Forgotten Love Species in Silvanus | World Anvil

Forgotten Love

It has been said that if one forgets to show love this creature will visit you.   This creature only appears to those who forget the importance of love. Legends say that this creature is the harbinger of darkness and despair, a being that feeds on the negative energy created by a lack of love.   The creature, known as Forgotten Love, is said to appear from a swirling blue smoke, and the smoke forms that of a blue flame-like women, beautiful and terrible at the same time. Her eyes are an eerie white with hair that flows like burning fire and smoke billowing slightly from the top.   Anyone who shares that they've seen her presence describes it as overwhelming, as if they very air is filled with a thick, choking darkness. Despite its terrifying appearance, Forgotten Love imparts knowledge to those who have strayed from the path of love. Those who heed its warnings and learn to embrace love are said to be spared its wrath, while those who refuse to learn are said to be consumbed by its hunger, devouring the soul into darkness.   In a world where love is often seen as a weakness, the appearance of Forgotten Love serves as a reminder of the power and importance of one of the most basic of human emotions, a reminder that no one can afford to forget if they hope to avoid this creatures wrath.


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