SilentForge House Rules

The SilentForge Campaign is high fantasy and magic-based. As such, there are a few house rules that are suggested for use. These rules are not necessary to run a campaign in this setting, but merely a reflection of what the designers and playtesters used when creating it. Feel free to use whatever works best for your style of play.


High Magic


Powerful magic has woven itself into the fabric of reality following the Black Diamond War. As a result, more and more people are starting to manifest magical capabilities. As such, characters can select one cantrip from any class list at creation. The spellcasting ability for it is chosen by the player at the same time and cannot be changed later.




When two attackers are flanking an enemy, they each receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent. For the purposes of this ruling, to be considered flanking, each attacker must be on opposing sides of the enemy. Diagonal attackers must be on opposing diagonal squares.


Hero Points


Hero Points exist to give the player a little control over how good their die rolls are, to make them more likely to succeed at heroic or dramatically appropriate times. A character has Hero Points equal to 5 + half their level. This total is reset every time a character gains a new experience level, so you can't hoarde them over the course of many levels. Spending a Hero Point adds +1d6 to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Just enough to turn failure into success.


Milestone Experience


The SilentForge Campaign uses the milestone experience variant. The DM will give away experience for accomplishing story goals, such as finding information, overcoming obstacles and completing adventures. Some of this experience will be shared equally among the group, while other XP might be just for your character, such as when you complete a goal associated with your character's background. Because of this, you might not receive XP every session.


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