Tessen Strongheart Character in Sirothil | World Anvil
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Tessen Strongheart

Tessen Strongheart

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, tall, and muscular.

Body Features

She is very tall, muscular, and no tattoos. She has a brand on her right wrist of her previous slave owner that she covers.

Identifying Characteristics

Hornless and a mohawk that turns into a braid.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally part of a raiding party. Her raiding party was defeated in combat during a raid which led to the capture of herself and two other minotaurs - her mate Galdar and Kyris, her raid chief.   The three of them were sold to a slave owner in Dernum and forced to fight in his pit. She was forced to fight Galdar first and she killed him with mercy and kindness. She was then forced to fight Kyris and killed him out of anger for his poor raid planning.   Once she survived her "initiation battles" her slave owner branded her and she was his.   Before Tessen, Galdar, and Kyris were out raiding, Tessen and Galdar were trying to have children. When they were taken, Tessen was pregnant and she lost the child during her fight with Galdar before she could peacefully and lovingly end his life.   Later that night she had the evidence of her miscarriage from Galdar stabbing her stomach. He did not know she was with child, and she didn't have the chance to tell him.   In the next few days, she had no rational thought. She knew she would have to fight Kyris. She lost her child and mate because of Kyris and his bad, selfish choices. She lost her child and mate because of these slave owners. During the day, she would thrash in her cell. During the night, she would wail and smash her fists and face into the wall.. letting blood flow and her anger grow. The day she fought Kyris she relished in his death and bathed in his blood. She wished she could continue killing him over and over again. The slave owner, Graghog Mudbelly, enjoyed this.. enthusiasm, and kept her around because of it.   After ruthless, bloodied fights Tessen won her freedom back and made her way towards Saltwind on foot until she met the party and settled her roots within them.

Gender Identity

Tessen identifies as female.


Tessen is just a sexual individual. After she killed Galdar, she mostly stuck with female one-night partners. At the battle for Saltwind, she believed she would not live afterward and found GB wanting to do exactly what she was wanting. He was the first male she had been with after Galdar and... she wants to keep it that way.


General education. A lot of war and raid training. Battle training. Brewing and carpentry education. Sailing education.


Mercenary, essentially. Partial owner of the Golden Cow.

Mental Trauma

Losing her unborn child and having to kill her mate. Being confined into a cage.


Contacts & Relations

Besides the party, Tessen has a fairly extended family. Her father is dead, but her mother, brother, and sister are all still alive - that she knows of.   After being without her mate, Galdar, for over a year, she found GB in an unexpected way and it has blossomed into something better than she predicted.   She also has many enemies; one being her brother, Koor and her previous slave owner, Graghog Mudbelly.

Religious Views

Tessen isn't religious. She believes in physical things. Things she can grasp, hit, hold, break. She doesn't deny religion, she just doesn't follow.

Wealth & Financial state

Tessen is apparently not great with money but she does have partial ownership of the Golden Cow, a tavern that GB created for her.

Motherly, crude, and a bit of a brute. Tessen is a loyal member of Omen's End. She is a capable fighter, a fierce friend, and a vulnerable partner to her mate.

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Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
New Saltwind
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and fur

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