Session Zero

Introduction Below are the points we discussed and agreed upon in Session Zero:
  • Planning
  • DM Style
  • Table Rules
  • Gameplay
  • Setting
  • Characters and Character Building

  Planning Scheduling: Sessions will be Bi-Weekly on a Saturday. First session will take place on 04-01-2020 Core Group: If you want to be in the core group, consider whether you are able to commit to the game like you’d commit to playing a sport. Stuff like sickness, emergencies or personal problems can, of course, be taken into consideration. But realise that, if you constantly miss sessions, you’re impacting the players. In that case, you may need to think about joining the guest group instead. Guest players: you can always check with me whether you can join a session. There might be a scenario where it would not be possible, but I’ll always try to see what is feasible. I will also sometimes invite you to a session if it might be of interest to your character (although you don’t need to feel obligated to join if it’s not convenient). Next to that, I will also send you an invitation to special campaign events. It might be fun to have the full table every now and then
  DM style Narrative over rules: I might make a snap decision on a rule that everyone is discussing to move story/combat forward. Character-Driven: Meaning I usually prefer to just set the stage and leave the rest to you. I will, of course, chime in where needed. But I feel that the less I talk, the more characters interact. Combat (of course) does not fall under this point Feats and multi-classing are allowed: I only ask in return that you play your character like a living being and not just a “robot” (unless it is narratively a robot). And that your set up choices are not to the detriment of all other players. Homebrewing: I’m open to creating custom made items. But I will not homebrew race, class and spells. (I’m on the fence when it comes to feats) Lore: I’m using lore of the current setting but also making a few changes. So reading up on things ahead of time is fine. But please check with me if what you’re reading is canon to our version of Eberron. I am open to include some lore of Faerun if you feel if applies to your character or game experience. I’m also open to making adjustments here and there but I’m not going to rewrite entire histories
  Table Rules For this campaign, there a few points that are a must:
  Respect the other players:
  When it’s not your turn, give the player who is doing something your attention and do not disrupt. Don’t look at your phone, don’t chat with someone about something else and don’t poke fun at someone who is trying to roleplay. Give other players the opportunity to speak up. Don’t question another player’s every move or action. Unless it is narratively driven and can be asked in character. Don’t bully other players. Don’t go into long winded arguments about rules Don’t be late to sessions Don’t argue with the DM at the table
  Like I mentioned before, I will sometimes make snap decisions that you won’t agree with. Which is fine. Write it down and we can talk after the session. Prepare for each session
  Even if it’s just reading your notes an hour before the next session, make sure your mind is fresh with the knowledge of the previous session. The DM will, of course, always open with a recap before very session. But it’s not the DM’s responsibility to help you remember agreements/promises/interactions/general knowledge that your character has acquired in the session prior. It can also be jarring to other players who have prepared. Gameplay We have agreed on the below for Gameplay:
  Levelling up: Advancement Checkpoints (see Xanathar’s Guide to everything and Adventure League rules) Type of game: Leaning more towards RP, but with a balance of Combat and other encounters Story-type: Overall, leaning heavily on Adventure (just going where the wind takes you) and Intrigue (stories set in cities where you discover its secrets). However, there will be a healthy balance of Dungeon Crawls and Slice of life (having a cup of tea at home then heading to the store) Inspiration: I am not going to be awarding Inspiration in this campaign. I will instead instill the Eberron suggestion to allow cinematic uses of surroundings that will garner possible advantage Resurrection rules: Critical Role rules
  Setting We have agreed on setting the campaign in Eberron. More specifically, on the continent of Khovaire. And we will be starting in the country of Aundair. Characters’ countries of origin were also selected
  Some points that have been discussed:
  Adjust all mechanical technology to purely magic based creations (trains/airships/elevators being powered by elementals, crystals or wizards) Remove guns completely Wide magic concept will be kept because of its utility in the world. However, I understand the concerns about it and we agreed that certain regions do not apply the complete wide-magic rule. Characters and Character Building Rolling a character: Roll 4d6 for each ability (you can decide which ability you can assign which amount to). For each roll, remove the d6 with the lowest amount. Once you’ve rolled for all abilities, make sure that the total amount you rolled was equal to or more than 70. Otherwise roll again. Class and races: All official classes and races are allowed Feats and Multi-Classing: Allowed Starting Level: Characters will start at Level 3 Get to know another Player Character: Not a requirement, but I do encourage players to at least have a working relationship with at least one other player before the first session. This way, it will make working together in a group much easier. Personality traits: No “extremes” that only hamper the party at every turn. Examples of “extreme” personality traits:
  • Being “stubborn” with no cause other than just because. Being stubborn on occasion is fine. But don’t make it that the party can never make a decision because your character is too stubborn to ever agree with them
  • Being overly righteous. “Good” characters are fine. But there will probably be time when you need to make questionable decisions. The decisions should have weight and not just decided because you are just “too good” to make a grey decision
  • Being overly random in a way that the party can never rely on you. Hijinks are fun but the game is also about cooperation with each other.