King’s Bay Geographic Location in Siopra | World Anvil
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King’s Bay

Written by onegalnamedsal

A bay located in the very south of Elea. Ships come from far and wide for the trade that this small town offers. Not only do they trade normal items, but there are many magical traders as well, all trying to make a living. The trade means that there is a constant source of income, however basic living costs are extortionate.   Money is tight in King’s Bay, but a lucky few who oversee operations are able to afford all that they could ever need. They aren’t the only ones, though. Some say that an underground black market operation is taking place right under their noses, however nobody has seen it and is brave enough to rat them out. Only a select few know how to get to the black market.


The Bay is fairly flat, with houses dotted at every corner. The coastline is rough from water erosion, however it has been adapted by adding a wooden pier along the dock to allow for safe passage.

Fauna & Flora

Many trees are found within the Bay walls. This is due to the tradition of burying their dead in pods of sort, which will become roots of a tree that grows above the pod with time.   There are very few animals due to the sheer amount of houses, however a few make shelter in the burial forest.   Fish flock the docks, meaning that the fishing industry is always booming, and it’s always easy to get some food into the bellies of your children if you have a fishing rod.
Alternative Name(s)
The Bay
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