Jalan Tribe Massacre Military Conflict in Sielah Universe | World Anvil

Jalan Tribe Massacre

The Conflict


Three seasonal cycles ago, Ailin started a campaign to get the tribes of the Obsidian Coast to join the Kingdom of Aon.   Many either joined or moved down the coast to join Mordoth. But one tribe refused to do either. The Jalan Tribe resisted Ailin.


The Obsidian Coast is a blackened area of land. There are cacti. Due to The Shattering, there's regular volcanic eruptions.

The Engagement

Ailin attacked the Jalan Tribe under the cover of darkness. Despite the surprise attack, and catching them while they were still sleeping, it wasn't a quick or an easy fight.   The Jalan Tribe lost many of their best warriors in that first round from Ailin. But they had supernaturals who had trained Crefalls who were able to enhance the volcanic activity to devestating effects.


Jalan Tribe was wiped out (except for three members). This gives Ailin the victory and cements his control over the Provinces of the Kingdom.


The three survivors of the Jalan Tribe reunite and form the assassin's guild, the Order of Jalan. They assassinate several high ranking people, including Ailin.

Historical Significance


Ailin's actions showed people the Kingdom wasn't as stable or as peaceful as everyone thought. This unrest continues even after his death, and 160 years later, the Civil War rocked the Kingdom.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
02/54/2580 Before Civil War
Ending Date
02/55/2580 Before Civil War
Conflict Result
Ailin was victorious.


Jalan Tribe


Superior military power inn number of soliders, n weapons, and in training
Trained mounts, Palyrs
Popular Opinion
The Jalan Tribe knew the terrain and how to aggrevate it to their adavantage.


A third of their soldiers and palyrs were killed. Another rougly third were injured.
The whole tribe, except for three members.


To quell resistance against the Kingdom of Aon
To expand the Kingdom's borders
To remain free
To remain on their land


  • Tangwyn (Before Civil War)
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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