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Order Supervisor

Order Supervisor is a rank below Manager and above Taskmaster. They seem unimportant because they rarely speak. Their job is to follow workers doing important jobs and to report back to their Manager. That way if the workers aren't doing what they're supposed to they are reported and punished. They must wear dark suits. Order Supervisors sign papers allowing construction or experimentation. If this job didn't exist, people would disobey the outlying leaders.



You must have been working at a lower rank for at least two years. Also you must sign a pledge of secrecy about any top secret work you may see.

Career Progression

Eventually if you do your job without making too many big mistakes, you can become a Manager. After this a new Supervisor must be chosen as soon as possible.

Payment & Reimbursement

They are payed about 2,000 Gold Suns a week, making their year earnings 104,000 Gold Suns.

Other Benefits

People who work as order supervisors are rewarded with protection, which gives you ability to enter a secure location if you are in danger.



Order Supervisors make sure the most important scientists and construction workers do their jobs without trouble.

Social Status

Order Supervisors are respected by the Managers they work for but they are not very well known in the outside population.


Only eleven of them can exist in each outlying city.


The queen once had eleven of them in her palace, which followed her and took many notes. The Dukes and Duchesses decided to employ eleven also to oversee their city's production.



When they aren't working, they are in offices that they have in the main buildings of their cities. The offices have filing cabinets for checking over papers for construction projects and experiments in labs.

Provided Services

They provide the service of pointing out people who are disobeying what they are supposed to do.


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