The Twist

The Twist and the Birth of the Planes   As the Weave and the Primordial were affected by the surge of emotions, a cataclysmic event known as The Twist occurred. This wasn't merely a change in the magical currents but a fracture in the very fabric of existence. The forces that Elrod, Fayeth, and Lucx had harnessed were becoming increasingly volatile, and the very essence that birthed the Material Plane began to fragment, tearing asunder and spiraling out in multiple directions. Each fragment, drawing upon specific emotions and elements, crystallized and formed separate planes of existence.   1. The Material Plane: The core essence of the universe, a fusion of all elements and the primary intentions of the Va'lis, became the Material Plane. It stood as a testament to the original design, balancing both the mundane and the magical.   2. Plane of Fire: The passion, anger, and intensity that emanated from the cosmos coalesced into the Plane of Fire. Every blazing emotion, every fierce determination, took form in this realm, making it a scorching and volatile landscape.   3. Plane of Water: Emotions related to adaptability, flow, and depth of feeling merged to give birth to the Plane of Water. It was the realm of deep thoughts, mysteries, and the vastness of emotions, encapsulated in an endless expanse of aquatic wonder.   4. Plane of Air: Aspiration, freedom, and the yearning for exploration took shape in the Plane of Air. The vastness of the sky symbolized boundless possibilities, dreams, and the pursuit of the unknown.   5. Plane of Earth: Steadfastness, determination, and the grounded nature of existence created the Plane of Earth. It stood for resilience, unwavering strength, and the foundation upon which all life was built.   6. Astral Plane: The collective consciousness, the dreams, memories, and the spiritual essence of every living being, formed the Astral Plane. It was an ethereal bridge, connecting the known to the unknown, the mortal to the divine.   7. Shadowfell: The darker emotions—melancholy, despair, and fear—cast a shadow that took tangible form as the Shadowfell. It was a reflection of every sorrow, every lost hope, and every nightmare.   8. Feywild: On the other spectrum of the Shadowfell was the Feywild, where emotions were heightened and the world vibrated with an energy unseen in other realms. Joy, wonder, mischief, and the deep connection to nature birthed this whimsical yet treacherous domain.   The Twist's aftermath left the cosmos with diverse realms, each resonating with specific emotions and elemental forces. And while the Va'lis might have been initially overwhelmed by the unexpected proliferation of these planes, they quickly acknowledged the beauty and depth they added to the overall tapestry of existence. The many worlds born from The Twist enriched the universe, bringing forth uncharted territories and opportunities for adventure and exploration.