Valindria and the Order of Valindria

In a land fraught with challenges, the Order of Valindria stands as a beacon of hope, strength, and perseverance. Their existence and formidable reputation is a testament to the grace and power of their revered deity, Valindria, who governs flame and pyromancy. The history and relationships woven between the Order and Valindria reveal layers of devotion, mutual respect, and unwavering trust.  
  • Valindria’s Role in the Order’s Genesis
  The formation of the Order was greatly influenced by the trials faced by the elves of Va'len during the Goluk War. Amidst devastation, General Virion Draunus's resurgence and the formation of the Order were believed by many to be a divine intervention, a manifestation of Valindria's will to safeguard her worshippers and her creation. Some whispered that Draunus himself may have been blessed or guided by the fiery deity to protect her chosen people.  
  • Shared Goals and Beliefs
  While the Order's primary missions revolve around protection and retribution, their spiritual core is rooted in the worship of Valindria and the restoration of Ashen Wood. The perceived misuse of Valindria’s power, leading to the affliction of Ashen Wood, kindled a fierce sense of purpose within the Order. In this quest, they see themselves as both protectors of Va'len and avengers acting on Valindria's will.  
  • Sacred Oath and Divine Favor
  Every member of the Order, irrespective of their branch, takes an oath that binds them not only to their kin and the Order’s principles but also to Valindria. This connection is believed to grant them unique blessings, making them formidable opponents to their enemies.   The Red Company, particularly, stands as a testament to Valindria's dual nature of destruction and creation. Cloaked in their signature dark red robes, these clerics use Valindria's flame for both healing and nurturing, showcasing the deity's capacity for compassion.   Old Watch – A Sanctum of Worship   The Old Watch, located on the shores of Ashen Wood, doesn't only serve as the Order's main base but is also a spiritual sanctuary dedicated to Valindria. Here, amidst the echoes of the forest, rituals and ceremonies in honor of Valindria take place. Within its walls, Valindria's presence is felt most potently, with the heart of the building housing a shrine where the eternal flame of Valindria burns, symbolizing her ever-watchful gaze and blessings.   Enduring Relationship   The relationship between Valindria and the Order is symbiotic. While the Order actively pursues the deity's objectives in the mortal realm, Valindria bestows her blessings, ensuring their success against challenges. The consequences faced during the Quazad-Leona War, although devastating, only strengthened the Order's resolve and faith in Valindria.   With the passage of time and the incorporation of various races into their ranks, Valindria’s worship has likely spread to these newer members, showcasing her universal appeal and the adaptability of the Order’s belief system. Despite the challenges, Valindria and the Order of Valindria remain unwavering symbols of hope, dedication, and spiritual strength in the realm of Eos.