
The Watcher of Eons

Description: Lucx is an ethereal figure, a blend of beauty and mystery. With a radiant silhouette that seems to be made from the very stars themselves, she moves gracefully, each step reminiscent of a dance. Her visage is gentle yet solemn, with eyes deep as the night sky, filled with the knowledge of every soul she has guided. Her attire, woven from the shadows, flows around her, shimmering with a delicate glow. In one hand, she holds a lantern, a beacon for lost souls, while the other is often outstretched, reaching out to those in need.   Personality: Lucx's demeanor is a blend of gentleness and authority. As the guardian of the afterlife, she possesses a deep understanding of the fragile balance between life and death. This gives her a patience and wisdom unparalleled by most deities. Her duty to guide souls has instilled in her an immense compassion for mortals. Yet, the weight of her responsibilities also means she can be stern when needed, especially when defending souls from entities that wish to corrupt or harm them. Above all, she believes in the sanctity of the cycle of life and death and works tirelessly to ensure it remains unbroken.   Divine Realm(s): - Evermeet:In this paradise crafted by the Va'lis, Lucx has a special sanctuary, a serene meadow illuminated by starlight, where souls find rest and solace. Here, she offers guidance and comfort to those who held true to the old ways, ensuring their rebirth or eternal peace.  
  • Astral Plane: Sharing this vast realm with Fayeth and Elrod, Lucx's dominion is a tranquil sea of stars, where souls journey, reliving their cherished memories before finding their next path. Within this realm, she holds council with her elder siblings, discussing the cosmic balance and the fate of souls.
  • Shadowfell: This somber realm, a reflection of the mortal world in twilight and despair, sees Lucx in her most active role. She roams its vast expanses, seeking lost souls, shielding them from the dangers lurking in its shadows. The presence of The Primordial's influence in the Shadowfell means Lucx is constantly battling its pull, rescuing souls from its grasp, and ensuring they find their rightful place in the cycle.
  • Worshippers: Lucx's followers are diverse, ranging from those who venerate death as a natural part of life to those who seek her guidance in their darkest hours. Many priests and priestesses dedicate their lives to her teachings, establishing temples and sanctuaries where mortals can come to terms with the concept of death. These temples often act as places of mourning, celebration, and reflection, providing solace to those left behind.   Elven communities hold a special bond with Lucx, recalling times when she danced among them. Many elven rituals, especially those marking the transition from life to death, invoke her blessings.   In addition, there are those known as the "Lantern Bearers," a sect of dedicated followers who, inspired by Lucx's lantern, venture into the world to comfort the dying and guide their souls, ensuring they are not lost to the shadows.   It's worth noting that while death may often be associated with fear or sorrow in many cultures, Lucx's worshippers view her as a beacon of hope and a reminder that every end is but a new beginning in the great cycle of existence.