Helena Daughtry

Royal Envoy Helena Noelle Daughtry

Helena Daughtry is a noblewoman of United Leona, a driven and intelligent individual deeply committed to both her personal ambitions and her responsibilities to her family and nation. As a member of the influential House Daughtry, she is steeped in the traditions of her warrior lineage but seeks to carve out a path of her own, one rooted in diplomacy, wisdom, and political strategy. Helena is characterized by her sharp mind, keen perception, and a deep sense of loyalty to those she cares about. She is a woman who values knowledge and uses her intellect as her primary weapon in navigating the complex political landscape of Edoran. Her ambitions are tempered by a genuine desire to bring about positive change, advocating for peace and unity in a world still recovering from past conflicts.   Despite her noble upbringing, Helena is not without her personal struggles. She bears the weight of familial expectations, particularly the pressure to live up to the legacy of her late brother, Donovan, while also striving to protect her younger brother, Eric, from a similar fate. Her relationships are complicated by her unresolved feelings for her betrothed, Warren, and the challenges she faces in balancing her public and private lives.   Helena’s ability to form meaningful connections with others, such as her close friendship with Lenora Tenari and her growing influence within the royal court, showcases her skill in building alliances and her capacity for empathy. However, she is also pragmatic and willing to make difficult decisions, even if it means indebting herself to powerful figures.   Overall, Helena Daughtry is a complex, multifaceted character—ambitious, compassionate, and resilient. She is determined to forge her own legacy, one that honors her family’s name while embracing a more enlightened and peaceful future for her nation.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

1. Analytical Mind:

Helena Daughtry possesses a highly analytical and sharp mind, capable of dissecting complex situations and identifying the underlying factors that drive them. Her ability to break down intricate political and social dynamics allows her to navigate the treacherous waters of court politics with a level of precision that few can match. Helena is always several steps ahead, anticipating outcomes and planning her moves accordingly. This analytical prowess is a key asset in her pursuit of the Royal Envoy position, as it enables her to craft strategies that are both effective and adaptive.  

2. Strategic Thinking:

A natural strategist, Helena approaches every challenge with a clear understanding of the broader picture. She excels at long-term planning, considering not just the immediate consequences of her actions but also their ripple effects in the future. Whether it’s negotiating a delicate alliance, managing her personal relationships, or planning a diplomatic mission, Helena’s strategic mind is always at work. She is adept at identifying potential allies, understanding their motivations, and leveraging her relationships to achieve her goals.  

3. Multilingual Proficiency:

Helena’s love for languages is both a personal passion and a professional tool. Fluent in eight languages, she has devoted significant time and effort to mastering each one. This linguistic skill allows her to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, giving her an edge in diplomacy. Her ability to converse with foreign dignitaries in their native tongues not only earns their respect but also facilitates smoother negotiations. Her language skills also serve her well in understanding the subtleties and nuances of foreign documents, treaties, and literature, further enhancing her strategic capabilities.  

4. Keen Perception:

Helena’s perceptive nature is one of her most defining intellectual traits. She has an innate ability to read people, understanding their motivations, fears, and desires with remarkable accuracy. This keen perception allows her to detect lies, sense hidden agendas, and gauge the true intentions of those around her. It is this perceptiveness that makes her a formidable negotiator and an astute judge of character. She rarely makes decisions without first thoroughly assessing the people involved, ensuring that her choices are informed by a deep understanding of human behavior.  

5. Love of Learning:

Helena’s intellectual curiosity drives her to continuously seek out new knowledge. Whether through books, conversations with learned individuals, or direct experience, she is always eager to learn more about the world around her. This love of learning extends to various fields, from politics and history to art and culture. Helena’s broad knowledge base makes her a well-rounded individual, capable of engaging in meaningful discussions on a wide range of topics. Her dedication to self-improvement and education is a testament to her belief that knowledge is power.  

6. Diplomatic Eloquence:

Helena’s eloquence in speech and writing is another hallmark of her intellectual prowess. She is a master of rhetoric, able to craft persuasive arguments that resonate with her audience. Her ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and compellingly makes her an effective diplomat and leader. Helena’s speeches are often infused with wisdom and insight, inspiring those who hear them. Her eloquence is not limited to formal settings; she also knows how to use language to build rapport, diffuse tensions, and charm those she wishes to influence.  

7. Pragmatic Realism:

While Helena values ideals, she is fundamentally a realist. She understands that the world is full of complexities and that achieving her goals often requires compromise and adaptation. Her pragmatic approach to problem-solving is grounded in a clear-eyed assessment of the situation, allowing her to make decisions that are both practical and effective. Helena’s realism ensures that she remains grounded, focused on achievable outcomes rather than being swayed by unattainable ideals or emotional impulses.  

8. Emotional Intelligence:

Helena’s intellectual abilities are complemented by her strong emotional intelligence. She is acutely aware of her own emotions and those of others, which allows her to navigate social interactions with grace and sensitivity. Helena’s empathy enables her to connect with people on a deeper level, fostering trust and cooperation. This emotional intelligence is particularly valuable in her diplomatic work, where understanding and managing emotions is often as important as intellectual acumen. Helena’s ability to balance her emotions with rational thought makes her a balanced and effective leader.   In summary, Helena Daughtry’s intellectual characteristics are a blend of analytical brilliance, strategic foresight, and a deep love of learning. Her linguistic talents, perceptiveness, and eloquence are matched by her pragmatic realism and emotional intelligence, making her a formidable figure in both the political and intellectual arenas.

Morality & Philosophy

Helena Daughtry is a complex figure whose morality and philosophy are deeply rooted in her personal experiences, family legacy, and the political environment in which she was raised. Her views have been shaped by the loss of her older brother, Donovan, her strained relationship with her parents, and her ambition to create a peaceful and prosperous future for her nation.  

1. Compassion and Responsibility:

Helena believes deeply in the importance of compassion and responsibility, both personally and politically. She is driven by a desire to use her intelligence, resources, and influence to help others, particularly those who are vulnerable or oppressed. This belief in doing good when one has the power to do so is a core part of her philosophy. She sees it as her duty to not only protect her loved ones but also to contribute positively to society as a whole. Her compassion, however, is tempered by realism; she knows that not every problem can be solved through kindness alone.  

2. Pragmatism Over Idealism:

Helena’s experiences have taught her that the world is often harsh and unforgiving, requiring difficult decisions that may not always align with pure ideals. While she strives for peace and understanding, she is not naive. She understands the necessity of political maneuvering and the occasional compromise of principles to achieve a greater good. Her actions, such as paying off informants and leveraging connections, reflect a pragmatic approach to morality—where the ends can sometimes justify the means.  

3. Loyalty and Honor:

Loyalty is a cornerstone of Helena’s moral code. She values loyalty in herself and others, and she expects those in her circle to share this trait. This loyalty extends to her family, despite their differences, and to those who have proven themselves worthy of her trust. Honor, for Helena, is not just about personal pride but about maintaining the integrity of her actions and decisions. She believes in honoring commitments, whether they be to family, friends, or her country.  

4. Wisdom and the Pursuit of Knowledge:

Helena places a high value on wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge. She sees wisdom as the most powerful weapon in her arsenal, more effective than any blade or spell. This belief drives her to constantly seek out new information, learn from others, and apply her knowledge to solve complex problems. Her love for languages, her strategic thinking, and her dedication to studying the intricacies of politics all stem from this core belief.  

5. Justice and Fairness:

Helena’s sense of justice is deeply personal, shaped by the tragedies she has witnessed and the injustices she perceives in the world around her. She believes that justice must be pursued not out of a desire for revenge, but to protect the future and ensure that wrongs are righted for the benefit of society. Her actions, such as intervening in political scandals or protecting those wrongfully accused, reflect her commitment to fairness. However, she also understands that the pursuit of justice must be balanced with compassion and the complexities of the human condition.  

6. Change and Adaptability:

Helena embraces change as a natural and necessary part of life. She believes that clinging to outdated traditions or resisting progress only leads to stagnation and decline. This philosophy is evident in her approach to her family’s legacy—while she respects and honors the traditions of House Daughtry, she is unafraid to chart her own path and advocate for new ways of thinking. Helena’s adaptability allows her to navigate the ever-shifting political landscape with grace and effectiveness.  

7. The Importance of Balance:

In all things, Helena seeks balance—between power and responsibility, compassion and pragmatism, tradition and progress. She understands that extremes can be dangerous, and she strives to maintain equilibrium in her life and her decisions. This philosophy of balance extends to her relationships, her career, and her approach to governance, where she aims to harmonize differing interests and perspectives to achieve the best possible outcomes.   In summary, Helena Daughtry’s morality and philosophy are defined by her compassion, pragmatism, loyalty, wisdom, and commitment to justice. She is a woman who believes in the power of knowledge and the importance of balance, and she is willing to make difficult choices to protect those she cares about and create a better future for her nation.

Personality Characteristics


1. Legacy and Family Honor:

At the core of Helena’s motivations is a deep desire to uphold and redefine her family’s legacy. Born into House Daughtry, a noble house known for its warrior lineage and dedication to duty, Helena feels the weight of her ancestors' expectations. However, she also recognizes the need for change in how her family’s legacy is perceived. Rather than following the traditional path of a warrior, she is driven to carve out a legacy of intellectual and diplomatic excellence, proving that strength can come from wisdom and diplomacy, not just the sword. Helena wants to honor her family's name by showing that their legacy can evolve and adapt to the needs of the current age.  

2. Desire for Peace and Stability:

Helena is deeply committed to the idea of a peaceful and stable United Leona. The loss of her brother Donovan, who died in service, has profoundly affected her view of war and conflict. She believes that the world has seen enough bloodshed and that it is time for leaders to focus on building a lasting peace. Her motivation to become the Royal Envoy is rooted in this desire to promote diplomacy over warfare, to resolve conflicts through dialogue rather than violence, and to ensure that future generations do not have to endure the same losses that she has. Helena’s vision for peace is not just for her nation but for all of Eos, where she hopes to build alliances and foster cooperation between different cultures and nations.  

3. Independence and Autonomy:

Helena’s drive for independence is a powerful motivator. Growing up under the watchful eyes of her family, particularly her father, she has always felt the need to prove that she can stand on her own and make her own decisions. This desire for autonomy is not just about personal freedom but also about gaining respect and recognition as a capable and competent individual in her own right. By pursuing a career in politics and diplomacy, Helena seeks to establish herself as a force to be reckoned with, separate from her family’s influence. She wants to create her own path, one that is defined by her intellect, abilities, and achievements.  

4. Justice and Fairness:

A strong sense of justice drives Helena’s actions. She believes in the importance of fairness and equality, both in personal interactions and in the broader societal context. Helena is motivated by the desire to correct wrongs, protect the innocent, and ensure that power is wielded responsibly. This sense of justice extends to her diplomatic efforts, where she seeks to mediate conflicts in a way that is fair and just for all parties involved. Helena is particularly sensitive to the plight of those who are marginalized or oppressed, and she is driven to use her influence to create a more just and equitable world.  

5. Intellectual Fulfillment:

Helena has a deep-seated need for intellectual stimulation and growth. Her love of learning and her pursuit of knowledge are key motivators in her life. She is driven by the desire to understand the world around her, to engage with complex ideas, and to contribute to the intellectual discourse of her time. This motivation is evident in her studies, her language proficiency, and her strategic thinking. For Helena, intellectual fulfillment is not just about personal satisfaction but also about using her knowledge to make meaningful contributions to society and to influence the course of history.  

6. Loyalty and Protection of Loved Ones:

Helena is fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and this loyalty is a significant motivator in her life. Whether it’s her family, her close friends, or those who have placed their trust in her, Helena is driven by a deep need to protect and support them. This protective instinct extends to her work as well; she sees her role as a diplomat and leader as a way to safeguard the well-being of her people and ensure their safety and prosperity. Her loyalty to her brother Donovan’s memory, her commitment to her father despite their differences, and her dedication to her friends like Lenora and Morelia all reflect this powerful motivation.  

7. Ambition and Personal Achievement:

Helena’s ambition is a strong driving force behind her actions. She is determined to achieve great things and leave a lasting impact on the world. This ambition is not just about gaining power or prestige but about making a meaningful difference. Helena is motivated by the desire to prove herself, to demonstrate that she is capable of handling the responsibilities that come with power, and to achieve the goals she has set for herself. Her ambition drives her to work tirelessly, to seek out new opportunities, and to push herself beyond her limits in pursuit of her objectives.  

8. Legacy of Wisdom:

Helena is motivated by the desire to pass on wisdom and knowledge to future generations. She believes that her efforts to reshape her family’s legacy and her work in diplomacy will serve as an example for others. Helena wants to be remembered not just as a member of House Daughtry, but as someone who used her intellect and insight to guide her people through challenging times and leave a lasting legacy of wisdom and peace.

Likes & Dislikes



Black Clothing:

  Helena has a distinct preference for black clothing, finding it both sophisticated and striking. She appreciates how it contrasts with her fair skin, making her stand out in a crowd. Despite her mother’s teasing that it looks like she’s always attending a funeral, Helena values the elegance and uniqueness of black attire.  


  Simple and unassuming, daisies are Helena's favorite flower. She finds them cute and charming, appreciating their delicate beauty. They remind her of the simple joys in life, a contrast to the complexity of her responsibilities.

Spring Season:

  Helena loves spring for its symbolism of growth and new beginnings. The season resonates with her own desire for change and transformation, both in her personal life and in the world around her. Spring’s renewal and freshness inspire her to pursue her goals with vigor.

Blending Nature with Urban Life:

  Having grown up in Afield, a city that harmoniously blends natural beauty with urban activity, Helena enjoys environments where nature and city life coexist. She finds the bustle of a lively city exciting but also values the serenity that nature brings. This balance mirrors her own life, where she seeks harmony between her ambitions and her need for peace.

Evening Time:

  Helena is a night owl who enjoys the quiet and calm of the evening. The stillness of the night allows her to reflect, plan, and unwind after a busy day. She often uses this time to indulge in her personal interests or simply to think deeply about her goals.


  Helena has a particular fondness for seafood, despite living in a mostly landlocked country. She enjoys the taste of the sea and takes advantage of her connections to indulge in fresh seafood, especially when she’s able to import it from Port Demoli through her friend Finnelle’s contacts.


  Baking is one of Helena’s cherished pastimes, a skill she learned from her mother during her childhood. Although her busy schedule often keeps her from baking as much as she’d like, she is particularly proud of her apple pie, which she considers her signature dish.

Music and the Arts:

  Helena has a deep appreciation for the arts, especially music. She dabbles in playing the piano and violin and enjoys painting landscapes and portraits. She also keeps up with fashion trends, finding joy in the creativity and expression that the arts allow. Learning Languages:   Helena has a passion for learning languages, a hobby that satisfies her intellectual curiosity and helps her in her diplomatic pursuits. She currently knows eight languages and is always eager to learn more, seeing it as a way to connect with different cultures and broaden her understanding of the world.


  Helena is an avid reader, with a particular fondness for “The Lamentations of The Queen” by Queen Nonsi of Uthar. She admires the book not only for its religious and philosophical insights but also for its portrayal of a tragic love story, which deeply resonates with her.

Elegant Gowns:

  Helena enjoys dressing up in elegant gowns, finding the process of selecting and wearing fine clothing both fun and a way to boost her confidence. She sees fashion as an extension of her identity, allowing her to present herself with grace and style.

Sentimental Jewelry:

  Helena values the black pearl necklace her mother gave her before she moved to Edoran. It holds deep sentimental value, especially since their relationship has become strained. Wearing it allows her to feel connected to her mother despite their differences.


  Helena adores her cat, Warren, named after her betrothed. She finds comfort in his presence and enjoys the simple pleasure of his company, even if he isn’t always the best listener.

Honest and Kind People:

  Helena values kindness and honesty in others, especially in a world where she often has to navigate deception and political maneuvering. She finds genuine, soft-spoken individuals refreshing and enjoys their company as a break from the intensity of her usual interactions.


  To manage stress and maintain her focus, Helena practices meditation, a discipline she adopted from her family’s warrior traditions. It helps her stay grounded and clear-headed, especially before and after important meetings or decisions.



Excessive Tradition and Conformity:

  Helena dislikes how some traditions, particularly those in her family, prioritize conformity and martial glory over individuality and intellect. She resents the pressure to follow a path that she feels is outdated and doesn’t align with her vision for the future.


  Helena has a strong aversion to those who seek glory for its own sake, especially when it leads to unnecessary bloodshed or risks. This stems from her brother Donovan’s death, which has made her critical of the culture that glorifies sacrifice without considering the broader consequences.

Overbearing Family Expectations:

  While Helena loves her family, she dislikes the overbearing expectations placed upon her, particularly by her father and mother. She resents the attempts to control her life and path, and she struggles with the constant need to prove her worth in a way that differs from their traditional values.

Manipulation and Deceit:

  Helena dislikes being manipulated or deceived, whether it’s in personal relationships or political dealings. She values honesty and finds it exhausting to constantly guard against ulterior motives in those around her.


  Helena dislikes being alone for extended periods. She thrives on social interaction and finds prolonged isolation unsettling. She values companionship and the comfort of having trusted friends and allies close by.

Being Underestimated:

  Helena dislikes being underestimated, particularly by those who see her as merely a noblewoman without recognizing her intellect and strategic abilities. She is determined to prove her worth and show that she is more than just a figurehead or a pretty face.

Unnecessary Conflict:

  Helena has little patience for conflict that could be avoided through dialogue and understanding. She dislikes situations where violence is seen as the only solution and strives to find peaceful resolutions whenever possible.

Stagnation and Inaction:

  Helena is driven by a desire for progress and change, so she dislikes any form of stagnation or inaction. Whether in her personal life or in her work, she is constantly pushing forward and dislikes when others are content to remain idle.

Overemphasis on Martial Prowess:

  Coming from a family of warriors, Helena dislikes the overemphasis on martial prowess at the expense of intellect and diplomacy. She believes that there are other ways to serve and protect the realm, and she is determined to prove that her approach is just as valid and necessary.

Dishonesty and Deception in Relationships:

  Helena values transparency and integrity in her relationships, whether personal or professional. She dislikes dishonesty and feels particularly betrayed when those close to her are not forthright. This has made her cautious and somewhat guarded, even with those she trusts.

Lack of Autonomy:

  Helena is fiercely independent and dislikes any situation where she feels her autonomy is being compromised. Whether it’s her family’s expectations or societal pressures, she resents any attempts to control her choices or restrict her freedom.

The Burden of Legacy:

  Although Helena is motivated by her family’s legacy, she also dislikes the heavy burden it places on her. The constant pressure to live up to her ancestors’ expectations can be overwhelming, and she sometimes struggles with the responsibility of maintaining and redefining that legacy.


  Helena dislikes narrow-mindedness, especially when it comes to societal or political issues. She values open-mindedness and the ability to consider different perspectives, and she is frustrated by those who cling to outdated beliefs or refuse to adapt to changing times.

Being in Debt to Others:

  Helena dislikes the feeling of being indebted to others, particularly in situations where it may compromise her independence or force her to make decisions she wouldn’t otherwise make. Though she dislikes this greatly, she is pragmatic, and is willing to make the sacrifice if need be in order to achieve her goals.


Family Ties

Duke Kharther Daughtry (Father):

  Relationship: Helena's relationship with her father is complex. As a child, she idolized him, seeing him as her first love and a figure of great importance and wisdom. He was a noble man, intelligent and respected, and Helena admired these qualities deeply. However, the loss of her older brother, Donovan, changed him. He became more controlling, paranoid, and less ambitious, which strained their relationship. Despite the tension, Helena still loves her father and respects the values he instilled in her. She seeks to prove to him that she can forge her own path while honoring the legacy of House Daughtry.

Duchess Mehida Keldan Daughtry (Mother):

  Relationship: Helena and her mother, Duchess Mehida, are currently estranged. Mehida views Helena’s growing independence and rebellion against family traditions as disrespectful, especially after the death of Donovan. In Helena's childhood, they were close, sharing a bond as the non-magical members of their family. Mehida, however, cannot accept Helena’s rejection of the family’s martial legacy. Helena, on the other hand, understands her mother’s grief and sense of duty but feels compelled to stand up for her beliefs. Despite their differences, Helena harbors love and empathy for her mother and hopes to reconcile their relationship in the future.

Donovan Daughtry (Deceased) - Older Brother:

  Relationship: The memory of Donovan holds a special place in Helena's heart. He was her protector, a noble knight who she cherished deeply. His death in service to others left a profound impact on Helena, shaping her views on martial glory and the sacrifices demanded by their family’s legacy. Donovan’s loss fueled Helena’s resentment towards the glorification of sacrifice, and she now channels her grief into her efforts to create a more peaceful world. She honors Donovan’s memory by striving to achieve the brighter future they both believed in, but she struggles with the pain of his absence.

Eric Daughtry (Younger Brother):

  Relationship: Helena feels a deep sense of responsibility and protectiveness towards her younger brother, Eric. She sees in him the same brightness and brilliance that Donovan possessed, but she worries that he, too, will be pressured into a life of martial duty. Helena is determined to show Eric that there are other paths to honor and success, ones that do not require the same sacrifices that claimed Donovan. She loves Eric dearly and fears for his future, vowing to intervene if her family’s traditions push him towards a fate similar to Donovan’s.

Queen Isabella Daughtry-Castell (Older Cousin):

  Relationship: Helena has developed a close, sister-like relationship with her cousin, Queen Isabella. Having moved to Edoran, Helena found in Isabella a kindred spirit and a strong ally. Isabella, despite her responsibilities as queen, has welcomed Helena into her life, offering support and companionship. Their bond has grown stronger over the years, with Isabella serving as both a mentor and a confidante. Helena values Isabella’s wisdom and kindness, and she draws strength from their relationship as she navigates her own political ambitions. However, Isabella’s interest in Helena’s love life, particularly regarding her betrothal to Warren, can be a source of mild frustration, though Helena knows it comes from a place of love and concern.

Social Aptitude


  Helena possesses a natural charisma that stems from her intelligence, eloquence, and the confidence she exudes in social situations. Her noble upbringing has refined her ability to engage with others in a way that is both gracious and authoritative. She is adept at making others feel valued and heard, which makes her an effective communicator and leader. Her charm is subtle and sophisticated, appealing to those who appreciate her thoughtful and measured approach to conversation.


  Helena’s confidence is deeply rooted in her knowledge and experience. She is well-versed in politics, diplomacy, and social etiquette, which allows her to navigate complex social landscapes with ease. Her self-assurance comes across in her ability to speak persuasively and assertively, particularly in matters she is passionate about. Even in the face of opposition or challenging circumstances, Helena maintains her composure and poise, which further enhances her authoritative presence.


  Helena is known for her calm and composed demeanor, even in high-pressure situations. She rarely displays strong emotions in public, preferring to maintain a controlled and diplomatic exterior. This composure is a valuable asset in her role as a political figure, as it allows her to think clearly and act strategically, regardless of the situation. Her ability to remain unflustered under scrutiny or provocation is a testament to her discipline and self-control.


  Helena’s persuasive abilities are among her greatest strengths. She has a keen understanding of how to appeal to the values and motivations of others, making her a formidable negotiator and diplomat. She carefully crafts her arguments to align with the interests of her audience, using both logic and emotion to sway opinions. Her eloquence and the clarity of her vision make her an inspiring figure, capable of rallying support for her causes.


  Helena excels in the art of diplomacy, balancing assertiveness with tact and sensitivity. She understands the importance of building and maintaining relationships, both personally and politically. Her diplomatic skills are evident in her ability to navigate complex social and political situations, where she often acts as a mediator or representative of her interests. She is skilled at finding common ground and fostering cooperation among diverse groups, making her an effective and respected figure in the political arena.

Social Awareness:

  Helena is highly perceptive when it comes to understanding social dynamics. She is quick to pick up on subtle cues, such as tone, body language, and unspoken tensions, which allows her to respond appropriately in any situation. Her awareness of the social and political undercurrents around her makes her an astute observer and strategist, enabling her to anticipate potential conflicts and address them before they escalate.

Network and Relationships:

  Over the years, Helena has built a strong network of allies and confidantes, both within and outside of United Leona. Her friendships with individuals like Lenora Tenari, Morelia Olamar, and others are based on mutual respect, trust, and shared goals. Helena values these relationships deeply, recognizing that her social network is crucial to her success in her political and personal endeavors. She is skilled at maintaining and nurturing these connections, ensuring that she remains a central figure in her social circles.


  Helena’s social presence is marked by a certain elegance and grace, whether she is attending a royal banquet or engaging in a private discussion. Her choice of attire, her manners, and her way of speaking all reflect a deep understanding of noble decorum. She takes pride in her appearance and the impression she leaves on others, believing that how she presents herself is a reflection of her character and the values she upholds.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Afield, United Leona
Short. platinum blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation