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Abeloths are a race of eldritch abominations that dwell within the darkest depths of the ocean, lurking in shadowy underwater caverns and other murky realms . They claim to be older than The twelve elder gods  themselves and serve as harbingers of madness and domination.   The origins of the Abeloths are shrouded in mystery, with speculation suggesting they may have emerged from the abyssal depths or were spawned by ancient underwater entities. Some tales even hint at dark rituals gone awry, resulting in the creation of these twisted beings   Abeloths are grotesque and otherworldly in appearance, with slimy bodies covered in mucus, multiple eyes that glow with an eerie light, and tentacles that writhe and thrash in the murky waters. Their presence exudes an aura of darkness and corruption, instilling fear and revulsion in those who encounter them.   As creatures of eldritch power, Abeloths possess a myriad of abilities suited to their underwater domain. They can spew mucus to ensnare their prey, take control of minds through psychic manipulation, and navigate the depths with ease using their tentacles.   Abeloths exert a subtle yet pervasive influence across the ocean depths, often attracting cults and followers who seek to harness their power or bring about chaos and domination. They claim to be older than the gods and are cunning and manipulative beings, capable of bending the wills of lesser creatures to serve their dark purposes.   Those who fall under the sway of an Abeloth may be transformed into servile creatures known as Abeloth Spawn, their minds and bodies twisted to serve the will of their eldritch master. These unfortunate individuals become enslaved to the will of the Abeloth, forever bound to its dark purposes    Encounters with Abeloths are rare and perilous, as they prefer to dwell in the deepest and darkest corners of the ocean where few dare to venture. Those who stumble upon their underwater lairs risk becoming ensnared in their schemes or falling victim to their insidious influence.   Throughout history, tales of Abeloths have been whispered in hushed tones among sailors and sea-faring folk, warning of their malevolent presence and the dire consequences of crossing their path. Few dare to delve too deeply into the mysteries of the ocean's depths, for fear of awakening these ancient horrors.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

After the death of an aboleth may it be from natural or unnatural cause thier layer will become dormant for one hundred years, his remaining Spawn will go into hibernation until his thier Master returns, after these years the lair will return to the previous status, the Spawn will wake up and defend the lair until 20 years later when a new adult aboleth will form with all the memories and powers of thier previous life

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Extremely high

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The names of abeloth are long and complicated sounds no humanoids has the ability to pronounce

Gender Ideals

Abeloth have no gender, they are aboleth and nothing else

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Abyssal, aqua

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aboleths loath each other and when by weird chance are encountered with others from their kind they will sent their slaves at each other with the purpose to kill the other, but these Encounters end usually with the retreat of the weaker of the two
About 1700 years
Average Length
10 meter


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