Vicious Lightning Species in Silvanus | World Anvil

Vicious Lightning

The Saber-toothed creature that roams the mountains may be the last thing you see alive. It has a sleek, muscular body covered in a brown fur, with stripes as black as the night sky. Its razor-sharp teeth protrude from its snarling mouth, dripping with saliva and eager to sink into flesh.   Normally a Saber-toothed creature could be handled by a few well trained warriors, but this creature has the ability to harness the power of lightning. Its fur crackles with electricity, and bolts of lightning strike the ground around it with a deafening roar. The creature seems to control the lightning, using it to intimidate and ward off potential threats. It has gain the notorious nickname of "Vicious Lightning" as a result.   The creature is highly territorial and fiercely protective of whatever it currently calls home. These creatures will only stay in caves which are adorned with glittering crystals that seem to amplify its powers. Its lair is a place of danger and awe, filled with the sound of crackling electricity and the smell of ozone. The mere sight of the creature's glowing eyes is enough to strike fear into the hearts of any adventurer.


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