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Chromatic dragons

Chromatic dragons are the dragons of a single colour , they are the dragons of the evil part pf the alliment system, they are one of the two most well known types of dragons along side with the Metallic dragons and are the subjects and children of the dragon queen Tiamat , like all dragons they have hoards and live for tens of thousands of years and get stronger as time goes on    There are five types of common chromatic dragons    Red dragons  They are the most greedy and selfish kind of dragon, their alignment is chaotic evil and their hoard consists with mainly gold and powerful artifacts, they live on peaks of mountains and are the strongest type of chromatic dragons and their breath weapon is fire    Black dragons Black dragons are the cruelest type of dragon and love tormenting their servants, they mostly live in swamps and always breath acid and their hoard consists of mainly things who stays valuable for a very long time    Blue dragons  Blue dragons are lawful evil and love to toy with the mind of their victims, they live in the desert and breath lighting, they almost always fly blue dragons love to hoard beautiful treasures from gem to paintings   Green dragons Green dragons are the moat manipulative type of dragon and many times live near a settlement and have a lot of political power, they live in forests and breath poison, they love hoarding things who someone spent a long time working on along side with coins and gems for the purpose of bribing people in positions of power    White dragon White dragons are the most primal type of chromatic dragons and are the least smart and the weakest kind of chromatic dragons they breath frost and live in the coldest places that are possible and love to keep their hoard locked in ice and to have it glitter in the ice


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