Qita-Vit Character in Silrakk | World Anvil
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Lord Qita Shuvna

Qita-Vit was a Harru revolutionary and follower to the Snow King in the era before Zartana arrived to Silrakk. He was born in the village of Kiva in 1525 BZE and possessed incredible early intellect, said to have spoken full sentences mere hours after his birth. He was born to a strictly religious family and studied religious texts whenever he got the chance.

His Life

Qita Shuvna was born in the far north village of Kiva. At the time he was born, in the year 1525 BZE, the Harrus of the area were treated as second-class citizens. The village of Kiva was mostly Harru. His parents were farmers of cows for several generations. In his childhood, he was enrolled in religious school and possessed extraordinary intellect. After he graduated, he was elected as lord, or "Vit" of the local temple. There, he heard and read about the discrimination against Harrus and began to speak about love and compassion in his preachings. On the great day of the lord, he marched barefoot with a group of his people to the city of Arai-Tu so that he could speak with the Hetluan leading chiefs. They refused to speak with him for twenty days, for which time he stood outside of their huts and ate nothing and drank nothing. After the twenty days, they agreed to speak with him. After they spoke, he took the trek back home.   When he returned home, he discovered that a radical Hetluan man had burnt down his family home, killing both of his parents in the flames, before stabbing a young student of his with a gutting knife. The people of the town were outraged and Qita was distraught. The other citizens of the town demanded for him to be hanged or killed by spear but Qita declared that nothing would be done until he talked to the man. He inducted the angry man into his temple and began teaching him the word of the Snow King. At first the man was hateful and spat in his face, but eventually, he began to change his ways. Qita opened a school for criminals who had lost their good and he taught there for five years, preaching the ideas of Cargan equality and the power of loving and empathy. He had written a guide to his ideology, and called his belief Qitism. He travelled the area for a short few months, spreading copies of the book and spreading the word, before returning home once again.   Qita then decided he would take the path of the Snow King and live far from society and become closer to him. He gave ownership over the school to his trusted friend. He left Kiva in 1553 BZE and trudged, barefoot through the snow, all the way to the the ice of the North sea. He swam from there, through the icy water, all the way to an island and sat upon a rock on it. He meditated there, in the bitter cold, for fifty days and fifty nights. By the end, he was frozen and his skin was grey with frost. He did one last prayer and cut his chest with a blade. He took out his cold heart and acended into the sky as a greater being, arms and legs stretched out and mind expanded. He rose to the sky to serve the Snow King for eternity and to watch over the people.  

His Effect on the Present Day

Qita-Vit Day is celebrated in the middle of the cold season and it lasts five days, in which time people eat very little. After the five days, a massive feast is held and everyone in every village gets something to eat. The festival honors the greatness of Qita and his transformation in the honor of his diety.  
His ascension.
His name in Qitar-Tar
Date of Birth
1525 BZE
Date of Death
1553 BZE
Circumstances of Death
Devoured by Wolves
Place of Death
An island in the north sea
Black, very long by the end of his life
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Follower of the Snow King
Known Languages
An average cow farmer in Harru-Hetlu. It is very common to keep cows in small Harru-Hetlu villages, even up to the present.
Image credit goes to Bing Copilot Image Creator.


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