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Derived from the elemental planes, Djinns embody air, water, earth, and fire elements. Rulers of Elemental planes  and occasional monarchs in the materialplane, they perceive themselves as superior to mortals, though few can enslave them.   Some rare Djinns wield the potent spell, Wish, a unique ability with limitations—usable only three times a decade and not at will.   Each Djinn's personality aligns with its elemental nature. Air Djinns resemble noble elders in azure attire, fire Djinns exude allure with red skin and fiery hair, earth Djinns emanate strength, and water Djinns captivate with beauty. Standing 4-5 meters tall, their appearances reflect their elemental essence.   the elder djinns , the original rulers, once led their kind. Over time, they were replaced, and none of the original Elder Djinns remain in power. But as an organization the elder djinns are still the highest authority of the djinns
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