
In the aftermath of The Black Diamond War, Lorvia was the best poised for understanding the new magic unleashed during the conflict. Possessing a large population and a massive magical repertoire, Lorvia leads the continent in magical discovery.


Lorvians are known for their curiosity and skill with magic. People from all over the continent come to study at the Lorvian Academy and glean the secrets locked away in the alabaster towers. The region is ruled by Archmages, each presiding over a specific area of governance. Powerful families rule over various areas of commerce and trade, and the Crimson Guard patrols the region, looking for threats. Lorvians can be a bit condescending towards those who don't use magic in their day-to-day lives, and their desire to understand the mystical forces can sometimes lead them into trouble.


The Council of Archmages rules over Lorvia with absolute control. Little goes on inside their borders that they don't know about. The laws are fair, but strictly enforced. Conversely, the Great Houses control the economy, which in turn gives them some political sway.


Interesting Things About Lorvia

  • Cromjur is the largest and tallest city in Kaerel. The City of Towers is home to the Council of Archmages and a hub for all things magical.
  • House Barengaal is the most powerful Great House in Lorvia. The house controls much of the exporting of magical goods from the region. They have a foothold in every mage's guild, and most magical fabricators contribute to their business in one way or another. They've been known to associate with shadowy figures to obtain rare items of great or unique value, or to impose their will on more resistant transactions.
  • Lorvia's cities all use magic for many of their functions. They are clean, largely populated, and full of wonders. Even utility services such as street lights, sewer systems, water retrieval, and weather control are managed by magic. It's a very progressive and fantastic place to live or visit.

Lorvian Characters


As you develop a Lorvian character or NPC, consider the following qualities:

Capital: Cromjur

Hallmarks: Magic, education, research, magical fabrication, espionage

Mountains: Dragonspine Mountains, Blue Dragon Mountains, Lighthouse Mountain

Forests: Faewood, Shipwood, Shadowwood


  • The Drunken Paladin
    This famous inn is known far and wide for it's adventuring board and lively rumor mill.
  • Lorvia
    A land of high magic and rigid politics. They keep a wary eye on the undead to the north and pirates to the east. Experimental magic rules the day, and mages rule the land.


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