too old. Corvus states the transition happens around 100 years, so it's possible. But he should have memories of this, and he doesn't. So he doesn't know how he's here and supposed to exist. It goes against everything he's been taught. Tristan says that while this is obviously all new to him, he'd float the option that Corvus could be a new soul. Corvus however says he believes he's the same soul. Which is where it gets complicated, the same soul in a different vessel at the same time. This is why he has to travel to Karrnath.   Tristan frowns, he isn't sure how that makes sense. Corvus continues, saying this is also why he wanted to talk to Tristan. He asks him to explain the customs of Karrnath. He's arrived in Flamekeep and learned there were things they didn't appreciate as much here in comparison to Aerenal. He assumes this is the same for Karrnath. Grace has already explained not everyone is a vampire or a zombie. Tristan asks what specifically Corvus wants to know about Karrnath. Corvus wonders if he should simply not talk about vampires, undead and the like at all. Tristan explains it depends on how you do it. It's best, especially with vampires as most (though not all) of them are nobles, to just talk about and to them as you would other nobles. Corvus then asks if Tristan has been to Korth and the royal court. Tristan confirms he's been there several times, as his sister performed there. Corvus inquires to his opinion of Pavo, Korth's court Bird. Tristan says he found him to be friendly, they got along well enough, but he doesn't tend to show much of his inner workings. Corvus indicates he has been in contact with Pavo lately and they will be traveling to Karrnath together after the wedding. Tristan asks if Corvus doesn't know him well. Corvus says Pavo doesn't come home much, which prompts Tristan to ask how recently Corvus has actually left home. Being told that was only three years ago, he expresses some disappointment in realising Corvus won't be able to help him find out more about his father then, who has been dead for 12 years. Corvus says his own has been dead for 145, and he's still finding things out.committed   Tristan says speaking of the Sickness, as he understands it the goal of the Trail is currently, at least in part, curing the Sickness. He asks if Corvus agrees that this is correct. Corvus says believes the Trail exists because Myranna got sick. He's seen one man die of the Sickness in Windshire. His body went limp first, then things happened to him. They assumed it was a form of paralysis. Considering what they now know about Dal Quor, Malak and he are of the mind that the first symptom is you fall asleep, then whatever happens might cut your cord. Tristan says he'd come to the same conclusion. Although it's hard to be sure without proof, it makes sense.   Corvus asks about possession by spirits or ghosts. He needs someone with expertise on this and believes Karrnath would be the best place to look for such things. Tristan asks if he has a haunted object, and quickly deduces they're talking about Lucy, asking if he thinks her spirit is attached to the viol. Corvus says that's preposterous. It's attached to the bow. He has told Cissa of this assumption the day before, as well as the notion that he was against her giving it away to Vence. Well, technically Emir. Tristan says they do tend to prefer when they get that right. Corvus says it would have helped if he'd explained he was a Changeling. In spite of the things that happened between him and Vence, Corvus states Changelings don't deserve to be treated the way they are, and he has the time to change that. He has plans, which sadly he can't give Vence the proper credit for, but if it weren't for him he wouldn't have them. He's working on creating a haven for Changelings, a place where they can be free to be whoever and whatever they want. He plans to welcome them to Aundaire and make a town blossom beyond Fairhaven. Tristan mentions he thinks this is very ambitious. Corvus explains that when you're an Elf you have time for such things, as they live up to 500 years. Tristan has difficulty conceiving the idea of having a life that long. Corvus continues, saying that as the Prince is on board too, they have resources. There's a place they're fond of, which they'll look over, and make sure stays safe, which would be perfect for this plan. One day there might be little Aprils running around there, and they might get littler Aprils after that. Tristan starts laughing and says he's not so sure, April doesn't seem wild about the idea. But she's young, she might change her mind. At least she knows how it works now. Grace starts laughing, as Corvus says he's happy Tristan had to do that. Mostly because he didn't want to have to be the one to explain that to her himself. Speaking of April, they agree she's brilliant, and may well prove essential in figuring out all that they're dealing with.   Returning the conversation to the bow, Tristan asks what he wants to do with it. Corvus says he'd like to offer Lucy closure if possible. Tristan says that while he's not an expert, he believes often releasing a spirit will be done through either forcing them out, or giving them closure. Respectful approaches are preferred over forcing the spirit out. Corvus says he wants to find experts in Karrnath who could teach him how to do that. Tristan tell him says followers of the Blood of Vol would be the best place to start, they specialise in the more supernatural areas. He thinks Pavo should be able to find a liason of the Blood of Vol for Corvus to talk to.   Changing the subject, Corvus says he wants to see if he can take Malak into Myranna's dream after the wedding. He has magic that could do this, and assumes they should be able to speak to her for up to 8 hours. And with how time in Dal Quor moves slowly, he wonders if that will have an effect on it. Tristan agrees it's worth a shot at least, he'd really wish for Malak to be able to speak to his daughter. Corvus then asks if Tristan would accompany him when he goes to Myranna. Not to go into the dream, but to sing to her on the outside. He can't do both the magic and sing at the same time and needs a bard he can trust for this. He wants to see what happens in the dream when the song is sung outside. If Malak and Kiasuh consent of course. Mainly Kiasuh. Grace and Tristan chuckle at this, and Tristan agrees to help, although he still looks uncomfortable being called a bard.   Tristan asks to take the conversation back a couple of steps. Corvus never answered the question, does he think the Trail, the Dodecaphony, can cure/fix the Sickness. Corvus is under the assumption it will. Tristan says that if he is to support shutting it down, he'd need an alternative. The Sickness needs to be stopped. If not through the Trail, then how? Corvus says there are many different angles. Whatever Tira Myron seems to be doing in Dal Quor, for example. Tristan asks if Malak has told Corvus of his latest quest. As it appears he hasn't, he decides not to speak for Malak then, and asks about other angles. Corvus considers this thing is fought on multiple levels, in multiple realms simultaneously. He asks if Tristan would consider Quori evil. Tristan responds saying he thinks they are more of a natural occurence. Like a wolf, they hunt, they eat, that doesn't make them evil. Which isn't to say there aren't evil Quori probably, but that's more like how it is with humans. Corvus in turn considers the fact Quori live off the suffering in dreams, much like how the Duchess is sustained by tales of suffering. Energy goes somewhere. He knows Tristan has seen undead in Karrnath. Those are bounded using the energy of Mabar, the plane of existence where things go to die. In Aerenal there are undead bound due to the plane of Irian, the plane of light. They glow in radiance, much like Malak does. Tristan says that's unexpected. Corvus goes on to explain it's all about energy. If you think magic can be fire, water, etc, it's just an element powering a body to function. In theory you should be able to bind a plane of Fire, if such a thing exists, to a corpse and make it do similar things. The theory is the same, although practically the fire might burn the body instead. Tristan mutters he's not telling Theda about that. Upon Corvus asking who that is, he explains she's a friend who loves new fields of research. Corvus asks if she's knowledgable of magic. Unsure, Tristan looks to Grace, as she has more knowledge of the things Theda is interested in than he does. He asks her if she'd say that's magic related or just science. Grace considers it could be something in between. What april does is science, but they also consider it magic. Corvus wonders if he can be introduced to Theda one day. He's always fascinated to learn more things. Tristan says he'd be curious to see how she'd react to Corvus, as she is a little... different.   Corvus asks about the Lhazaar Principalities and the flute, what else he found and where he found it. Tristan confirms the flute is his to keep. As for the rest, he says he started telling Cissa about this and she asked him to stop, in part because it might iunvolve information she wasn't supposed to know, and also because she's already had a lot to process. He's not against sharing it with Corvus, but he doesn't know if it could cause problems. They discuss that potential for a moment, before Tristan decides that he'll begin, and see how far he'll get before he gets uncomfortable sharing more.   Tristan says he found an island filled with lots and lots of bluethroat birds. It wasn't a huge island, so he walked all the way around, and found nothing. Sitting down to take a break, through sheer luck he ended up looking right at a rock with a little arrow on it, pointing inland. He followed a well hidden path it pointed to, and went deep into the island, finding this small cave going downward. In the cave were more birds. He also found a little altar there, hewn into the wall. On it was the flute, above was written 'freeze the arrow'. Tristan sang the song, and the birds sang with him, which he found a little weird. Then they just flew off. With some hesitation he continues, explaining how he found five feathers hanging in the altar. The first one belonged to Cissa, which he didn't know at the time. It had the word Magpie written on it, so when Malak informed him that Magpie and Cissa were the same more recently, things began to click for him. Tristan says he thinks they were the feathers of the five Birds that make up the Trail, excluding Luscinia. Corvus confirms Luscinia doesn't have a feather, and is instead represented by a ribbon. Tristan muses he thinks it's strange there's an altar on a random island, with these things. Corvus asks if the feathers are still there. Tristan says he took them. Corvus asks which are the other three. Tristan says he should be able to guess one. Corvus says maybe more than one, and one of them should not be possible anymore. Tristan confirms there was one for a black swan there. The one he believes represents Asir had the word Pica on it. As for the other two, well, he's about to visit one. Corvus says he knows, so far there are no surprises.   Tristan says he doesn't believe he should tell Corvus the fifth. Corvus asks why. Tristan believes it could hurt someone. At the least, he thinks he can't share it yet, maybe later he can. Corvus is confused about why. Tristan understands that, but he can't say more without saying too much, then he might as well tell him. Tristan asks how it will then help Corvus to know the name now. Corvus says it would make travel arrangements and conversations easier. Corvus wonders if there is now a white swan feather at the island. Tristan says the place didn't look like it had been visited for some time, he's not sure it is 'updated' in that sense.   Corvus Sends to Luscinia: “With Tristan Solis, he took five feathers from an island in the Lhazaar Principalities. Should I ask him to burn them?” Answer: “No” Corvus Sends again: “Are you going back there to change the feather of Attritus?” Answer: “No” Corvus says he hates his mother, she's very forthcoming Corvus Sends again: “I have his flute, should I take it back?” Answer: “Take it for yourself, he would have wanted it that way”   Corvus smiles and says she's totally fine with Tristan telling him all the things. Tristan retorts he says this right after being frustrated about how forthcoming his mother is not. Corvus admits she didn't really say that, she just said 'no' twice, and that the flute is his if he wants it. Tristan says he assumed as much regarding the flute. Corvus asks if Tristan is going to be keeping the feathers. Tristan isn't sure. He was hoping to ask Cissa what to do with them, but that didn't pan out. Corvus says Luscinia doesn't seem to care about the fact he has them. If it means what Tristan thinks it means, it would be best to burn them in his opinion. Tristan takes it under advisement.   Tristan asks if in his research, Corvus could keep an eye out for potential alternative ways of combating the Sickness. Corvus says this is a lower priority for him. Tristan understands this, but impresses it is the utmost priority to him. Corvus says he knows the price for his help. If he wants something from him, his dedication, his trust, there is an easy way to earn it. Tristan says he understands. There is another person's trust he has to consider, but once that matter is resolved, how will he reach Corvus. He'd prefer not going through a third party for this. Corvus explains Malak can always reach him. If Tristan asks Malak to have Corvus contact him, he can do so. Corvus states he is still researching the Sickness, it's just not his priority now. He wants to assure other things, but there is a lot of downtime in between, some of the other things he was doing he is no longer looking into. But only if Tristan proves he trusts Corvus, will he fully commit. Tristan tells him that that's fair.   Corvus says if the Trail stops, the consequences are also dire. So having to understand the magic is still quite important. If they would end the Sickness and the Trail would no longer be needed, it could collapse and cause something worse, as his current understanding is. Tristan says that while his objective is to end the Sickness so his sister can be free. Once that is done, he would be free to pursue other things, and would be more than happy to continue helping Corvus with his objective. Insofar as he can with his limited understanding of magic, but perhaps there are other ways in which he could help when that time comes. Corvus says the Trail is like a moving train, it cannot be stopped, it has to be completed. Whether the Sickness is cured or not, he doesn't think that will help Tristan's sister. And if he's right, and they are conduits, ending the Trail will not release her from what she carries. Tristan briefly looks at his covered arm. Corvus wants to ensure noone dies. Not Elizabeth, not Taliashanna, if Vence chooses to go on the path, not even him. But noone seems to fully understands how it works, and the one man who does is no longer here. He needs to ensure there are no casualties, after effects or ripples. If he finds there is a better way, a different way, and he can end it without causing hurt somewhere else, he will let Tristan know. Tristan thanks him, and they agree they're both done losing people.   Corvus asks if there are contacts Tristan has in Karrnath that might be of assistance. Tristan says it would depend on what Corvus needs. For the bow, not directly. Corvus says you never know what you'll get into, but it's always good to know there is a friend somewhere. Tristan suggests House Deneith is always good for friends, but Hal might be a better reference for him there. Corvus questions Hal being a good reference. Tristan says he's part of the House at the least. Corvus should have seen the way they looked at Tristan when he went into the House station in Flamekeep. Grace asks how they looked at him, she looks a little angry. Tristan says not that bad, don't worry. It's just weird to be with Deneiths who are not of Karrnath. Tristan says if Corvus finds himself needing to do more there than just the viol business, and is looking for people who can help out, just Send to him and he might be able to steer him in an appropriate direction. Corvus says he doesn't have any contacts for Tristan per se. Tristan isn't sure where he'll be going, he questions the point of seeking out his sister. He's exploring other ways of making contact. Following the Trail is not the most useful thing for him to do now, he thinks. Corvus says he'll contact Tristan if he sees her. And should Tristan end up in Breland, let him know. He gives some tips to deal with Asir, should it come to that.   Tristan says he's taken up enough of Corvus' time. Corvus says it was nice meeting him, Tristan says likewise. Corvus says he has one last question. Can he please ensure next time Malak tries to run out in front, that Tristan ends up in front of him. He knows this is harder than it sounds. Grace and Tristan both says it's harder by a lot. Corvus jokingly suggests tying him to a chair. Tristan promises to do his best to keep that stubborn old man alive. Corvus says he's a very dear friend. Tristan hesitates in replying, as if realising something, before saying he is. After this they say their goodbyes.