
The Vanir have earned the name, mistfolk. They are an ancient race, recently awakened by the The Black Diamond War. They seem to be made partially of mist, and have the ability to manipulate this substance. They are roughly the size of humans, but weigh only half as much. They are an immortal race, meaning they don't age with time. Vanir don't have established nations, but they congregate into small groups called phantoms. They are typically ghostly white with trails of mist streaming from them, seeming to even form their clothing. Most vanir are sorcerers, having strong ties to the magical forces at play in the world. Conversely, some of them have found their natural stealth is better suited for more roguish lines of work.

It is uncertain as to the exact composition of the vanir. Some believe they are made up entirely of mist. Others think they're more human in nature. Sometimes they can pass for human, but the heavy mist that surrounds them always gives away their true nature.


Vanir Characteristics

Vanir are an ancient race that were imprisoned by dark forces in ages past. The recent conflict released them from their cage of darkness, free to once again wander the world. Little is known about them, and the historical records that go back that far aren't terribly detailed. They seem to form their own opinions about the world and don't communicate often with other races. They can be found anywhere, but typically they prefer places susceptible to dense fog.

As an immortal race, vanir don't seem to care much for being in a hurry. They are a thoughtful and methodical race. For many of them, magic comes as natural as breathing. These vanir often make great sorcerers and wizards. Some of the mistfolk leverage their natural stealth to pursue more shadowy careers, prefering to stay out of sight and interacting with other races as little as possible.

The Mistfolk are a strange and mysterious people. Born in the mists of history, they have been awaken into uncertain times. Who knows what role they might play?

- Binder

Quick Traits

  Ability Score Increase: +2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Skills: proficiency in Stealth
Languages: Common, Draconic, Auran
Weathersight (see stat block)
Mistborn (see stat block)
Mistcloaked (see stat block)


The Vanir have earned the name, mistfolk. They are an ancient race, recently awakened by the Black Diamond War. They seem to be made partially of mist, and have the ability to manipulate this substance. They are roughly the size of humans, but weigh only half as much. They are an immortal race, meaning they don't age with time. Vanir don't have established nations, but they congregate into small groups called phantoms. They are typically ghostly white with trails of mist streaming from them, seeming to even form their clothing. Most vanir are sorcerers, having strong ties to the magical forces at play in the world. However, some of them have found their natural stealth is better suited for more roguish lines of work.

ability score increase: +2 Charisma
age: immortal
alignment: usually neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30 feet
Languages: Common, Draconic, Auran
race features:

Zephner have strong ties to mist and have several abilities that manipulate it.


Vanir can see through any sort of inclement weather as if it weren't there.


You can cast the fog cloud and misty step spells. Once you cast either with this trait, you can't cast that spell again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait.


Vanir have no need for normal clothing. They can control the ever-present mist around them, shaping it into whatever clothing they desire. This mistcloak cannot be colored, nor can it be used to store anything. It does, however, protect the vanir from weather extremes. A vanir can remain comfortable in any climate, so long as it doesn't deal any damage. The mistcloak also provides a degree of noise dampening, granting the vanir proficiency in the Stealth skill.


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