The Red Boned Pelican Species in Silvanus | World Anvil

The Red Boned Pelican

From the waters edge, they are skilled at hunting fish and can dive deep into the water to catch their prey. This particular subspecies of dalmatian pelican has adapted to living in a harsh environment where it faces numerous predators, and thus evolved its bone-like exterior for protection. They have a striking appearance with their red and black feathers, which are more robust and durable than the average pelican. Their wingspan is also larger than most pelicans, allowing them to fly for longer distances and hunt for food more efficiently.   In terms of behavior, this subspecies is highly sociable and territorial, with groups developing a social hierarchy often establishing their own territory and defending it from other groups along the coastline. They are also known to be quite vocal, with a distinctive call that echoes across the beach and water. While they are generally peaceful creatures, they can become quite aggressive if threatened, using their powerful beaks and talons to defend themselves.


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