Nienna, Goddess of the Sea & Storm

Description: Nienna is a radiant figure, her form fluid and ever-changing, much like the waters she governs. Her skin shimmers in shades of deep blue and aquamarine, reflecting the varying moods of the ocean. Eyes as deep and vast as the oceanic abyss seem to hold the mysteries of all the sunken realms. Her long, flowing hair resembles cascading waves, intertwined with pearls and glowing sea plants. Gossamer robes made of sea foam and the finest underwater silks adorn her, moving gracefully with her every motion. Around her form, a gentle aura of mist and salt perpetually lingers, and the soothing sound of distant waves accompanies her presence.   Personality: Nienna, much like the oceans she governs, is a deity of contrasts. She is compassionate and nurturing, guiding sailors safely through treacherous waters, yet can also be unpredictable and tempestuous, asserting her dominance when she feels the seas are disrespected. She embodies the essence of discovery, urging mortals to explore the unknown depths, while also ensuring they understand the dangers that lurk beneath. Nienna holds a deep love for all creatures of the sea and expects her followers to show the same reverence.   Divine Realm: The Plane of Water is Nienna's dominion—a vast, boundless expanse of ever-shifting seas, cascading waterfalls, and hidden abysses. Corals of iridescent colors, forests of towering kelp, and floating islands made entirely of water form this plane's beautiful landscape. Luminescent creatures, unseen in any mortal realm, dance gracefully through the waters. At the very heart of this plane lies Nienna's palace, a magnificent structure made of coral, pearl, and shimmering water, standing as a beacon of light in the aquatic vastness. From here, Nienna oversees her realm, ensuring its balance and beauty remain intact.   Worshippers: Seafarers, fishermen, and coastal inhabitants hold Nienna in the highest reverence. They tattoo her intricate sigils, depicting waves, sea creatures, or storm clouds, onto their bodies as a sign of devotion and protection. These symbols can also be found on ships, carved into their bows, painted onto their sides, or woven into sails, seeking her blessings for bountiful catches and safe voyages.   Songs praising Nienna's beauty and might echo in ports and coastal towns, passed down from generation to generation. These songs often detail her dual nature, singing praises of her gentle guidance and also offering respect to her stormy fury.   Her clergy, distinguishable by their sea-blue robes and water-themed amulets, play a pivotal role in coastal communities. Gifted with the ability to manipulate water, they conduct rituals during significant maritime events, such as ship launchings or the arrival of monsoon seasons. They also act as mediators, healers, and guides, ensuring that the bond between the people and the sea remains harmonious and respectful.