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"It is said that before time began, the Seven were as one, and they were a formless light in the void. As they split into being, time began with them, and for countless eons they drifted through the void, forming their minds and their power. They ordered the universe and shaped the world, but as they did, so did the world shape them in turn, and the balance and order that they upheld, began to waver. And so it was that the Traitor turned from his siblings, and order fell to chaos, as the War of Ashes shook the foundations of reality. Time is change, and change is chaos, and all the kings and warlocks and Deva of this world cannot stand against the ravages of time. Balance cannot be restored without the Traitor, and so long as we fight against him, we fight against time itself. The simple truth is that the world is disordered, and nothing will put it right, save the death of time itself. The world will continue to tear itself apart until the Light embrasses the Darkness once more, and the Judge decrees the end of time itself, and our world with it. There is no other outcome.
Mark my words, the Second War of Ashes is coming, but it will no more be the end than the first, for we are doomed to fight the battles of the Gods until all that is left is sorrow and ruin. Our enemy was never the Traitor: our enemy is time itself."

- Last words of Lannus the Heretic, spoken 7 years before the outbreak of the Second War of Ashes

Sildair is a classic High Fantasy world, inspired originally by the World of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, and since used for D&D 5e. It has all the standard tropes of elves, dwarves and humans, as well as orcs, dragons, demons and angels, but is perpetually a work in progress. My intent with it has always been to have a world that could be applied to roleplaying games like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay or D&D, but with its own mythology, history and geography.

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