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Ellisandre Duskblossom

Ellisandre Duskblossom

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

-Skinny, but athletic. Medium height.

Body Features

-Olive skin, short nails, brown/auburn hair.

Facial Features

-Big green eyes, tough expression, weathered/slightly gaunt complexion/cheeks.

Identifying Characteristics

-Tattoos on her arm, covering some signs of infection.

Physical quirks

-Some slight signs of dormant Nekroti infection.

Special abilities

-Immunity to Nekroti disease.

Apparel & Accessories

-Wears travelers clothes, firearm/bow/scimitar visible on back with backpack equipped.
-Red ruby necklace generally covered by clothes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although, Ellisandre's formative years were spent town of Lyra with her Elven father, Jo'el, she was always told that she was born in Leviathalas to a beautiful Elven priestess. Her father had shared a short but extremely passionate and loving relationship with this priestess and the result was Ellisandre, a wood elf born with Druidic magic in her veins. Shortly after birth, the priestess told Jo'el, that the newborn Ellisandre, must be raised by him and him alone; as she had received a vision, it was clear to her that Jo'el and Ellisandre had a special bond and that Ellisandre was needed in order for the gods to stop 'a great sickness'. Jo'el protested vehemently, claiming that he was not the fatherly type, and anyways how could she know the gods will, maybe she got it wrong? Ultimately his protests would be met with all the fierceness, passion, and conviction that he had come to love about this woman. Realizing that he had no other choice, the two left Leviathalas eventually settling down into what is now known as Lyra. It seems that the Elven priestess had some idea of what she was talking about, Ellisandre and Jo'el quickly became inseparable. They spent most nights out in the forests and under the stars. They both became expert survivalists and became known in Lyra as experienced patrols who were always willing to help those in need. Lyra had become their home and they lived with health and happiness up until the day that a mysterious fungal plague broke out. The speed of the infection was rapid, and spores began to permeate many areas of the city. The infected would become fungal husks and infect more people. Not knowing what to do, Leviathalas quarantined the city and enforced fierce curfews and checks of potentially infected townspeople. It was not long after that time, the Strasian army came through in one of their attempts to "liberate" the city for the South and for Helios, but were ignorant to the effects of the fungal disease. Chaos and conflict broke out within the city and many citizens of Lyra took arms to defend their city from being completely destroyed amidst this chaos.   Jo'el and Ellisandre both answered this call, and kept the soldiers of both sides at bay in order to preserve the community and life they had created in Lyra. In one of these conflicts, they were running from the Strasian army when they became trapped inside a house which contained several infected and were exposed to the spores. The soldiers broke down the door saw the situation and demanded that Jo'el and Ellisandre come out to be executed as they were now infected. In these moments, Jo'el was reminded of the words of the Elven priestess and the great sickness.   Infected or not, Jo'el still had a few hours and would not give up Ellisandre that easily, he went on a rampage, murdering every member of the cadre of Strasian soldiers that was surrounding them, but finding himself mortally wounded at the end. He tells Ellisandre to escape Lyra, and find her mother in Leviathalas, she protests saying that she will not leave him. He then tells her of the prophesy and that he believes she is not infected, but he does not want her to see him change.   Ellisandre obeyed his wishes, and easily escaped the quarantine due to the current chaos created by the Strasian and Leviathalan armies. She traveled through the forest anxiously, believing at any second that she would turn into one of those husks, and it seemed that her greatest fears had come to pass when that night she would be afflicted with a horrible fever, cold sweats, and the feeling of something growing inside her. When it got so bad that she could bear it no more, she screamed out for help to nobody in particular, but it seemed someone had heard the call. An aged woman with a green cloak approached Ellisandre's body, in her delirium Ellisandre called out to her, " Are you my mother?"   The aged woman gave a short laugh, "Afraid not dear, just here for a little blood. You will help me out with that, wont you?"   As the aged woman approached, Ellisandre tried to raise her arms in resistance, but was too weak. 'Killed by an old woman, well its gotta be better than turning into one of these things' she thought to herself.   The aged woman then began drawing blood from Ellisandre, enough to fill up several vials, she then spoke again, "Kill you? Little mortal, today is not your day to die. You will make it through this. You and I have much work to do."   The aged woman then left as mysteriously as she had appeared and Ellisandre passed out from exhaustion. Only to awake the next morning able to control the spores which now resided inside of her, coming out to protect and attack in times of dire need. Believing this to be the natural spirit of her father, Jo'el residing within her, she gained the strength to continue to Leviathalas to find her mother, and avenge her father by putting an end to this whole war by any means necessary.

Gender Identity

-Ellisandre identifies as a woman.


-Ellisandre identifies as a lesbian, and as such is primarily interested in women.
-When comfortable enough with a woman she is open and sexual, happy to explore those new experiences of being a youth. She hasnt really had that in the past.


-No formal education, but was trained in tracking, survival, hunting, medicine and stealth by her father Jo'el.


-Previously worked as the youngest ever Scout in Lyran history, now works for Phaedra in Hyrax Tower doing similar work for Leviathalas.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Survived the conflict at Lyra.
-Blood taken by Pharika for use on something unknown.
-Immune to Nekroti disease.

Mental Trauma

-Losing father Jo'el, now being 20 without any family to speak of or any idea where to go.
-Seen death and destruction at the heart of this war between Apollo and Helios as her town was destroyed.

Intellectual Characteristics

-Extremely curious and inquisitive. Not the smartest person, but not the dumbest either. Tends to rely on her intuition and emotions to guide her, but outside interests lie in science and education when emotion is not clouding her judgement.

Morality & Philosophy

-Mixed, she has seen the horrors of the world and horrors of the war and it has made her somewhat jaded. Survival being the primary goal, with the secondary purpose of trying not to lose her empathy and humanity during that.
-Intolerance and injustice absolutely are not okay, and need to be called out for what they are.

Personality Characteristics


-She seeks to end the war and revenge the death of her father at the hands of soldiers.
-She seeks to find her mother, an Elven priestess in Leviathalas who she parted ways with during Jo'el's peregrination.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

-Savvies: Survival, Tracking, Hunting, Stealth, Insight, Medince, Nature.
-Ineptitudes: Strength, Religious Knowledge, Lying/Deception, Arcane Knowledge

Likes & Dislikes

-Likes: Music, Science, Nature, Women, Esoterica, Loyalty, Honesty, Being Silly.
-Dislikes: Liars, Racism, Intolerance, Tradition, Zealots, Soldiers, The Gods, Old men.

Virtues & Personality perks

-Has a mental/physical strength that most don't have.
-Able to break away and completely compartmentalize when needed.
-Extremely loyal and loving friend.

Vices & Personality flaws

-She will stop at nothing to achieve her mission of revenge.
-She finds it difficult to separate emotions from decision-making, and once on a course, she pursues it blindly.
-Those close to her often suffer the effects of her personal missions.
-Trusts extremely slowly.


-Good hygiene is hard to come by on the road, but she treasures the moments when she gets to take a rest and a good bath.


Contacts & Relations

-Phaedra is her boss at Hyrax tower, her closest contact in Leviathalas and someone she feels a potential budding interest in.

Family Ties

-Ellisandre's mother an Elven Preistess in Leviathalas presumably still lives, and she is searching for her.
-Jo'el, her father, presumably died in Lyra.

Religious Views

-The Gods have pulled innocents into their affairs for long enough. They are not deserving of her or anyone else's respect or adoration. They are a plague on Sinfonia and the people would be better off without them.

Social Aptitude

-Very cautious when first meeting people, but once they have become friends she is a friend for life. She is very silly and likes to have fun, she also knows when to take things seriously.
-People generally like her once they get to know her.


-Emotions show when talking, increased pace of speech when excited/anxious/upset.
-Prone to physical outbursts during emotional moments.

Hobbies & Pets

-Collecting/reading fictional scrolls.
-Listening/playing music.
-Pet Mouse (Jesse)


-Generally fast paced speech, sometimes voice is more of a growl and other times can be more flat, but almost never high pitched or sweet.

Wealth & Financial state

-No wealth to speak of, but can do just fine on her own surviving.
-Only valuable item would be her mother's ruby necklace, which she hides under her cloak mostly.

Inquisitive, fiercely loyal, and ferocious when angry. 20 years old, skinny, but athletic with brown hair. Extremely resourceful, and skilled in stealth, and survival. Infected with an incurable, but now dormant disease.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-Ellisandre, Lyran Refufee
Current Residence
Hyrax Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
-Endure and survive.
-We're not murderers, we're survivors.
-I'm just a girl, I'm not a threat.
Known Languages
-Common -Elvish -Druidic -Thieves' Cant


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