Session 39.5: Tristan and Vence - What Ales ya?

On the evening of the 4th day Tristan and Vence finally get around to that drink they talked about outside Elijah's room. As Vence pours them ale from the Alchemy jug it is clear that whatever tension previous existed had long since evaporated. The conversation first turns to Tristan's plans. Given that Elizabeth is out of reach the only plan thus far is to talk to Cissa more and "deal with what is right in front of me" leaving Vence to ponder if he means the ale or Grace, before deciding "both."     They talk of Cissa reminds Vence that he never did find out how Tristan knew Cissa was at The Deciding Arrow. After some light teasing Tristan explains he merely asked the Circle where Cissa was. While Vence is initially let down by the answer he gradually becomes more concerned. He explains to Tristan the information Martha had shared about General Len always being a step ahead and the possibility of a mole inside the Circle. Tristan suggests against sharing too much with the Circle going forward, while Vence doesn't disagree isn't sure it'll be easy to keep information from them. Besides, Martha seems on the up-and-up, and they need allies and information...Perhaps Mia can vouch for her?   As the two converse and drink their ales eventually both the conversation topic and drinking companions shift, as the topic turns towards loved ones in the D12 as Thaen replaces Vence. While both have their own mixed feelings regarding the ladies decisions to leave Tristan trusts in his sister, even if he doesn't agree with her. Thaen is just conflicted, not even knowing why she left and even admits that though he can talk to her...he has only done so twice but doesn't explain why. Thaen begins picking at the topic of trust, wishing to know if Tristan trusted her. Tristan tells him he will "always trust my twin" and that Cissa seems forthright...but he is a skeptic. "Trust but verify" is a mantra Thaen knows well, but seems intrigued by the twin connection.   The two spend a little time getting to know one another. Thaen learning a little about Tristan's upbringing, some about his travels with Elizabeth, and that being a twin is like "two halves of the same person." In turn Tristan learns a little about where Thaen is from, that he has 3 younger siblings, and that he does indeed miss his family very much...even if he considers himself a disappointing older sibling. Tristan expresses his interest in how the personas work with Thaen likening it to a single actor on stage but the rest can watch and comment. Thaen in turn is equally curious about Tristan's strange transformations with animal traits and wishes to understand if it purely physical or does it affect the mind. The latter part of the question seems to worry Tristan, but he doesn't believe so.   As they continue to converse, pondering what they'd have done had the ladies not left, Thaen continues to fill Tristan's glass but turns his nose up to his own ale. Instead preferring to drink from his water skein. They both voice share their concerns and worries of how they themselves have changed and how Elizabeth and Talia may have changed. Wondering should they ever meet, would either recognize the other? After a while Tristan questions Thaen on if he is choosing to join The Feathers. Despite having had 8 years to make a decision...Thaen is still uncertain. He doesn't object to the goals but...the price of entry is steep. When Thaen asks if Tristan would give up Grace he reveals he wouldn't, nor would Elizabeth want him to (most likely). Thaen eventually lays out his concerns with the D12 that they are to be in the open and not in secret, as if they are meant to be attacked/challenged and wonders if the hardships are tied to what Luscinia stole from the Duchess. In order for simplicity Tristan asks for permission to tell Grace about Vence and Emir and "their nature." After some discussion Thaen begrudgingly acquieces, understanding it is practical but wants his name and history left out of it to which Tristan agrees.   Eventually Tristan shares the engagement invitations with him and does say that while Vence and Emir were invited, he thinks Vence should be the one attending. Thaen wasn't planning on denying Vence the opportunity after already ordering clothing for the ocassion, but does allude to potential issues regarding Emir and Cissa. The mention of Cissa and Emir reminded Tristan that she thought he and Emir should get acquainted. While Thaen is fine with doing so, and even understands why, now perhaps isn't the best time. Both agree though that "Cissa introduced them" to one another going forward.   Before the evening ends Thaen asks many more questions about Tristan's upbringing including his musical education, which was mostly through osmosis. Tristan asks a number of questions regarding changelings, likely having unsuccessfully tried reading "C is for Changeling" by Julionna Godfried. They exchange their ages, the status of their parents (Tristan's deceased, Thaen's alive), and even a little of dating philosphy as Thaen teases Tristan a little regarding Grace. While the two inquisitives continue to talk for a good while longer they eventually part shaking hands. Thaen letting Tristan know they'll be back before the party, and to be sure to let their "Graces" know Vence will be attending.