The Song of Hawk

Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this night find the light at the end
As a beacon of hope, all the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawk
  Come take a seat and I will recite you a tale
Of bold adventure spanning both sides of the veil
I knew a champion, we travelled far and wide
We saw so many wonders roving side by side
In the streets of Flamekeep we brought help to those in need
Word it spread so quickly of our dealings and our deeds
  Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this night find the light at the end
As a beacon of hope, all the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawk
  Deep in the Mror Holds we ventured in the black
If we had only known what we were bringing back
We sought assistance from an ancient elven sage,
Barbarian, fighter, bard, a Paladin and Mage
After some convincing, we had eachother’s backs
There was a much greater danger waiting to attack
  Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this night find the light at the end
As a beacon of hope, all the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawk
  Just a lowly refugee, your champion arrived
Origin unknown he came to Flamekeep’s buzzing hive
Rose above the poverty and rose above the pain
My friend became the saviour of the Keeper of the Flame
  Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this night find the light at the end
As a beacon of hope, all the people will talk
Of the day they were saved by a hero
Named Hawk

Song, usually accompanied by lute and illusionary magic  

The fake version

Since the song is 60 years old it has found new life as the song of Myranna

The Song of Myranna - Southern Thrane version

Fight for your values and fight for your friends
Fight through this night shine your light at the end
An arrow was shot just as things seemed so grim
And a hero saved Thaoliost, Myranna Ishim

Song of Myranna - Breland version

Come take a seat and I will recite you a tale
Of sweet Myranna and her favourite nightingale
I knew that champion, we travelled far and wide
We saw so many wonders roving side by side
In the streets of Metrol we brought help to those in need
Word it spread so quickly of our dealings and our deeds

The illusion Cissa shows when playing the song

The illusion Cissa uses when she plays this song is not to be shown to anyone to protect those that where there. But it is as follows:
  With the wall of Silver Flame behind her, Cissa creates an illusionary version of herself (when she used to have the long black braid) and tells the story of how she knew a champion. She shows him as a regular guy with a bit of cocky smile who just wanted to do good around Flamekeep.   She shows him fighting alongside another paladin in the war. She shows him studying while she playing a lute by his feet. She shows him getting an assignment from people in veils. She shows him finding a gem that makes him glow. She shows him asking for assistance from an old elf, human with a cowboy hat, a paladin, a tortle, a firbolg and a half-orc. All of them glowed when touching the gem (Cissa does not). The man in the hat seems to indicate that the gem belongs on some kind of scepter.   Cissa then shows her and the half-orc playing a song together in a progression where some people were holding up a young girl. How she and Hawk stand in front of some heavy doors where the rest of the group and the young girl could go in. She shows the two of them suddenly being attacked by the paladins standing guard.   But, before that fight ended, something bashes open the heavy doors and flies over them, out of sight of the onlookers (although it’s clear that Cissa and Hawk can still see it). The rest of the party also run through the doors. Beyond the doors, one sees the girl running for the party. And behind her, where the Silver Flame is burning, there is an entity that looks almost like an angel, smiling menacingly.   The group close the doors, leaving the girl inside. This distresses Hawk who demands the group to open it but they refuse. And he starts to fall into despair. Cissa tries to calm him down but his own despair seems to transform her into a decaying form of herself.   It then implies that the group is being explained by the entity that the audience can’t see that Hawk’s form is the one way to defeat whatever is beyond the doors. He needs to allow it to possess him. In this way, the group will be able to destroy it… but it will also kill him. It shows that the group is furiously trying to find another solution but Hawk obviously has already made up his mind. He bids the group farewell, opens the doors, walks through and closes them again.   The group wait… and when enough possible time has passed, they open the doors again. Where the entity stood now stands Hawk. Where he once had a cocky smile there is now a menacing grin. As the group run in, the tortle pushes Cissa back to door, as if he seems to understand something. So Cissa watches from the door. The Firbolg sends the young girl to Cissa, who holds her as she watches the group fight Hawk. It ends with the old elf casting a spell on the tortle, who severs Hawk’s spine in one powerful swing.   The song ends where a shadow leaves Hawk’s body and also a specter of the man with a cocky smile. He nods his head in appreciation as he and the shadow are absorbed by the flame.