Wild Hunt

Wild Hunt is an adventuring party renowned for their extraordinary skills and their pivotal role in preventing an orchestrated rebellion that could have sparked a devastating war between the nations of United Leona and Quazadun. Comprising a diverse group of warriors and magic users, each member brings unique abilities and experiences to the table, making them a formidable force against any threat they encounter.  

1. Rikar Alder:

As the eldest son of House Alder in the city of Afield, Rikar Alder is a prominent figure in both politics and combat. He is a weapon summoner warrior, possessing unmatched expertise in wielding a blade. Rikar's summoning abilities enable him to call forth powerful weapons imbued with magical properties, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.  

2. In'a Brightstar:

In'a is a powerful female wood elf paladin affiliated with the Order of Valindria. Hailing from the devastated nation of Vaa'len, she represents the ideals of justice and righteousness. In'a's connection to the sacred flame grants her divine abilities, allowing her to heal wounds, protect her allies, and smite her enemies with righteous fury.  

3. Ayden Amakir:

Ayden is a half-elf known for his diplomatic finesse and strategic acumen. Previously acting as a liaison between United Leona and Quazadun, he possesses a deep understanding of both nations' cultures, politics, and military strategies. Ayden's diverse skill set makes him an invaluable asset to Wild Hunt, providing crucial insights and forming alliances with key figures.  

4. Thalia Amematsu:

Thalia, a half-oni woman from the plane of Jigoku, brings incredible strength and martial prowess to Wild Hunt. Hailing from Clan Amematsu, she is well-versed in the arts of combat and harnesses her immense physical power to overcome any adversary. Thalia's presence on the battlefield is awe-inspiring, and her determination in battle is matched only by her unwavering loyalty to her comrades.  

5. Jhadir:

Jhadir, a male lizardfolk mage, is a graduate of The Academy of Eight Pillars under the tutelage of the renowned Etria Olifina. Having specialized in the field of transmutation, Jhadir possesses a deep understanding of the arcane arts and has honed his skills to manipulate and reshape the fabric of reality itself. He now conducts his research and harnesses his magical abilities from The Convergence, a prestigious research facility located in the city of Azmar.  

6. Pallegina:

Among the members of the Wild Hunt, Pallegina stands out as an enigmatic figure. A fairfolk woman with a mysterious past, she has established extensive connections and relationships with influential individuals across the continent of Eos. Pallegina's vast network of contacts and her ability to leverage these connections make her an invaluable ally, providing the Wild Hunt with resources, information, and support when needed.   Together, the members of Wild Hunt form a cohesive and formidable team, combining their unique talents, combat prowess, magical abilities, diplomatic finesse, and vast network of resources. Their triumph over the orchestrated rebellion serves as a testament to their bravery, determination, and unwavering commitment to preserving peace and justice in the realm. As living legends, Wild Hunt continues to inspire awe and admiration among those who hear tales of their heroic exploits.
Adventuring Party