The Honduran Ghost Bat Species in Silvanus | World Anvil

The Honduran Ghost Bat

The Honduran white bat, also known as the Honduran ghost bat, can blend in perfectly with its surroundings. With its gray stonelike skin, it is often mistaken for a statue when it stands still atop a building or perched on a gravestone.   A notable features of the Honduran white bat is its ability to emit a stinky foggy mist of green poisonous substance. This mist can be sprayed in great volumes, making it a formidable defense mechanism against predators or intruders of its territory. What's more, the bat has immunity to this poisonous substance.   This bat has a particular affinity for habitats built with gray stone, such as graveyards, ruins, and old buildings. It is said that the bat has a deep connection to the next world which makes the bat a symbol of death and the afterlife in some cultures.   Even with Its eerie appearance and deadly posion, the Honduran white bat contributes to the ecosystem, by pollinating flowers and spreading seeds.


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