Aneirin, God of The Wind and Sky

Description: Aneirin is often visualized as an elegant, ethereal figure with iridescent, feather-like skin that shimmers with the colors of the dawn and dusk. Eyes as deep and blue as the vast sky, they seem to hold an endless horizon within. A cascade of cloud-white hair flows weightlessly, as if caught in a perpetual gentle breeze. His attire is a flowing robe, ever-changing like the sky, shifting from the radiant hues of a sunny day to the deep blues of a starlit night. Graceful wings, reminiscent of both bird and butterfly, extend from his back, allowing him the joy of flight. Whenever he moves, a gentle and melodious hum of wind accompanies him, whispering secrets of distant realms.   Personality: Aneirin embodies the ever-changing nature of the sky. He is whimsical and free-spirited, always seeking new horizons and experiences. The deity appreciates the beauty of fleeting moments, be it the calm before a storm or the first light of dawn. However, his temper can shift as quickly as a storm on the horizon, moving from a gentle breeze to a roaring tempest. He teaches mortals the importance of adaptability, of bending like the reeds in the wind, and the strength that can be found in flexibility.   Divine Realm: Aneirin resides in the Plane of Air, a boundless expanse of open sky, floating islands, and ever-changing weather patterns. The realm is a manifestation of freedom, where the very fabric of existence seems to be in a constant, harmonious dance. Cloud castles float majestically, housing beings of air and light. At the heart of this plane, atop the grandest floating island, stands Aneirin's palace—a citadel of crystal and wind, where melodies of the skies play a never-ending symphony. Here, currents of pure air energy converge, making it a nexus of power and beauty.   Worshippers: Those who revere Aneirin are often individuals who value freedom, exploration, and adaptability. Pilots, soaring through the skies in gliders or grand airships, bear tattoos of Aneirin's symbols—swirling patterns, birds in flight, or ethereal clouds—hoping to gain his protection and blessings. Adventurers seeking the thrill of new horizons often invoke his name before embarking on journeys, seeking his guidance in uncharted territories.   Towns and villages honor Aneirin with grand festivals, where the night sky is illuminated with countless lanterns, each carrying the hopes and dreams of the people. Kites, shaped like birds or ethereal creatures, dance in the daytime skies, creating a colorful spectacle. Skilled aeromancers perform, manipulating the wind to create mesmerizing displays.   Temples dedicated to Aneirin are often built atop high mountains or towers, places where the sky can be touched, and the whispers of the wind are clearest. Here, worshippers come to meditate, to feel closer to their deity, and to seek the boundless freedom that Aneirin embodies.