The War of Black Blood

Queen Nonsi of the drow had always been a visionary, even from a young age. Born and raised in the depths of The Underdark, she witnessed the cruelty and tyranny of the Spider Queen, Lolth, firsthand. The drow were oppressed and forced to live in constant fear, their lives dictated by the whims of their ruthless deity. Nonsi, however, yearned for something more, a life free from the shackles of darkness and despair.   The Collapse, a cataclysmic event that shook the continent of Eos, provided an opportunity for Queen Nonsi to lead her people to freedom. As natural disasters ravaged the land, Nonsi saw it as a sign, a chance to escape the clutches of Lolth and forge a new path for her people. With unwavering determination, she rallied her fellow drow and guided them towards the surface world, braving the treacherous journey through The Underdark.   Emerging from the depths, Queen Nonsi and her people found themselves in the Rochnora Range, a formidable mountain range known for its difficulty to navigate. It provided a natural defense and refuge for her people, and from there, the drow then ventured into the Toln Expanse, the surrounding plains, where they encountered various warring tribes of other races, including bugbears, humans, goblins, and the dominant orc clans.   The orc clans, led by their chieftains, viewed the aftermath of The Collapse as an opportunity to expand their power and influence. However, the sudden appearance of the drow complicated their plans and ignited tensions between the races. Queen Nonsi drew inspiration and guidance from Eilistraee, the goddess who had aided the drow in their escape from Lolth. Some of her people, however, harbored doubts and fears of plunging into another conflict, particularly with the orc clans. Yet, Nonsi's unwavering faith in her goddess and her determination to establish peace fueled her resolve.   Using her wisdom and diplomatic skills, Queen Nonsi initiated negotiations with the orc clans. She advocated for cohabitation and the laying down of arms, appealing to the desire for unity and the avoidance of further bloodshed. Chieftain Shakah of Clan Hig, recognizing the futility of continued violence, joined Queen Nonsi in supporting her vision of peace. Together, they convinced several orc clans to embrace this new path, forging alliances and working towards a common goal.   However, Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar vehemently opposed the idea of peace and viewed the drow as vermin to be eradicated. He rallied like-minded orc clans and declared all-out war against the drow and Clan Hig. The conflict that ensued became known as The War of Black Blood, as the races involved shed blood of a darker tinge.   For twenty-two grueling years, Queen Nonsi, Chieftain Shakah, and their forces utilized the natural defenses of the Rochnora Range to fend off Gorthank's larger orc army. The Twilight Guard, a task force formed by the Church of Eilistraee, played a crucial role in the large-scale battles, employing their magical prowess to great effect against Gorthank's troops.   In a climactic battle known as The Battle Under Twilight, Queen Nonsi and her forces descended from the Rochnora Range to face Clan Utgar in open combat. It was during this battle that Nonsi unveiled her true power, casting a spell that plunged her allies into a melles unlike anything anyone had every seen, the armies of the drow danced through the battlefield, unleashing fury and a strength that could only be surmised as a divine blessing. Witnessing this display of strength and the power of the goddess Eilistraee, Gorthank realized the futility of his resistance and surrendered.   Queen Nonsi, embodying the compassion and mercy of her goddess, chose not to annihilate Gorthank or his clan. Instead, she emphasized the importance of unity and warned against future acts of aggression. Nonsi offered aid to Gorthank and his people should they ever require it, but made it clear that any attempts to unite their forces against her would be seen as an act of war. Gorthank, grateful for the mercy shown, led the remnants of his clan into a nomadic existence within the Toln Expanse.   With the war finally concluded, Queen Nonsi and Chieftain Shakah sealed their alliance by joining in union. Together, they founded the nation of Uthar, a symbol of hope, unity, and alliance for all of Eos. The drow, orcs, and other races who aided in their victory came together to build a thriving nation that celebrated diversity and sought perpetual harmony.   Queen Nonsi's leadership and vision brought her people out of the depths of oppression and into a new era of peace and prosperity. Her legacy as the liberator of the drow, the champion of unity, and the beacon of hope for Uthar continues to inspire generations to come.

The Conflict


Before the rise of Queen Nonsi and the cataclysmic events of The Collapse, the drow were suppressed by Lolth in The Underdark. These dark times were marred with backstabbing politics, betrayal, and the incessant cruel whims of Lolth. However, among the shadows emerged a young visionary, Nonsi, who harbored dreams of a world beyond the oppressive darkness. Her visions were given life by The Collapse, which altered the very fabric of the continent of Eos, causing upheavals both below and above ground. It became a beacon of change, signaling the start of a new era.


Queen Nonsi, rallying her fellow drow, initially positioned her forces in the protective embrace of the Rochnora Range, utilizing its natural barriers against any potential threats. On the other hand, Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar gathered a formidable force in the Toln Expanse, pulling together various orc clans under his banner. Chieftain Shakah of Clan Hig, allied with Nonsi, stationed his forces close to the drow, creating a strong defense line that would become crucial in the impending war.


The Toln Expanse, a vast plain surrounded by the Rochnora Range, was the main battlefield. Its vastness allowed for large-scale troop movements and strategies to be employed. There were areas dotted with forests, hills, and rivers, which played pivotal roles in guerrilla tactics and strategies. The expanse was mostly open, giving little cover but providing clear lines of sight for archers and spellcasters.


Throughout The War of Black Blood, conditions varied. However, the Battle Under Twilight was marked by the supernatural and dramatic shift in the sky as Queen Nonsi cast her spell. As the skies turned into an everlasting twilight, visibility became an issue for many on the battlefield, especially for the orcs of Clan Utgar. The mystical ambiance added a layer of uncertainty and fear, influencing the morale of the troops.

The Engagement

The battle began with skirmishes on the borders of the Toln Expanse. Both sides tested each other's defenses, with hit-and-run tactics by the Twilight Guard and rapid assault formations by Gorthank's orcs. As both forces measured each other's strengths and weaknesses, a massive engagement erupted in the heart of the expanse. Gorthank, feeling confident with his superior numbers, launched a full assault against Nonsi's position in the Rochnora Range. However, Queen Nonsi, prepared and tactically astute, used the terrain to her advantage. Drawing Gorthank's forces deeper into the range, she trapped and ambushed them at every turn, using the Twilight Guard's magical prowess to counteract the orc's sheer numbers.   Chieftain Shakah, coordinating with Nonsi, attacked from the flank, creating a pincer movement that caught Gorthank's forces off guard. The orc clans were thrown into disarray. In the climax of the battle, Nonsi unveiled her secret weapon, plunging the entire battlefield into twilight and tilting the scales in favor of her forces.   Amid the mystical twilight, the drow, with their superior darkvision, gained the upper hand. The orcs struggled, their morale waning, and eventually, the tide turned in favor of Nonsi and Shakah. Gorthank, recognizing the shift in power and the power of Eilistraee behind Nonsi, conceded defeat.   The Battle Under Twilight was not just a clash of arms, but a testament to the wills and beliefs of two powerful leaders. In the end, unity, diplomacy, and a vision for a brighter future prevailed over aggression and ambition.


The Battle Under Twilight saw the decisive victory of Queen Nonsi's coalition over Gorthank's forces. This immediate triumph led to the cessation of hostility between the various factions. Chieftain Gorthank's subsequent surrender and Nonsi's offer of mercy rather than retribution brought a newfound peace to the Toln Expanse. Numerous war prisoners were returned, strengthening Nonsi's position as a benevolent leader. The other tribes and clans, seeing this act of mercy, were further inclined towards peace.


Following the war, Queen Nonsi and Chieftain Shakah's union solidified the alliance between the drow and the orc clans that had supported peace. This union led to the founding of the nation of Uthar. Uthar became a hub for various races, promoting diversity and mutual respect. Over time, trade routes were established, fostering economic growth and bringing prosperity to the once war-torn region. Gorthank and the remnants of Clan Utgar, choosing a nomadic lifestyle, became traders and skilled craftsmen, indirectly contributing to Uthar's economic boom.

Historical Significance

Historians of Eos frequently cite Queen Nonsi's era as a turning point in the continent's history. The events leading up to The War of Black Blood and the subsequent peace provide a rich tapestry of tales of valor, diplomacy, and unity. Numerous academic institutions in Uthar offer courses dedicated to this period, ensuring that future generations understand the importance of unity and diplomacy over conflict.


Queen Nonsi's legacy is that of a visionary who not only freed her people from oppression but also championed peace in a time of strife. She is remembered as a beacon of hope, a liberator, and a diplomat. Her teachings, values, and leadership style became foundational principles in Uthar's governance and societal norms. Statues of Nonsi, holding the symbol of Eilistraee, adorn many squares and public places in Uthar, a testament to her indelible mark on history.

In Literature

Queen Nonsi's journey from The Underdark to the throne of Uthar inspired many poets, playwrights, and novelists. Her life story is often depicted in epic sagas and ballads. A popular novel titled "Twilight Ascendancy" portrays her struggles, victories, and legacy. Eilistraee's influence on the drow during these times also becomes a central theme in religious texts and hymns.

Technological Advancement

The merging of cultures in Uthar resulted in a melding of technologies. The drow's expertise in magic combined with the orcs' prowess in smithing led to the creation of enchanted weapons and artifacts. Architectural innovations arose as drow elegance met orcish practicality, leading to structures that were both aesthetically pleasing and fortified. The nomadic Clan Utgar introduced advanced cartography and navigation tools, essential for the traders and explorers of Uthar. Over time, Uthar became a hub for technological advancement, with innovations influenced by the diverse backgrounds of its inhabitants.
Conflict Type
War, Theatre
Battlefield Type
Start Date
75 ATC
Ending Date
97 ATC

Articles under The War of Black Blood