
In the world of Sirion, Orcs are a race known for their rich tribal cultures, nomadic traditions, and diverse modern communities. Historically, they have been misunderstood and often perceived as brutish, but in truth, they are a sentient and complex society deeply connected to their ancestry and the land.
200 years
Average Height
6'0 - 7'0
Average Physique
The average physique of the Orcs in Sirion reflects their robust lifestyle, emphasizing strength, endurance, and adaptability. Here’s an in-depth look at their physical attributes:  

Height and Build:

  • Height: Orcs stand tall, typically ranging from 6’0” to 7’0”. Some individuals, particularly those from specific tribes known for their formidable warriors, can reach heights closer to 7’5”.
  • Build: Muscular and solid, Orcs possess a dense and powerful build. Their broad shoulders, thick arms, and sturdy legs are the result of their physically demanding way of life. Both males and females exhibit strong, athletic physiques, with muscles that are well-defined and capable of great strength.

Skin Tone and Texture:

  • Skin Tones: Orc skin varies in shades of green, gray, and brown, often correlating with their geographic origins and tribal affiliations. Green tones are common among forest-dwelling tribes, while gray and brown hues are prevalent in mountainous and desert regions.
  • Texture: Their skin is thick and resilient, designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions. It is often covered in scars from battles, hunts, and rituals, each scar telling a story of their experiences and achievements.

Facial Features:

  • Facial Structure: Orcs have strong, prominent facial features, including broad noses, high cheekbones, and heavy brows. Their jawlines are pronounced, with some tribes displaying slight tusks or elongated canines that add to their fierce appearance.
  • Eyes: Their eyes are typically small and sharp, with colors ranging from deep brown to striking amber. The eyes often have a keen, intense gaze, reflecting their alertness and determination.


  • Color and Texture: Orc hair is usually dark, ranging from black to deep brown, though some tribes exhibit hair with a reddish or bluish tint. The texture is thick and coarse, often worn long and braided or styled into intricate patterns that signify their tribal identity and personal achievements.
  • Adornment: It is common for Orcs to adorn their hair with beads, bones, feathers, and metal rings, each piece symbolizing a significant event, victory, or status within the tribe.

Body Art and Markings:

  • Tattoos: Intricate tribal tattoos cover much of their bodies, each design unique to the individual and their clan. These tattoos often incorporate symbols of strength, protection, and spiritual significance, and are considered a rite of passage.
  • Scars: Scars are worn with pride, often resulting from rituals, combat, or hunts. They are seen as marks of honor and experience, with some Orcs enhancing them with ink or additional tattoos to highlight their significance.

Strength and Endurance:

  • Physical Strength: Orcs are renowned for their immense physical strength. They are capable of lifting heavy loads, wielding large weapons, and performing feats of great power. This strength is not just for combat but is also essential for their daily tasks, such as building shelters, hunting, and crafting.
  • Endurance: Their endurance is equally impressive, allowing them to travel long distances, endure harsh weather, and sustain prolonged physical activity without tiring easily. This endurance is vital for their nomadic lifestyle and constant movement across diverse terrains.

Agility and Dexterity:

  • Agility: Despite their large size, Orcs are surprisingly agile. They can move swiftly and efficiently through forests, mountains, and plains. Their agility is particularly evident in their combat style, which combines brute strength with quick, precise movements.
  • Dexterity: Their dexterity is honed through years of crafting, hunting, and fighting. Orcs are adept at using their hands for intricate tasks, whether it’s crafting weapons, setting traps, or performing delicate rituals.

Health and Longevity:

  • Health: Orcs generally enjoy robust health, attributed to their active lifestyle and natural resilience. They have a high tolerance for pain and can recover from injuries quickly, often aided by shamanistic healing practices and herbal remedies.
  • Longevity: While their lifespans are shorter than those of elves, Orcs typically live to around 70-90 years. Elders who reach advanced ages are highly respected for their wisdom and experience, often serving as leaders or spiritual guides within the tribe.