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Imos, God Of Knowledge and Magic ('Im-mos)

Titles: The Divine Teacher, The Bookkeeper, The Great Librarian
Gender: Androgynous
Holy Symbol: An Open Book
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Cleric Alignments: Any Alignment, Except Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Air, Categorization, History, Inspiration, Knowledge, Magic, Teaching, Wisdom, Wizardry
Domains: Air, Arcana, Balance, Civilization, Dreams, Knowledge, Order, Portal, Rune, Skill, Undeath
Godly Weapon: Encyclopedia Arcana and The Staff of Imos
Favoured Weapon: Spells, Spellbooks and Staves
  Appearance: A gaseous humanoid captured by an embroidered opalescent white silken robe with golden accents. The shoulders seem to have a pauldron-like structure accenting the robes with a jewel eye on the front of both shoulders. Two autonomous brown leather gloves are separate from the robe with wisps of cloud connecting them to the main body. Various patterns line the robe of both the floral embroidery on the fine textiles of the plane and the gold accents.
  Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Air
Realm: The Zephyrous Great Library
Backstory: During the event known as the Great Pantheon Shift, a robed unseen servant in one of the Elemental Plane of Air’s archives vapourised due to the massive discharge of energy binding its essence to the robes. After being bound to the robes, the energy from the event plus the naturally occurring energy of the plane kick-started apotheosis giving the servant their own identity and powers. Uses its newfound powers and access to the archives to steal knowledge to build up its collection. After amassing a massive amount of knowledge, Imos constructed its archive from the ground upwards on its sky island. This Great library is filled with various air elementals such as guards, librarians and archivists. Some of Imos’ followers can ascend to work in the great library, granting them access to the biggest archive of knowledge in the crystal sphere.
  Allies And Enemies: Alohr will often take revenge on Imos for his raids with destructive results, often using the forbidden knowledge against Imos in spite of them. The conflicts between them are explosive and often leave mass amounts of devastation in their wake.
Mythial will occasionally raid his stores of knowledge, rarely getting caught. She leaves little notes announcing that she was the one who stole from him. This only agitates the god unless something irreplaceable was taken in which the god will get enraged, often lashing out to those who follow her.
Mythial will steal knowledge from Imos from time to time. This enrages the god of knowledge, especially if it is something they have yet to transcribe. Their retaliation is mostly focused upon her followers since they are the easiest for them to access and they cause mass harm if they don't hold back.
Aona, Erias, Koen, Nyrera, Rhaijun, Iesis, Cydall and Belan will all be pestered by this every curious god often annoying them for their knowledge and secrets so Imos can catalogue them and make sure he has every knowledge source in the crystal sphere.

Divine Domains

Air, Arcana, Balance, Civilization, Dreams, Knowledge, Order, Portal, Rune, Skill, Undeath


Encyclopedia Arcana: an age-old spellbook, its pages brimming with arcane knowledge. The book itself is a masterpiece of magical craftsmanship, its covers and pages inscribed with intricate runes and mystic symbols that seem to move and shift subtly, as though whispering secrets to those who can understand them. This is no mere book, but a living repository of arcane wisdom. It empowers its possessor with an unparalleled understanding of the magical arts, offering guidance in spellcasting and the intricacies of arcane theory. The encyclopedia is a treasure trove of spells and magical insights, covering a vast array of disciplines and schools of magic. It's not just a resource but an essential tool for any serious spellcaster, giving them access to magical abilities that would take lifetimes to master otherwise.
The Staff of Imos: a magical staff that captures the very essence of Imos, the deity it is named after. The staff is ornamented with a series of runes and an array of crystals, all of which shimmer with luminescent arcane energy. Far more than a decorative item, this staff serves as a potent amplifier for its wielder's magical capabilities. It not only augments the power of spells cast but also acts as an efficient conduit for channelling magical energy. With this staff in hand, even complex spells become easier to master, and magical feats that might be out of reach become suddenly attainable.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex Arcana: This holy tome is a vast repository of magical theory, spells, and the history of magical practice. New chapters are constantly being added by high-ranking clerics who have received divine inspiration from Imos.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol: An Open Book

Tenets of Faith

Dogma, Clergy And Temples: Places of worship are often built in places of learning or spellcraft as their section of the building with shrines. The clergy of Imos are dressed in white robes all uniquely embroidered by their wearer, the higher up they are the more gilded their robes are. Arcane casters often find themselves allies to the church or even as members to learn and further their magical knowledge of the world. Imos’ followers and their allies often go on raids to reclaim the lost knowledge held by those who follow Alohr, often slaying them in the process. The followers of Imos often create new spells after long times of research, spellcraft and experimentation. A sect of Imos followers corrupts the inner workings of the C.O.G. causing them to turn to the ways of Alohr and hoard their knowledge and experiments.
  The belief system of Imos revolves around the sanctity and ethical usage of knowledge and magic. Knowledge is considered the ultimate form of power, which should be neither hoarded nor destroyed but carefully catalogued, preserved, and responsibly disseminated. This forms the bedrock of the dogma. Temples dedicated to Imos often double as academic institutions or grand libraries. Not just places of worship, these temples are sites of rigorous intellectual activity where the boundaries of arcane magic are constantly pushed and tested. The altar in such temples usually features an open book under a beam of light, symbolizing enlightenment through knowledge.
  Clerics and spiritual devotees of Imos come from various academic backgrounds; they could be librarians, researchers of arcane magic, or even adventurous scholars. They undergo thorough intellectual training and are usually expected to contribute in some form to the Zephyrous Great Library. This could be through original research, recovering lost texts, or confronting and defeating those who misuse magic. The clergy members wear white robes, each embroidered uniquely by its wearer, with the level of gilding on the robes indicating their rank within the religious hierarchy.
  Within the temple, clergy members hold specific ranks that dictate their roles and responsibilities. The ranks, starting from the lowest, include Elemental Page, responsible for mundane tasks like basic documentation; Scroll Wright, tasked with the transcribing and preservation of magical texts; Arcane Accumulator, who venture into the world to seek and retrieve arcane knowledge; Spellcrafters or Runecrafters, who are adept in creating new spells or magical runes; Protectors of Knowledge, the guardians of the temple’s library and assets; and Divine Lexicon, the highest-ranking officials privy to Imos' divine wisdom and overseeing critical magical or theological projects.
  Imos' Arcane Protectors:
Imos doesn’t have paladins in the traditional sense, but rather Arcane Protectors—warrior scholars armed with both blade and spell. These individuals swear to guard the secrets and vast knowledge that Imos presides over. These highly specialized protectors serve as the military and intelligence arm of Imos' clergy. Trained in both martial and arcane arts, an Arcane Protector is equally adept at deciphering an ancient scroll as they are at wielding enchanted weapons. These elite guardians often carry the "Tome of Insight," an enchanted spellbook that helps in countering magic, and the "Stave of Illumination," a weapon imbued with the power to dispel illusions and reveal hidden truths. The Arcane Protectors adhere to the Vow of Wisdom, a solemn oath that emphasizes the protection and propagation of knowledge in all its forms. This makes them highly pragmatic, and capable of adapting their strategies based on the wisdom they continually acquire. Their ability to think critically allows them to make enlightened decisions where less nuanced approaches would fail.
  Their role within the temples of Imos and other places of learning is multifaceted. They serve as the high-security force, safeguarding important texts and artifacts, and ensuring that only those worthy may access them. Their responsibilities also extend into the field of research; they actively seek out lost knowledge, often venturing into perilous realms to retrieve ancient texts or to secure powerful magical artifacts.
  When not safeguarding temples or on quests for lost wisdom, Arcane Protectors often serve as academic advisors, archivists, or magical consultants. Their influence is felt in magical guilds, schools of wizardry, and even among political circles where the strategic application of arcane power and knowledge can be decisive.
  Tenets of Faith:
Sanctity of Knowledge: To destroy knowledge is to commit the highest sin.
Ethical Arcanum: Magic is a tool, not a weapon to be used for personal gain.
Wisdom’s Duty: One must strive to better oneself and the world through learning.
Balance in All Things: Both arcane and divine magic are to be valued, and neither should overshadow the other.
  Clerical Ranks:
Elemental Page: Initiates who take care of mundane tasks and basic documentation.
Scroll Wright: Those responsible for transcribing and preserving magical texts.
Arcane Accumulator: Individuals tasked with going out into the world to find and bring back new sources of arcane knowledge.
Spellcrafter/Runecrafter: Skilled magicians capable of creating new spells or magical runes.
Protector of Knowledge: The defenders of the temple, armed with potent magical items and spells to safeguard the library.
Divine Lexicon: The highest-ranking officials who have direct access to Imos' divine wisdom and oversee large-scale magical projects or theological decisions.
  Ranking System: The ranks are not just titles but denote various responsibilities and access levels within the Zephyrous Great Library. A Divine Lexicon, for example, can access the most sensitive and restricted tomes, while an Elemental Page may only touch the publically accessible manuscripts. The higher ranks may also have a seal or ring, enchanted to allow them access to restricted areas of the Zephyrous Great Library in the Elemental Plane of Air.
  Elemental Page: These are the novices, often wearing plain white robes with a single elemental symbol stitched at the hem, symbolizing their connection to the Elemental Plane of Air.
Scroll Wright: Their robes gain a single gold stripe around the cuffs and hem. They also start wearing a pendant with the symbol of an open book, indicating their role in the preservation of knowledge.
Arcane Accumulator: These individuals add to their robe intricate, swirling patterns in silver embroidery, mimicking arcane runes. They are also given a satchel specifically designed to hold scrolls and spellbooks safely.
Spellcrafter/Runecrafter: Their robes have additional coloured accents (often blue or purple), and they wear a medallion displaying a unique spell or rune that they have mastered or created. The medallion signifies their role as magical artisans.
Protector of Knowledge: These clerics have robes with gilded pauldrons, mimicking the ones that Imos has. Their medallions upgrade to a magical trinket that serves both as a symbol of rank and as a minor magical item, often related to defence or information gathering.
Divine Lexicon: At this rank, their robe is fully gilded with magical patterns that slightly move, almost as if whispering arcane secrets. They also carry a staff that is a replica of the Staff of Imos, symbolizing their authority and closeness to the deity.


Day of the Arcane: Celebrated annually, where new magical theories and spells are unveiled.
  The Night of Whispering Tomes: A lunar event during which the most potent of spells are said to be revealed by Imos themselves.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Known Goals of Imos: "To foster intellectual curiosity and wisdom among mortals. Imos advocates for a society where enlightenment, reason, and collective wisdom guide decision-making."
  Hidden Goals of Imos: "Imos seeks to recover forgotten knowledge and ancient truths to prepare the world for unknown cosmic challenges. This is often done through a secret clergy sect, 'The Order of the Unveiled Scroll,' dedicated to unearthing arcane wisdom."
Divine Classification
Greater Deity/Greater Elemental


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